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The Canary Island Sphere

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Stagger Lee

Paranormal Adept
Just heard about this case. June 22, 1976. Multiple witnesses told the same story, including a doctor who was out making a house call- while driving came upon a sphere in which sat two large humanoid figures between 8 and 10 feet tall. Having reached his destination, when this object started to rise, the family of his patient and a neighbor watched the object grow in size while the figures remained the same size.
A naval ship stationed just off the coast, witnessed a similiar object about the same time- entire crew watched a dazzling light show about 40 minutes. A report released through a type of freedom of info act, showed that the doctor and other witnesses were considered reliable, but that their description of the beings in the object were just to far fetched to believe.
What an interesting case. Anyone familiar with this incident, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Just heard about this case. June 22, 1976. Multiple witnesses told the same story, including a doctor who was out making a house call- while driving came upon a sphere in which sat two large humanoid figures between 8 and 10 feet tall. Having reached his destination, when this object started to rise, the family of his patient and a neighbor watched the object grow in size while the figures remained the same size.
A naval ship stationed just off the coast, witnessed a similiar object about the same time- entire crew watched a dazzling light show about 40 minutes. A report released through a type of freedom of info act, showed that the doctor and other witnesses were considered reliable, but that their description of the beings in the object were just to far fetched to believe. What an interesting case. Anyone familiar with this incident, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Interesting case. The Wikipedia article on it is here: 1976 Canary Island UFO sighting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The conventional explanation for the night sightings by the Spanish Navy is that they correspond directly with times and dates that the US fired submarine based Poseidon intercontinental ballistic missiles from its eastern missile range, which reaches from Cape Canaveral to Ascension Island ( presumably as some sort of exercise ). The civilian report is another matter.

I also find it to be a rather convenient coincidence that whenever some strange object is seen by civilians, the military always comes up with some mundane explanation involving some sort of test or exercise. The blue sphere ( if true ) was obviously no missile test, but the content of that report is somewhat incongruous. For example a translucent blue globe 30 meters wide sounds like some other reports I've read, and I've seen something like that myself, but the addition of the consoles on a metal platform with beings operating them seems odd. Not that this may not have been exactly what was observed, but it seems analogous to somebody describing a modern automobile, but with wagon wheels tacked on instead of tires, and operated by a couple of cowhands sitting on a bench bolted to the roof.
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Perhaps, it was the only way to describe what was witnessed. We can assume that the platform that seperated the two beings was not actually metal, just that the witnesses may have been at a loss for words to describe. Interesting though, that authorities were in a tough position to just dismiss the event because a Doctor was involved- yet, the description of the pilots were just too bizarre for them to take serious.
Can we assume any type of UAP directly related to a missles test, shouldn't last the 40 minutes described by the crew of the navy ship? I ask because I really have no idea. There is a photo of the event available at ufocasebook.com. That this coincided with the incredible event described by the doctor and other witnesses does make you wonder though.
Perhaps, it was the only way to describe what was witnessed. We can assume that the platform that seperated the two beings was not actually metal, just that the witnesses may have been at a loss for words to describe. Interesting though, that authorities were in a tough position to just dismiss the event because a Doctor was involved- yet, the description of the pilots were just too bizarre for them to take serious.
I suppose it's possible that the console and platform was what generated the bubble, like some sort of Star Trek type shield generator that also allows the device to levitate and maneuver. That type of technology is probably still beyond our engineering knowledge now, and I'd even take a leap of faith by saying I'm as certain as the Moon isn't made of cheese that it was beyond our capability back in the 70s. BTW: The blue sphere I saw was smaller ( about the size of a car or small van ) and brighter and maneuvered radically in precise ways beyond the capability of any of our technology. I was too far away to make out any surface or interior details, but I see no reason that some sort of similar and larger craft couldn't be built. These bluish white spheres have been observed by a lot of people, and having seen one myself, I'm 100% convinced that at least some of the other stories out there must be true as well.
speaking of the website ufocasebook.com, there is a great pic of a red sphere taken by a couple on a camping trip- I believe they spotted it hovering above a lake. Great detail, assuming it is genuine.
speaking of the website ufocasebook.com, there is a great pic of a red sphere taken by a couple on a camping trip- I believe they spotted it hovering above a lake. Great detail, assuming it is genuine.

Linking it up would help ( and help ufocasebook too ).

