Paranormal Maven
The FDA recently announced that it will begin to implement regulations on e-cigarettes. The new proposed regulations will go into effect in two years barring any major opposition. It may surprise you to learn that these regulations will end up killing people. It may also surprise you that Big Tobacco has been lobbying the FDA for these regulations for several years now.
Most of the FDA's proposed regulations are positive. For example, we need warning labels on bottles of ejuice. We need child-proof caps on bottles of ejuice. Minors should not be allowed to purchase e-cigs. However, there is one regulation that will lead to human deaths if it is implemented. That proposed regulation is the requiring of an expensive application process for every single different model of e-cigarette on the market as well as for each and every flavor of ejuice. What this means is that sellers of e-cigarettes will have to pay huge sums of money simply to file an application with the FDA. The FDA will then make a decision on whether or not they want to allow such products to be sold. My local vape shop estimates that it will cost them 340 million dollars just to stay in business if this regulation is implemented. They would have to file thousands of applications to cover what they now sell, both in models of ecigs and flavors of ejuice.
What most may not be aware of is that this regulation will serve to destroy the market for all models of e-cigarettes that are not the "cig-a-likes", the kind that look like a normal cigarette. Right now, the market is dominated by little companies and Mom & Pop shops. This new regulation will wipe them all out. The only people who will be able to afford the new application process is the Big Tobacco companies. This is why they have lobbied the FDA to implement these regulations. In one little swoop of the pen, all of their competition will be destroyed.
With a market for e-cigs pretty much destroyed, the Big Tobacco companies will be given complete charge of e-cigarettes. These Big Tobacco companies are pretty much only interested in the cig-a-like models, as such is the cheapest route for them. This means that all the great variations and evolution of models will come to an end, only to be replaced with the very first form of e-cig, the cig-a-like, a form that most consumers are not satisfied using.
When the e-cig market is destroyed and all the new models and flavors disappear, people will once again return to cigarettes. This is how the FDA's proposed regulation will ultimately kill people because it will drive consumers right back to cigarettes.
We need your help. Please visit the following sites. It doesn't matter if you are a current vaper or just a friend of the vaping community. In this fight the FDA has teamed up with Big Tobacco to trick the public and destroy e-cigarettes.
CASAA - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Visit the link and read the information at the above website. Go to the "call to action" section and learn how you can help. Also, contact your congressman and let them know that the FDA and Big Tobacco are teaming up to destroy e-cigarettes and that if these regulations are put into place that people will die.
Also, if you are currently in the medical field there is more that you can do. There is much anti-e-cig propaganda swirling in the media, with claims that e-cigs are dangerous and unsafe. In reality, we know that most doctors support e-cigs and would rather people use e-cigs over tobacco products. However, the public is falsely led to believe that the medical community does not support or approve of e-cigs. If you are in the medical community you can let the FDA know they are wrong about e-cigs. If you are in the medical community, please visit the site below:
While there, enter the following docket number:
Leave your comment addressing the following:
In your experience....
1. Are electronic cigarettes useful to help patients quit smoking?
2. Does a switch from smoking to electronic cigarettes result in a health gain?
3. Does use of electronic cigarettes result in adverse health effects?
The deadline to add your commentary is July 9, 2014.
E-cigarette users, called "vapers", as well as friends of the vaping community can also leave public comments for the FDA.
*****NOTE: If you come across an online petition about this development do not sign it. Most of these petitions are created by people who can't spell properly and who can't construct grammatically sound sentences and paragraphs and should not be representing the vaping community. Please join with CASAA and let CASAA fight this battle.
FYI: I smoked a pack a day, or more if I went out, for 20 years. I quit from e-cigs. I haven't had a cigarette in well over a year now. I never intended to quit smoking. The only thing I wanted to do was decrease my smoking to the level of one or two cigarettes a day. However, that never happened. When my Uncle gave me a disposable e-cig and I tried it, I automatically knew that I would quit smoking. A couple of weeks later my Grandmother died of COPD and a stroke, due to 50+ years of smoking. When I heard the news I went outside and smoked my last cigarette. I then walked inside and threw away the remaining 6 packs of Marlboro Lights I had left and transitioned right then and there. I smoked my last cigarette of my life at 11:53 PM on April 8, 2013. I've been smoke-free ever sense.
If you are a current smoker, please consider switching to e-cigs. You are addicted to nicotine, not to cancer-causing tar. The right e-cig model and strength/flavor of ejuice will completely satisfy you. Not to mention that you won't reek of cigarettes, that you don't have to stand outside in the heat, cold, or pouring rain, that you don't have to worry about yellow teeth and yellow fingers, and that you can wake up each morning bright and refreshed without having to cough up a lung. You really have no excuse not to transition. Did I mention the flavors are fantastic? I'm currently vaping chocolate mint as I type this.
