Paranormal Adept
Just heard that a Republican congressman has indicated - sorry for lack of details, heard it as I was walking through the television room and no details forthcoming from those there in non-listening mode - in no uncertain terms, that the 'endgame is the defunding of Obamacare' and that the government will stay shut-down until Obama does just that. The defunding of Obamacare is the negotiating term. Nothing else to be negotiated.
LINK: Democrats Plan to Use the GOP's Own Bill Against Them to End Government Shutdown
"Dems have hit on a way to use a 'discharge petition', which forces a House vote if a majority of Representatives signs it, to try to force the issue. Previously, it was thought this could not work, because a discharge petition takes 30 legislative days to ripen, so if this were tried with the clean CR that passed the Senate, this couldn’t bear fruit until some time in November.
"That bill Representatives Chris Van Hollen and George Miller will reportedly use (The Government Shutdown Prevention Act) happens to be a Republican bill, so that’s rather fitting. Jennifer Bendery, who covers the White House for The Huffington Post, tweeted, “Dem Rep. George Miller on rounding up 218 votes for discharge petition: ‘We expect we can get them all in one day.’”
LINK: Democrats Plan to Use the GOP's Own Bill Against Them to End Government Shutdown
"Dems have hit on a way to use a 'discharge petition', which forces a House vote if a majority of Representatives signs it, to try to force the issue. Previously, it was thought this could not work, because a discharge petition takes 30 legislative days to ripen, so if this were tried with the clean CR that passed the Senate, this couldn’t bear fruit until some time in November.
"That bill Representatives Chris Van Hollen and George Miller will reportedly use (The Government Shutdown Prevention Act) happens to be a Republican bill, so that’s rather fitting. Jennifer Bendery, who covers the White House for The Huffington Post, tweeted, “Dem Rep. George Miller on rounding up 218 votes for discharge petition: ‘We expect we can get them all in one day.’”