This one I presume:


There aren't many details to go with the report. No indication of maneuvers. Only that it appeared to be directly overhead and seemed to descend. No indication is given for how it departed or went out of sight. This allows us to suggest a couple of mundane explanations. The first would be a bolide that had exploded high up in the atmosphere, and the second, a high altitude atmospheric test such as a barium cloud experiment. This creates uncertainty about the object ( or whatever it is ) being a UFO ( alien craft ), and therefore this picture should be classed as what NARCAP calls a UAP ( Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon ).
Credible reports described in these kinds of terms tend to push my view of the phenomenon as being more akin to a window into our space-time as opposed to an object moving within it. Very strange and very interesting.
Credible reports described in these kinds of terms tend to push my view of the phenomenon as being more akin to a window into our space-time as opposed to an object moving within it. Very strange and very interesting.

If you're referring to CI, if memory serves, there was evidence of heat below the object, a burned onion patch(?). That certainly suggests a presence in our own space time. Btw it's not unusual for witnesses to see things like control panels inside UFOs. Look at Hill, 15 years earlier. CI is an interesting case I first read about over 20 years ago, in Good's Above Top Secret.
If you're referring to CI, if memory serves, there was evidence of heat below the object, a burned onion patch(?). That certainly suggests a presence in our own space time. Btw it's not unusual for witnesses to see things like control panels inside UFOs. Look at Hill, 15 years earlier. CI is an interesting case I first read about over 20 years ago, in Good's Above Top Secret.

I know these points have been discussed here at great length, and for good reason as we try to find a crack in the UFO's armor of self-denial. There should be nothing non-compatible with a phenomenon that is both a window into our space-time and is capable of leaving trace evidence behind. The difficulties on this point in light of events such as the Canary Island incident are two (shades of Monty Python ;) ). The first is finding a differential diagnosis between objects confined to moving within our space and time as defined by classical physics, vs a more exotic scenario we so casually label "multi-dimensional". The label at present is just that, a term for models of reality that seem to exist mostly as mathematical proofs.

The second issue is sociological and sits on stilts about as rickety as our concept of inter-dimensional travel. It asks why an alien intelligence, ET or otherwise, interacts with us in such a persistent and "tricksterish" manner.

Nothing new here. I sometimes can't escape the notion that we are asking questions in search of answers that are "not even wrong".
I know these points have been discussed here at great length, and for good reason as we try to find a crack in the UFO's armor of self-denial.
What do you mean by that? Please elaborate.
There should be nothing non-compatible with a phenomenon that is both a window into our space-time and is capable of leaving trace evidence behind. The difficulties on this point in light of events such as the Canary Island incident are two (shades of Monty Python ;) ).
Hypothetically travel between universes should be possible, and because our universe ( astronomical context ) is delineated by the boundaries of our particular spacetime, it may be possible for material objects from another spacetime to navigate into ours and leave trace evidence. This is a highly contentious theory, but at least it's coherent.
The first is finding a differential diagnosis between objects confined to moving within our space and time as defined by classical physics, vs a more exotic scenario we so casually label "multi-dimensional". The label at present is just that, a term for models of reality that seem to exist mostly as mathematical proofs.
Indeed. The term "dimension" is bandied about in casual conversation the same way the word "dinosaur" is. For example the Dimetrodon isn't a dinosaur, but if you showed a picture of one to most people they'd call it one anyway, not realizing that it simply doesn't belong in that category. Similarly, dimensions and universes are separate but related ideas. One works when describing a hypothetical place from which objects can come from. The other doesn't. Dimensionality doesn't logically accommodate that possibility.
The second issue is sociological and sits on stilts about as rickety as our concept of inter-dimensional travel. It asks why an alien intelligence, ET or otherwise, interacts with us in such a persistent and "tricksterish" manner.
The elusive behavior of alien craft seems entirely normal to me. We act very similar when we decide we're going to go study some group of predators in the wild. We're curious but we keep a safe distance. Once in a while we tranquilize and capture one for study. Perhaps in the future we'll get some version of an alien Jane Goodall who will come down and brave living among some of us.
Nothing new here. I sometimes can't escape the notion that we are asking questions in search of answers that are "not even wrong".
Not sure what you mean by that.
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Just heard about this case. June 22, 1976. Multiple witnesses told the same story, including a doctor who was out making a house call- while driving came upon a sphere in which sat two large humanoid figures between 8 and 10 feet tall. Having reached his destination, when this object started to rise, the family of his patient and a neighbor watched the object grow in size while the figures remained the same size.
here's a sneak peak at my Canary Island wave of 1979 from the forthcoming, Stalking the Herd:

Canary in a Coal Mine?
The following cases unfolded over the spring, summer and fall of 1979 and the actual details are little known outside of the “mute” investigator community. Islands around the world have reports outbreaks of unexplained animal deaths. The Canary Islands are a good example. These 13 islands, collectively called the Canary Islands, are Spanish possessions located off the northwest coast of Africa. The largest of the islands are Tenerife, Gran Canaria (Grand Canary) and Fuerteventura. The Canaries feature a mild climate and rugged, mountainous terrain. World attention was focused on the Canaries when a major airline crash-disaster occurred on the runway at Tenerife.

