If it is a simplistic question to ask where a claimant for the creator of the universe
originated from then I put to you it is equally dismissive of the complexity of the situation to state that the universe requires a maker to account for it.
I also, appreciate the conversation. I don't personally "believe" that a man in the sky fashioned the universe. Nor, do I think it "has" to have someone who did. It's just as likely to be (and I think more likely since here it is) intentional as unintentional. I give meaning to my life by observing, by being. Now I'm not a PHD myself but it seems to me to be kind of like the observer at the quantom level. But, all I know is I am and I have intention. Therefore "to me" exsistence has intention. Still, that is going farther down the rabbit hole and I go back to my own observation. As to what I hold in my mind when I say God? Well, you may as well ask me what I hold in my mind when I say "me." Not, being flip here but if you were to say to me. "Steve, what are you?" I would say "Me." You might then say but where are you? How are you, you? I can point to a being in the mirror and say "there I am." But, then you might say where? In the head? Well, no not really. "In the hand?" Well, no not really. "In the brain?" Well, no not really. There are very good researchers who find that the "brain" setting in one place inside my head doesn't account for everything I expereince. It seems to be a conductor or a reciever as much as a "starter." So, when I can tell you what I am, then I can honestly tell you what God is. "I" have memories of being in another place and time. I have known things and expereinced things outside of space and time. But, were they products of a misfiring mass of grey matter? Maybe, but I don't think so. I have always questioned things. That's one reason I'm not in a church today. that's one reason I'm not a materilist today. That's one reason I don't join organizations and label myself or call myself liberal or conservative. I am the observer. What I am "now" has much to do with the place and time and body I was born with. That "me" will be (imo) found to be simply a "role" or an experince and not the definitive "I am" which is what I find in deep prayer and meditation (neither of which I've been able to really enter into lately.) I can't go back to my "church" and be a good fundi Christian. I can't go back to my 25 year old self and flirt with atheism. I can only go forward and from here I'm still learning. Anyway, words fail me (hard to believe)
at times like this. I will continue to call my inner dialog with God/Holy Spirit/Being/Jesus Christ/center of existence or whatever other "words" I have to use if somebody ask me. But, I don't beat folks over the head with a bible. I don't cut off head for Allah's sake and I don't pretend that I am absolutely sure of any "single" worldview. I also am very moved by some things in the bible and very W.T.F. with others.
It's kind of like my story about the Hindu Mystic I referenced in an earlier post. I'm not a Hindu and never will be. But, "some" of that worldview makes perfect sense to me. So, does some atheistic and agnostic and Buddist worldview. But, at the end of the day. I have to follow my inner dialog and life expereince. I can't really give you any other reason for what I hold in my mind. I am in the mental health field on a very simple level. But, I do know enough to know that chemicals and brain function and life expereince and intent and trauma and all those things have much to do with how we manifest our being on in this life. So, does prayer and meditation and lifestyle and health. I see meaning to life and death and I see hope and rebirth. Works for me but I don't try to impose it on anybody else. So, we can continue to agree to disagree. Gosh, I look back and I'm embaressed to have written such a long winded post.