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The December 20th Show.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tommy Allison
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MON...O...LITH....ha ha made me LOL :D

I am sure David hung up and then came back. As Gene said he went quiet.
All credit to David, thought he was going to go nuclear on him..lol

Interesting show.

Kiviat : ( At a ridiculously overbearing volume )

Beidny : ( quietly and forcing himself not to erupt )
"Monalith" .

I have to say, That little nugget of comedy gold was a shining beacon , glowing in a sewer of innane babble. It made me nearly spit coffee all over myself.
How the fuck can anybody not love this show.
Ah yes you see that was the bit that had me concerned.

Is Kiviat a close friend of Don's, or did Don request him as a guest in tandem with himself on the show?

It is in no way, shape or form a criticism of or on Don. He may feel embarrassed on review of the show but then again Don may well have known what was in store.

Tongue in cheek comment - if the forum members here who are American found Kiviat's behaviour obnoxious/arrogant etc then that speaks volumes! Then again is Kiviat a "showman" or more appropriately a "marketer" for his programs - if so that may well explain some of his behaviour i.e. any publicity is publicity whether good or bad (the ol' Barnham) but in this field having crap doesn't help the public's perception.
I had a real hard time even listening to the guy. Holy crap he was an obnoxious twat...
The subject matter was fascinating ( well, the Moon stuff anyway ) just a shame that we had him as the 'spokesman'.
Hopefully we can get another Moon show , and a better interviewee.
Kudos to David and Gene for not just slamming the phone down on that absolute racket for a voice.
Word to the wise Mr Kiviat . Lay off the fucking Coffee !

I'm really sorry it's impossible to replace Kiviat with Mac Tonnies...sad. I assume having lots of what to say about Mars I believe Mac could be a great person to talk to about Moon as well.

I guess there was no need to tell who is Mr. Kiviat, it was obvious!
Content: About the moon, thank you was fascinating.

Personalities: Like the Ray Stanford episode [ I found even more annoying ] I was hanging on through this episode until Kiveat was patronising/rude to Don about the Hasselblad, then all respect for the man disappeared. His voice and attitude made me see in my head the image of Kiveat as a clichéd sherbert snorting film producer/chancer wideboy. I also suspect isn't quite such an expert 'science journalist' as he likes us to think.

Respect to a dignified Gene and David for keeping it cool, and good luck to Don for the business venture of getting the program made.
Aside from the carny barker that was Mr. Kiviat, I enjoyed the show. After reading some of the comments prior to listening to the show, I was not sure what to expect. It seemed to me that Mr. Kiviat really enjoys hearing himself talk and has a high estimation of himself. Unfortunately the Paracast listenership tends to care more about the message and less about the personality of the messenger-at least in my estimation.

Granted the subject matter is fascinating and speculative and intriguiging on every angle, however Mr. Kiviat seemed to interject more of himself and less of the subject matter.

I have no doubt that Mr. Kiviat would be a wonderful party guest, monopolizing the conversation with throngs of people alternately surrounding and departing his presence. I just don't think his abrubt, salesman-esque personality mix well with those that are more concerned with the quality of the message than the accomplishments of the messenger. (Just a side note: a little humor would go a LONG, LONG way Mr. Kiviat.)

That being said, Gene and David and Don did as good a job on this interview as possible.
I remember seeing Maurice Chatelain in an old I Search Of... with Leonard Nimoy episode. He talked about aliens visiting the earth and large patterns on the earths surface being made by aliens. He even wrote a book called Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space. Very interesting man. The episode was called Earth Visitors. You can catch it on youtube.

Been a Paracast listener since the very first show. I'm glad to be a part of it now. Keep up the good job guys!
Kiviat : ( At a ridiculously overbearing volume )

Beidny : ( quietly and forcing himself not to erupt )
"Monalith" .

I have to say, That little nugget of comedy gold was a shining beacon , glowing in a sewer of innane babble. It made me nearly spit coffee all over myself.
How the fuck can anybody not love this show.

Quite simply superb. you have to love it :D
I have only just listened to that show and I have to say there were some great comedy moments in the show especially the 'Monalith' part.
The subject is interesting though and would be great to have someone who's not so interested in making money from the subject. :)
I thought the content was occasionally interesting, the guest somewhat rude and David uncharacteristically petulant. Overall, I thought it was a pretty good listen...and that IS the point, isn't it?
I see the points being made about Kiviat's delivery. However ...

I'm not sure what was going on there, because I just listened to the Dark Matters episode with Kiviat, and he was calm and clear, and the discussion he and Mr. Ecker had was very compelling. It was much more focused and coherent than the stuff the Paracast microphones recorded.

Maybe just an off day?
As a late listener to this episode, I found some of the Moon conversation interesting for reasons of personal experience and several conversations I've had separately with people who were in the gov't remote viewing programs (very top guns) who absolutely attest to the statement that you can get very anomalous photos of the Moon from JPL if you know very specifically what to ask for (co-ordinates) and are willing to pay the nominal fees.
I see the points being made about Kiviat's delivery. However ...

I'm not sure what was going on there, because I just listened to the Dark Matters episode with Kiviat, and he was calm and clear, and the discussion he and Mr. Ecker had was very compelling. It was much more focused and coherent than the stuff the Paracast microphones recorded.

Maybe just an off day?

Agreed...Not really sure what was going on with Kiviat...he was selling/pitching his show, but not giving any salient points or even concise discussion on this episode.

More discussion, less pitching would be my criticism. Still, I hope Kiviat takes a valium or 10 before his next appearance (if that ever happens.)