A spectacular sighting event had occurred the night of June 22, 1976, when the Spanish Navy corvette Atrevida, anchored several miles off Punta Lantailla, Fuerteventura Island, observed a "bright yellow light traveling above the horizon." The object had no radar signature. The light became a 'luminous' rotating beam and then a glowing halo grew around the object. The halo lasted for some time and its light could be seen by witnesses aboard ship reflecting off the water—illuminating the shoreline. By the conclusion of the sighting event, the light had been observed by the entire ship's complement. Meanwhile, Doctor Francisco Padron Leon was in a taxi outside of the town of Guia headed to see a patient in nearby Las Rosas, Gran Canaria. While traveling in the cab, at 9:30, he and the driver witnessed a glowing blue sphere that appeared to be hovering close to the ground in front of the vehicle. Leon described the spherical object as having a radius of approximately 100' and being "sufficiently transparent for him to make out the stars in the night sky beyond." He also testified to Spanish Air Force investigators that he could see two figures inside working at consoles that were mounted on a metal platform occupying the lower third of the sphere. He said they dressed in red. The two of them witnessed the sphere fill up with "bluish smoke" from inside the sphere, which appeared to expand the sphere to the size of approximately a 20 story building. The huge object then rose into the air and flew off in the direction of Tenerife. The descriptions of the growing object are unique and few sighting claims have ever described this exaggerated growth effect. No known unexplained animal deaths were reported around the time of the ’76 sighting event.

Most of the following unexplained animal incidents occurred on the island of Tenerife, but 1979 also featured strange, perplexing events that seemed to emerge all over the Canaries. We will be primarily concerned with the strange animal deaths that occurred, but as you will see, other possibly related events i.e., UFO and craft sightings may be connected with the unexplained animal deaths

Another spectacular UFO sighting kicked off the events of ’79 and the light were visible from at least three of the larger islands—Grand Canary, Tenerife and Gomera was observed by hundreds of witnesses on March 5, 1979 at about 8:00PM. Descriptions varied depending on the witnesses’ vantage point, but observations included descriptions of the light/object such as “cylindrical,” “pyramid-shaped” or “cup-shaped” plus some witnesses mentioned the light left a “definite, V-shaped wake.” Motorists complained of headlights and engines failing as the object appeared. According to the National Enquirer of Lantana, Florida (7-24-79), the Spanish government launched a “top secret” investigation into the incident. Then, about seven weeks later the unexplained animal deaths began on the nights of April 30-May 1 and May 2-3 on the island of Tenerife, near the town of Taco.

Six trained, ferocious German shepherd guard dogs were enclosed on the grounds of a Lactory. On two occasions, on the morning of [May] 1st and 3rd, one of the dogs was found dead outside their enclosure. There were no tracks, no evidence of struggle and no sign of bleeding. However, each dog had a hole in its chest, through which it was thought the heart and lungs had been removed. The Tenerife Department of Health Services was not interested in investigating, as the killings were considered to be the work of “human hands.” The speculation was that a “religious cult” might have sought the heart and blood for use in rituals. Later in the first half of May, near Icod (still in the Taco area), the carcasses of two goats were discovered. According to the account in the newspaper Diario De Avisos, both goats were beheaded and exsanguinated. Then, during the same period of time, in the Guamasa area, a hog was discovered disfigured with its liver “seeming in very bad state” and the carcass was reportedly missing some “viscera.” Police said that the hog was in a condition similar to the dogs at Taco. Again there was no sign of blood. Then, near Garachico, beheaded carcasses of rabbits and goats were discovered. A veterinarian at Los Silos thought dogs might have been responsible and he doubted that the beheadings were related to the Taco killings. Back on Tenerife, on a ranch at Puerto de la Cruz, a few banana trees were found broken, reportedly as though something had damaged them from the air.9

The staff of Diario De Avisos, ascertained that the Guardia Civil (police) conducted “intensive investigations” into the animal killings, but downplayed the reports to reassure the public and “diminish the importance of the incidents.” And the newspaper La Provincia sumerized these first reports by stating:: “the circumstances which surround these strange happenings (extraction of organs from the bodies, removal of blood, lack of signs of violence) could indicate that the deaths were caused by something well prepared and with scientific interest.” La Provincia also reported that in early-to-mid May reports of a purple rainfall on the town of Estrasburgo (on Grand Canary Island) and in February a blue rain had been reported in Lyon. How colorful! —END OF EXCERPT——
What do you mean by that? Please elaborate..
Ufology, I'm not sure how to answer that one without digging back into the many dozens of excellent threads here exploring what we think to be limits of what is possible. I'm referring to behavior of the UFO generally as opposed to any specific case.

