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The Dark Side of Flying Saucers

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I think a person needs to work really hard NOT to see the connection between some UFO sightings/abductions and Demons. JMO.

Christopher I am totally onboard with a lot of what you posted there. To ignore the connection is to ignore a lot of correlation.
I think a person needs to work really hard NOT to see the connection between some UFO sightings/abductions and Demons. JMO. Christopher I am totally onboard with a lot of what you posted there. To ignore the connection is to ignore a lot of correlation.

I agree. But again I say that only in the context of an impartial researcher. The problem is that when people begin to mix religion into a discussion, objectivity tends to go right out the window.
I think a person needs to work really hard NOT to see the connection between some UFO sightings/abductions and Demons. JMO.

I would be the first to argue that there is a indeed a common mechanism behind many UFO sightings, abductions, visions, and religious imagery like angels, demons, djinn, and creatures of folklore and myth. However, rather than arbitrarily assume that one superstitious, religious, or folklore's explanation of a given phenomena is realistic or "true" there are any number of more practical and probable explanations for both UFO phenomena and "demonic activity" that should be considered more likely.

Or you can go with, "It's the Bogeyman and he is out to get you!"
I agree that as far as "religion" goes in terms of who can potentially come in this thread and say just about anything we could get very far into something that has no point of reference. Saying that simply religions in general recognize spiritual entities is a fact.

In the case of high level and respected researchers and people in government who admit another "element" is present other than the expectation of some ufologists that we have a solid aircraft. For a few of them to admit this is revealing.
I would be the first to argue that there is a indeed a common mechanism behind many UFO sightings, abductions, visions, and religious imagery like angels, demons, djinn, and creatures of folklore and myth. However, rather than arbitrarily assume that one superstitious, religious, or folklore's explanation of a given phenomena is realistic or "true" there are any number of more practical and probable explanations for both UFO phenomena and "demonic activity" that should be considered more likely.

Or you can go with, "It's the Bogeyman and he is out to get you!"

Indeed you would be the first to argue......It's probably not the Bogeyman though.
Indeed you would be the first to argue......It's probably not the Bogeyman though.

Substitute whatever supernatural or other dimensional being(s) or character(s) you care to for "Bogeyman" in : Or you can go with, "It's the Bogeyman and he is out to get you!" The point being that the presumption of accuracy in ancient myths (or modern ones for that matter) and legends that describe characters living in otherwise inaccessible realms isn't a rational one. It leads to a superstitious interpretation of real world events.
Substitute whatever supernatural or other dimensional being(s) or character(s) you care to for "Bogeyman" in : Or you can go with, "It's the Bogeyman and he is out to get you!" The point being that the presumption of accuracy in ancient myths (or modern ones for that matter) and legends that describe characters living in otherwise inaccessible realms isn't a rational one. It is a superstitious interpretation of real world events.

Well ... we can make some presumptions. For example we can presume that mythology is primarily fiction. We can also presume there could be certain myths that include eye witness accounts of unusual natural and /or paranormal events that gave rise to and / or cemented certain beliefs in the supernatural. Can we point to any of examples and say with certainty that they actually happened? No. But there are a lot of things in history that we can't do that with. Does that mean it's useless? No ... far from it. Although we need to keep it in perspective, it can be some of the most fascinating stuff to explore.
I agree that as far as "religion" goes in terms of who can potentially come in this thread and say just about anything we could get very far into something that has no point of reference. Saying that simply religions in general recognize spiritual entities is a fact.

What is a "spiritual entity" and where does anything that is considered knowledge about them come about? I think that is an incredible important question to ask. Don't you?

In the case of high level and respected researchers and people in government who admit another "element" is present other than the expectation of some ufologists that we have a solid aircraft. For a few of them to admit this is revealing.

