Nathanael Mallow
Skilled Investigator
focus on the really important content of the Meier case
Well said

I am not Michael
Anyone may Google me as I use my real name
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focus on the really important content of the Meier case
You didn't read what she wrote.
Go read it again.
THE STATMENTS WERE NOT MINE TTHEY ARE FROM HORN POSTED TO SHOW MALLOW TALKS LIKE HORN.There has been almost no end to the attempted debunking of the photos of the so-called Wedding Cake UFO (WCUFO) by what, frankly, can only be called inept, illogical skeptics. Now I’m not being harsh on people just because they are critical of the case or the evidence. I am being harsh on those people to whom much evidence has been given, and of whom many important questions were asked, who have absolutely failed to do their homework – but nonetheless continue to make completely unsubstantiated attacks on Meier as a hoaxer.
Hopefully, some common sense and clear thinking will now prevail so that people will focus on the really important content of the Meier case. The Meier case is about our future survival. And people, especially in the U.S., need to see through the efforts of debunkers and skeptics who want to maintain the status quo of blissful ignorance, if we are to have a chance of waking up in time to what is otherwise coming our way.
Mr. mallow? NOPE Michel Horn.. If he is not Mr. Horn he copy's him well