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The Canary Island Sphere

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Now that's what I'm talkin' bout! You have an amazing grasp of the alternate theories Boomerang. There is no BS in my words either. I have noticed that you tend to speak softly and carry a big stick as some of your technical understandings bleed through what are your hypothetical conveyances. I would REALLY enjoy reading about some (or really just more) of your hypothetical speculations. If you ever start a thread where the basic topic of general, yet sincere speculative possibilities are game, I'm there. :)
I do love your enthusiasm Jeff :) .
Nothing new here. I sometimes can't escape the notion that we are asking questions in search of answers that are "not even wrong".
and so where do we go from here but back to dwelling between the walls of paradox?

In the section of Mysterium Coniunctionis entitled The Paradoxa, Jung deals with the body of speculation surrounding the so-called Enigma of Bologna. The text of that allegedly ancient Inscription reads...(in part):

He knows and knows not (what) he raised up to whom. (This a tomb that has no tomb around it. But body and tomb are the same.) from "A Note on the Question of Nonsense" by Dennis Stillings in the PDF of http://www.tricksterbook.com/Archaeus/ArchaeusPDFs/Archaeus3.pdf
I do love your enthusiasm Jeff :) .

Thanks Ufology! I have been doing a good deal of thinking over the last few weeks, and it seems to me, the name of the UFO game is "share". Not in the sense that an investigator might choose not to disclose certain key information, but rather in a community sense wherein it's a given that we look forward to the expanse of our combined, therefore increased efforts into hypothetical insight. I know that sounds idealistic, but it's really just "think tank" brainstorming. It also seems to logically follow, that the greatest enthusiasm that I could have personally as an individual, could never be topped by what we all experience together, when and if we choose to freely share amongst ourselves. To build on that is to increase the value of already priceless speculative treasure. :)

As that great band Yes once suggested "you mustn't hide yourself away".
Now that's what I'm talkin' bout! You have an amazing grasp of the alternate theories Boomerang. There is no BS in my words either. I have noticed that you tend to speak softly and carry a big stick as some of your technical understandings bleed through what are your hypothetical conveyances. I would REALLY enjoy reading about some (or really just more) of your hypothetical speculations. If you ever start a thread where the basic topic of general, yet sincere speculative possibilities are game, I'm there. :)

Jeff, thanks for the kind words. But most of what runs through my head on this subject is already in print, either here or elsewhere. The best part about exchanging ideas here is that we can filter and focus, and find other enthusiasts who have puzzled over the same weird things we have.
Jeff, thanks for the kind words. But most of what runs through my head on this subject is already in print, either here or elsewhere. The best part about exchanging ideas here is that we can filter and focus, and find other enthusiasts who have puzzled over the same weird things we have.

You're right. The issue comes down to time for me. I simply do not have enough of that stuff. The hardest thing for me to do boomerang is to fact check everything. I find that I am VERY open to suggestion if something aligns itself with what I already believe. I have believed stuff for YEARS only to find out I was absolutely mistaken due to my own lazy fact checking. Just being honest. So that to me is the priceless aspect of this forum. I don't trust myself and it affords me an important security that otherwise is unavailable to me.