That is quite a claim. Who are these "respected researchers" and "people in the government?" What did they really say? Norton said, "Quite often, however, such experiences are definitely antithetical to orthodox Christian beliefs.”
starise do you believe the earth is 6000 years old and that fossils can not be older than that?
Well, if "evil" creatures from another dimension are coming here and they have been described in folklore or fiction by happen chance or design, it seems unwise to adopt the belief systems that these ancient people created to explain them. In other words the alleged reaction of The Collins Elite for example where their solution to the "evil UFO problem" was getting the whole country to follow lifestyle guidelines of fundamentalist Christianity by hook or crook is absolutely nuts. The solution to any "Evil UFO" problem, like any other foreign threat we have every faced is the proper application of high-explosives. The goal would remain the same, Locate and persecute with extreme prejudice any and all threats to national security, be they ignorant desert thugs or inter-dimensional psychopaths. We aren't going to be able to start chanting, drawing circles in salt, or having all night prayer meetings and get anywhere with real-world problems like foreign powers invading our space, if that indeed is happening in the first place. The military would be unrestrainable if this were a real threat.
Trained- I think you believe that you are at a computer typing...beyond that you don't appear to hold any other views other than non-views. At least you know what you DON'T believe.

Pixelsmith- I don't know exactly how old the earth is...your point?
Trained- I think you believe that you are at a computer typing...beyond that you don't appear to hold any other views other than non-views. At least you know what you DON'T believe.

Your list of assumptions just grows and grows doesn't it?

Do you have any criteria whatsoever for a belief about "spirit entities" beyond borrowed opinions, presumption, and hearsay?
Trained- I think you believe that you are at a computer typing...beyond that you don't appear to hold any other views other than non-views. At least you know what you DON'T believe.

Pixelsmith- I don't know exactly how old the earth is...your point?
Do you believe your God created all life on earth, including the complex life forms that existed here 300 million years ago? Did he love those life forms or does he only love life forms that look like humans? If he did not create early life forms, who did? If he did create them did he wipe them out because they sinned in some way? Did he make continents drift apart to where they are now or did they drift on their own?
Oh pixel, I do enjoy watching a good cattle-hand herd the faithful into the 'faith' corner - that spot they inevitably must end up in.
Oh pixel, I do enjoy watching a good cattle-hand herd the faithful into the 'faith' corner - that spot they inevitably must end up in.
They preach a lot until they have to face actual facts. Funny how they dont like taking things out of context but eventually give us quotes from the bible to be taken as gospel. Then if you challenge those quotes they say the bible isnt meant to be taken so literal... I have dealt with the starise types since i left my faith at the alter in 1973. ALL religion is pure bullshit and does nothing for humans but cause more death cuz "my gods dick is bigger than your gods dick and if you dont believe me i will kill you because the bible tells me so."
Yes. I am a spirit in a body.;)

A lot of people believe we are "spirits" in bodies, but I ask the question: How do we differentiate "personality" from "spirit"? While we're alive we have personality. When we're dead we don't. When a person does good things we say he or she is a good "spirit" or we can just as easily say he or she has a good personality. When someone is deemed to have been possessed ( in a religious sense ) they are deemed to have had their spirit either repressed or replaced by an evil spirit, but we could just as easily say that they have taken on another personality. So far as any science can tell, personality appears to be a product of a functioning brain ( no brain = no personality ). So we might be inclined to think that if we are a "spirit" inside a body, then the brain is where it primarily hangs out. What evidence is there for that assumption? Well if we lose a finger, or an arm or a leg ... or even if we can survive for some time on an artificial heart, it seems that our personality remains intact so long as our brains stay intact.

It is also true that there is an energy in the brain that can be measured and this energy is separate from the physical matter that makes up the brain itself. But is that really evidence? I often I hear the light bulb analogy, it's like spirit = light, and brain = light bulb, and we do indeed see the spirit as "light" separate from the body and free. The only problem with this view is that it forgets one critical part. All evidence indicates that this energy ( or spirit ) is produced by the brain analogous to the way the light bulb produces the light. When the filament burns out, it's "lights out" and everything goes dark. The analogy fails and we are left only to conclude that there is no evidence whatsoever to believe that we are anything other than the sum total of a functioning body and brain. I'd like to think there is more to it than that though, perhaps you might have some other evidence?