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Ted Phillips

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The Ted Phillips show ranks as one of my all-time favourite Paracast episodes. I'm glad I finally got to hear it. Ted has written extensively in several editions of the MUFON Journal about the Marley Woods case - can't remember if this was in 2006 or 2007. But all MUFON journals up until the end of 2007 are now available online, if you want to check it out:


I found the Delphos case fascinating, as well as the alleged artefact in Slovakia. The Slovakia story reminded me of the tales of alleged strange artefacts in the Yakutia region of Siberia. No idea if there's any truth to either story, but here's a link to some details of the Yakutia story, if anyone's interested in this kind of thing:


I hope we get to hear a lot more of Ted Phillips on the show. Well done, Gene and Dave, on recent choices of guests, from Leslie Kean, right up to the most recent show.
Miah said:
They are on their website and in the videos as mentioned above...

I have been up and down their site and I can not find these images. Can you please point me to the right place. It would be much appreciated.
Interesting tale about the Czeq republic - reminded me of Nick Cook's quest to find 'The Bell' test site - another alleged Nazi project.

Nick did find the 'Bell' test site in the end - or at least he believes he did. I wonder if the cave is related to 'the Bell' story?

There's also some weird connections between the Czeq republic, BMW, the Skoda factory and the Nazis.

All this from Nick Cook's "The Hunt for Zero Point" - an interesting read.

A caller to a recent "Shadows in the Dark" podcast asked the guest, Dr Joseph Farrell (author of two books on The Bell ... a third one coming out soon I think) about the Ted Philips story, and he'd not heard of it.

However, he was suitably intrigued and was told where to look for more information about it. Dr Farrell thought that it might have some bearing on where The Bell went at the end of WW2 (also apparently, there were rumours of the Nazis carrying on their experiments in South America after the end of WW2).

I have said it more than once before, I believe Dr Farrell and Nick Cook would be fabulous paracast guests. I think the Nazi Bell may hold some of the clues to what we see in the skies around us sometimes.

Dr Farrell also has just written a book on the Unified Field Theory, and the possibility that The Philadephia Experiment may actually have taken place using said theory as a base of sorts.

If you want your mind to be blown, you can find Dr Farrell's appearance on the Shadows in the Dark podcast here:


Its the September 18th, 2008 episode.
I just listened to this show (currently going through all the shows) I found Ted one of the most compelling guests and what an excellent episode. I tried to find his website but the link from the shownotes goes nowwhere.
I remember him saying in the show he was looking to get it hosted on a server or something.... Sounded like a lot of good things were coming our way but then , nothing has materialised.

Anyone now any info on what ted is doing now or whats happened ?
Professor Farrell and Ted Phillips interview would be very interesting indeed. The NAZIS managed to release a number of U-Boats out of Norway and France during 1944 due to bad weather the rumor goes. In addition a top NAZI who would become second in command after Hitlers death was captured while escorting them out of the French harbor with the elite P-Boats.