The elusive behavior of alien craft seems entirely normal to me. We act very similar when we decide we're going to go study some group of predators in the wild. We're curious but we keep a safe distance. Once in a while we tranquilize and capture one for study. Perhaps in the future we'll get some version of an alien Jane Goodall who will come down and brave living among some of us.

I don't think we are in a position to assess attitudes and motivations of whatever is behind the UFO phenomenon. The "astro zoology" scenario is a kind of linear extrapolation based on human values, needs and and behaviors. I don't see how it can be ruled in or out. I also think this viewpoint has logical problems of its own. As Tonnies and others have noted--Do UFOs ever need all those mesmerizing colored lights, assuming their goal is to remain the detached observer. Are we really at once so primitive but fascinating that we are continually under observation? Here is where value judgement creeps in and we are again left to speculate using human cultural values.

Not sure what you mean by that.

Simply that after all the time and speculation (most of it quite fascinating) spent on unraveling the UFO mystery, It remains as enigmatic and baffling today as it did in 1947. I guess that I remain in the Vallee camp. Once we clear away all that we cannot say with confidence based on evidence (or lack of it) about the UFO, we are left with a mystery that is still essentially personal and sociological. The power and intelligence required to keep it this way is what I find the most mysterious aspect of all.
Ufology, I'm not sure how to answer that ...
No sweat.
I don't think we are in a position to assess attitudes and motivations of whatever is behind the UFO phenomenon. The "astro zoology" scenario is a kind of linear extrapolation based on human values, needs and and behaviors. I don't see how it can be ruled in or out. I also think this viewpoint has logical problems of its own. As Tonnies and others have noted--Do UFOs ever need all those mesmerizing colored lights, assuming their goal is to remain the detached observer. Are we really at once so primitive but fascinating that we are continually under observation? Here is where value judgement creeps in and we are again left to speculate using human cultural values.
I was just pointing out that the elusive behavior of UFOs isn't necessarily all that incomprehensible. We're the top predators here. We have weaponry that can be dangerous, and we don't simply allow other species to go freely about their business in our territory. These aren't suppositions. They're very real facets that anything that comes for a visit here has to contend with, and unless they're totally stupid, which would seem nonsensical to believe, they'd figure this out pretty fast, in which case they'd only have so many options, the most obvious being to tread carefully. This isn't to say that there may not be other issues on their table ( if they have tables ), only that these factors are known.
Simply that after all the time and speculation (most of it quite fascinating) spent on unraveling the UFO mystery, It remains as enigmatic and baffling today as it did in 1947. I guess that I remain in the Vallee camp. Once we clear away all that we cannot say with confidence based on evidence (or lack of it) about the UFO, we are left with a mystery that is still essentially personal and sociological. The power and intelligence required to keep it this way is what I find the most mysterious aspect of all.
I think your points are essentially correct, though perhaps a little exaggerated. I think any reasonable person can do their own research and come to the conclusion that the Earth has been host to alien craft. Even if we don't know where they're ultimately from or what they're doing here, that alone is significant enough to widely separate the worldviews of believers from the rest. The other issue is that while it's true that the aliens have been successful in insulating themselves from direct public access, it seems they've also had a lot of help from us in that regard. I don't doubt that the military detection and investigative capabilities that have been focused on UFOs over the last half century have resulted in evidence that would convince all but the most hardened of skeptics. We're just not allowed to see it.
Do UFOs ever need all those mesmerizing colored lights, assuming their goal is to remain the detached observer.

Part of their program may be observing undetected or taking someone for study, and erasing their conscious memory, but at other times they may want to be observed, with some kind of conspicuous display, to test our reaction. But even in the latter case they appear only briefly, usually before very few people, and seldom leave physical evidence so, it's not so inconsistent with the rest of the program.

Part of their program may be observing undetected or taking someone for study, and erasing their conscious memory, but at other times they may want to be observed, with some kind of conspicuous display, to test our reaction. But even in the latter case they appear only briefly, usually before very few people, and seldom leave physical evidence so, it's not so inconsistent with the rest of the program.

Indeed a possibility.
Credible reports described in these kinds of terms tend to push my view of the phenomenon as being more akin to a window into our space-time as opposed to an object moving within it. Very strange and very interesting.

Now that's what I'm talkin' bout! You have an amazing grasp of the alternate theories Boomerang. There is no BS in my words either. I have noticed that you tend to speak softly and carry a big stick as some of your technical understandings bleed through what are your hypothetical conveyances. I would REALLY enjoy reading about some (or really just more) of your hypothetical speculations. If you ever start a thread where the basic topic of general, yet sincere speculative possibilities are game, I'm there. :)