Great discussion! I wanted to pass along some concepts/resources that have helped me tremendously when thinking about this topic. (These concepts/resources were shared by
@smcder in another topic here at the paracast. I can't thank him enough! However, that's
not to say that he agrees with anything I'm about to write below, haha.)
There are two common approaches to the nature of reality: physical monism and physical/mental dualism. However, when it comes to describing consciousness, issues arise with both of these views.
The issue with physical monism - the idea that reality is composed of one primal physical substance - is that upon truly deep reflection/investigation, the mind (thoughts, emotions, experiences, etc.) does not appear to be made of physical substance. The mind may correlate with physical processes involving the manipulation of physical information, but does not appear to be one and the same. That is to say, the physical process of a brain and a stream of particles exchanging information correlates with, but is not the same as,
experiencing the color red.
Many smart people reject the idea that this is an issue; they might say that the physical
processing of the particles by the brain is also the physical
experience of red by the brain. However, there is no objective, scientific way to observe
experience. We can observe via an MRI areas of an individual's brain lighting up while they are experiencing, and we can record their
descriptions of what they are experiencing, but we
cannot objectively observe their experiences. Thus, experience/mind does not appear
itself to be physical, though it is closely correlated with the physical exchange of information.
The issue with physical/mental dualism - the idea that reality is composed of two primal substances that cannot reduce into one another - is one of interaction. If the universe is composed of two entirely separate substances, how do these substances interact?
A common argument is that the
physical brain has a
spiritual mind/soul beamed into it from a non-local locale. If this beamed mind/soul is indeed non-physical, how might it interface with and control the physical body?
A competing idea is
Reflexive Monism and/or
Property Dualism. While these concepts may not be perfectly identical, I believe that overlap in many ways.
The idea seems to be that reality (what-is) is composed of one primal, irreducible substance of which everything else is composed (differentiated).
But, every unit of this substance has both a physical and a mental property. (Keep in mind that "unit" is non-specific; we don't know the form of this primal substance: it might be a field, a vibration, a particle, a string, a charge, a spin, etc.)
When units of this primal substance differentiate, various physical and mental phenomena occur such as physical bursts of light and mental streams of consciousness.
When the primal substance differentiates into systems such as brains, physical information is exchanged between the brain and the environment. This differentiated exchange of information results in an accumulated, differentiated stream of the mental property.This stream of mental
is experience/mind. So while the exchange of physical information gives rise to this stream of mental, it is not actually the stream of mental (commonly called a stream of consciousness).
This concept is a panpsychist one, in that mental is a fundamental aspect of reality. Mental is present at even the most primal level of reality. However, the mental is not to be confused with mind/experience or self-aware consciousness.
The stream of mind/experience results from the exchange of information between complex, differentiated physical systems.
Self-aware streams of mind/experience result from the exchange of information between
uber complex physical systems such as the human brain.
So a non-self-aware creature such as a mouse will have a stream of mind/experience just as human has a stream of mind/experience, but a human will have a stream of mind that is
aware of itself.