Most of the FDA's proposed regulations are positive. For example, we need warning labels on bottles of ejuice. We need child-proof caps on bottles of ejuice. Minors should not be allowed to purchase e-cigs. However, there is one regulation that will lead to human deaths if it is implemented. That proposed regulation is the requiring of an expensive application process for every single different model of e-cigarette on the market as well as for each and every flavor of ejuice. What this means is that sellers of e-cigarettes will have to pay huge sums of money simply to file an application with the FDA. The FDA will then make a decision on whether or not they want to allow such products to be sold. My local vape shop estimates that it will cost them 340 million dollars just to stay in business if this regulation is implemented. They would have to file thousands of applications to cover what they now sell, both in models of ecigs and flavors of ejuice.
What most may not be aware of is that this regulation will serve to destroy the market for all models of e-cigarettes that are not the "cig-a-likes", the kind that look like a normal cigarette. Right now, the market is dominated by little companies and Mom & Pop shops. This new regulation will wipe them all out. The only people who will be able to afford the new application process is the Big Tobacco companies. This is why they have lobbied the FDA to implement these regulations. In one little swoop of the pen, all of their competition will be destroyed.
With a market for e-cigs pretty much destroyed, the Big Tobacco companies will be given complete charge of e-cigarettes. These Big Tobacco companies are pretty much only interested in the cig-a-like models, as such is the cheapest route for them. This means that all the great variations and evolution of models will come to an end, only to be replaced with the very first form of e-cig, the cig-a-like, a form that most consumers are not satisfied using.
When the e-cig market is destroyed and all the new models and flavors disappear, people will once again return to cigarettes. This is how the FDA's proposed regulation will ultimately kill people because it will drive consumers right back to cigarettes.
We need your help. Please visit the following sites. It doesn't matter if you are a current vaper or just a friend of the vaping community. In this fight the FDA has teamed up with Big Tobacco to trick the public and destroy e-cigarettes.
CASAA - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Visit the link and read the information at the above website. Go to the "call to action" section and learn how you can help. Also, contact your congressman and let them know that the FDA and Big Tobacco are teaming up to destroy e-cigarettes and that if these regulations are put into place that people will die.
Also, if you are currently in the medical field there is more that you can do. There is much anti-e-cig propaganda swirling in the media, with claims that e-cigs are dangerous and unsafe. In reality, we know that most doctors support e-cigs and would rather people use e-cigs over tobacco products. However, the public is falsely led to believe that the medical community does not support or approve of e-cigs. If you are in the medical community you can let the FDA know they are wrong about e-cigs. If you are in the medical community, please visit the site below:
While there, enter the following docket number:
Leave your comment addressing the following:
In your experience....
1. Are electronic cigarettes useful to help patients quit smoking?
2. Does a switch from smoking to electronic cigarettes result in a health gain?
3. Does use of electronic cigarettes result in adverse health effects?
The deadline to add your commentary is July 9, 2014.
E-cigarette users, called "vapers", as well as friends of the vaping community can also leave public comments for the FDA.
*****NOTE: If you come across an online petition about this development do not sign it. Most of these petitions are created by people who can't spell properly and who can't construct grammatically sound sentences and paragraphs and should not be representing the vaping community. Please join with CASAA and let CASAA fight this battle.
FYI: I smoked a pack a day, or more if I went out, for 20 years. I quit from e-cigs. I haven't had a cigarette in well over a year now. I never intended to quit smoking. The only thing I wanted to do was decrease my smoking to the level of one or two cigarettes a day. However, that never happened. When my Uncle gave me a disposable e-cig and I tried it, I automatically knew that I would quit smoking. A couple of weeks later my Grandmother died of COPD and a stroke, due to 50+ years of smoking. When I heard the news I went outside and smoked my last cigarette. I then walked inside and threw away the remaining 6 packs of Marlboro Lights I had left and transitioned right then and there. I smoked my last cigarette of my life at 11:53 PM on April 8, 2013. I've been smoke-free ever sense.
If you are a current smoker, please consider switching to e-cigs. You are addicted to nicotine, not to cancer-causing tar. The right e-cig model and strength/flavor of ejuice will completely satisfy you. Not to mention that you won't reek of cigarettes, that you don't have to stand outside in the heat, cold, or pouring rain, that you don't have to worry about yellow teeth and yellow fingers, and that you can wake up each morning bright and refreshed without having to cough up a lung. You really have no excuse not to transition. Did I mention the flavors are fantastic? I'm currently vaping chocolate mint as I type this.
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