So we opened up to Russia, we backed off building the missile-defense sheild in Europe to a great disappointment of many of our allies and what happened as a result? We got the middle finger from Putin. Why doesn't he show some good faith and give us some support on santions on Iran, at least? Or does it only go one way? We become transparent, capitulate to their demands and what do they have to show for it? In order to build trust it needs to go both ways, otherwise it's an exercise in futility and a dangerous one at that.
I'm all for transpency and cooperation but let's first think of who we're dealing with here and apply some common sense. Wishful thinking is not going to get us far, in fact, it's going to get us destroyed. Just look at the history of the world.
Repect in the world? It's all a matter of perspective. Some countries hate us because we watch too much porn or we drive big SUVs or we put our women in the position of power. We're never going to make everybody happy. Sure, we've made some mistakes in the past, but the fact of the matter is people still want to come here and live in freedom, while we still have any. Many coutries still look to us for protection whether you like it or not and when shit hits the fan it will be our military doing most of the fighting and dying as they are right now in Iraq and Afghanistan. If that doesn't merit respect, I don't know what does.