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Ted Phillips

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Yes rest assures fellow forumarians, if the alleged photo doesn't appear then Captain Snide from D.I.R.T (Debunker Instant Response Team) will be deployed to make sure that there is no funny business going on here i.e anything paranormal because as we know , the "MOVEMENT" dictates that any rumors of anything paranormal must be quashed!!:):):)
Whilst Lance's tone often isn't (and certainly wasn't in this case) respectful to the people who have come on to the show to give us information about their studies, I do think that 'needless attack' is a little harsh. The people on this forum all come from different backgrounds, all have different views.. but its not beyond the boundaries for us to ask for a little evidence from the guests.
You have to remember that a large proportion of this fanbase was built up on a paracast that 'asked the hard questions'.... that asked for evidence in an effort to make a differentiation between something that has actual evidence against something that is just hear'say. Sure, 'field researchers' like Chris might say that the average message board person might never have got their hands dirty, and might never have hand their hand up a dead cows arse, but is it too much that we ask for a bit of evidence from time to time.
For all i know, Ted is the best researcher of our times... for all i know he could be a legend in ufology.... but one thing I do know, is that he has been studying this stuff for about 20 years, and has never produced anything that is even remotely interesting in terms of evidence.
I have listened to all of his podcasts recently, from paratopia to the paracast, and all I have heard is excuses about him not having time to post the evidence, or not wanting to tell people about the symbols on UFO's he has had described to him in an effort to keep his work unbiased.
If you don't believe me, go back and download all of his appearances over the last few years and listen to them. All you will hear is the same old stories and no evidence.
Let me make one thing straight, i get damn annoyed by so called 'skeptics' taking a cynical tone of voice and claiming that they 'know' the answer to the UFO phenomenon is definitely not paranormal... since there is not enough evidence to prove either way, and anyone who thinks that, is as closed minded as the person who thinks that Aliens have definitely arrived and the government is covering it all up.
However, it is a totally legitimate call to ask for a tiny bit of evidence from Ted, since he has been telling us about this stuff for years, and he has accepted many monetary donations for his research from the public....
If that counts as a needless attack, then ban me
I'm quoting this post because it puts into words my thoughts better than I can.

I went to the thread with the creature, hair sample, and track photos. I have my thoughts on those pictures, but I won't share them. No one here would want to hear them, and I don't want to say something I'll regret.

I should have stuck to my guns and walked away from this when I said I would. But you know I always think, "well, I should give it one more chance, just one more."

I never learn.
Yes rest assures fellow forumarians, if the alleged photo doesn't appear then Captain Snide from D.I.R.T (Debunker Instant Response Team) will be deployed to make sure that there is no funny business going on here i.e anything paranormal because as we know , the "MOVEMENT" dictates that any rumors of anything paranormal must be quashed!!:):):)

Phil, thanks for adding the smiley faces, or I would have thought that you were serious.

---------- Post added at 06:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 AM ----------

I'm quoting this post because it puts into words my thoughts better than I can.

I went to the thread with the creature, hair sample, and track photos. I have my thoughts on those pictures, but I won't share them. No one here would want to hear them, and I don't want to say something I'll regret.

I should have stuck to my guns and walked away from this when I said I would. But you know I always think, "well, I should give it one more chance, just one more."

I never learn.

You can go to that thread and make what ever comment you like, as long as you stay within the forum rules, no one can fault you for your opinion. I posted my thoughts, and I doubt that they'll be popular.
It's always been hard to know on the forums about which guests there could be critical comments and which must be tiptoed around. Now it has been implied that asking for promised evidence can also be called a personal attack if you don't ask just right. I note that calling me a disinformation agent assigned to these forums to spread lies is not apparently seen as a personal attack.

I have tried very hard to eliminate (or more realistically for me, reduce) the ad hominem attacks in my own posts and I hope that I have been somewhat successful in that. My next effort has got to be trying to eliminate some of the sarcasm.

This particular topic does go to the credibility of the person. I am certain that Ted is a good guy and nice and all that. But most anyone can see serious problems with his methodology, organization and analysis. Even an armchair researcher like me.

When the topic of the photo came up I expected something like:

1. No photo would ever appear (this was what I was guessing would happen).
2. The photo would not show detail enough to make any conclusions at all (out of focus, too dark, too far away, etc.--in the Erik Beckjord style)

Because I have seen these kinds of thing many times before, I never even considered:

3. Clear photo of cryptid.

Now that I see the actual photo, I suppose we are left where we started: with nothing in the way of evidence but a bag filled overflowing with claims. For many folks apparently, that is enough.


I need to add here that it would be disingenuous of me to suggest that I wasn't being a dick about how I was asking for this photo. I was. And I need to work on that kind of thing, too.

Lance, I'm sure if it happened in the real world, the little kid who pointed out that the emperor had no clothes would be told to shut up. Perhaps even get a spanking at home. You did nothing wrong. You showed a lot of restraint in your posts. You knew, like I and others did, this all would not end well. The evidence supplied may be enough for some. Let them carry the train that does not exist. I want no part of it.

I hope you keep doing what you do. If you get banned it will be to the loss of all of us.
I heard this Ted Philips episode a while back and checked this forum to see if there was any information about how I could see the clear photo of the cryptid. I remembered this tonight and came back to see if there was any news. Someone here said they would post the photo in a different thread. Which thread would that be?

BTW, I have been enjoying the new Paracast and like Chris O'Brien as the co-host. I am now giving the forum a second chance as well.

-- Jim
The dimensional doorway talk is really interesting. Reminds me of the pics from the Bradshaw Ranch. I like archeology, anthropology..especially Native American history in their own words. I remember reading that the gateways between the worlds are growing thin now and more of this phenomenon would be appearing. I do believe them, too. It sounds like it can be dangerous sometimes, so I hope Ted Phillips takes care in his investigations.
A thinny is a "weak spot" in reality, where the fabric of reality has been worn thin. They are described as looking like large blobs of mercury and emit a warbling sound similar to a musical saw. This sound can set a person's teeth on edge and/or hypnotize the victim. Besides the insanity-inducing buzzing and warbling sound, the thinny plays on a person's thoughts, telling them what they want to hear and promising a fine outcome. Death is more likely. Transportation into other universes is possible by simply walking into a thinny, but this is a rare outcome. In Wizard and Glass the main characters end up passing from All-World into Topeka, Kansas in the world of The Stand by riding Blaine the Mono through a thinny that is breaking between the two worlds. In flashbacks presented in the same novel, Roland encountered a thinny earlier in life that entered into a world filled with monsters that almost "devour" an entire army.


I'm sorry for the hijack I just couldn't resist. My favorite author just announced a return to the world of the Dark Tower and talk of "thin" places in reality made me think of it.

Thankee Sai.
Long days and plesant nights. :cool: