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The Disclosure Project's Dr. Steven Greer and researcher Jeff Ritzmann Return

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The Disclosure Project's Dr. Steven Greer and researcher Jeff Ritzmann Retur

I don't know that the good Sarge has actually heard the episode. :-)


Sorry, that was my mistake. I thought the subject was that Greer was coming back again, like in the near future. My fault for not looking at the date of the original post.
The Disclosure Project's Dr. Steven Greer and researcher Jeff Ritzmann Retur

sgtRock. - You do realize that this is a really, really old thread and that Dr. Greer is booked as the opening act for the NAMBLA 2010 North American Man Boy Love Association world tour.
The Disclosure Project's Dr. Steven Greer and researcher Jeff Ritzmann Retur

sgtRock. - You do realize that this is a really, really old thread and that Dr. Greer is booked as the opening act for the NAMBLA 2010 North American Man Boy Love Association world tour.

As I mentioned above, I mistakenly thought this was a new thread and Greer was returning to the Paracast. So I was registering my displeasure with him coming back. Anyone that has read my posts on what's wrong with UFOlogy today knows I don't think too much of Greer or people like him.