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The Future of Ufology by Nick Redfern

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Another point, and I think vallee may have brought up this up in one of his books (?) but if one...be they military, extraterrestrial, interdimensional or even cryptoterrestrial in nature...were going to abduct a person in order to change the "order of things"...which I think is the case because whoever is involved has little cause to to select us on an individual basis to study us as a whole ( hope that made sense) it would seem logical to pick more influential people with some power that had the capacity to move individuals on a mass level. I think this may have happened in a few cases (applewhite and hubbard ? ) but it certainly had been a long laborious slog for whatever these entities are trying to pull off and many of the contactees want nothing to do than to forget the whole thing , so whoever is doing the picking when it comes to selecting "who's next" is not doing a very good job.

Being that I've always been intrigued by the apparent connection between emf energies and it's effect on the mind...If one is willing to accept the possible existence of thought forms ( I do)...what if it's our own subconscious busting at the seams trying to get itself noticed like an obnoxious five year old, as many of the experiences seem to be revelent on a personal level

Although its generally accepted that the ufo phenomenon, although always in existence, exploded onto the scene after we came into the nuclear age I wonder if it less about nuclear energy than the amount of emf energy (always around in one form or another) that also has rapidly introduced into our society. We' re bathed in it.
This whole thing with the 'box' has made me look more into just the idea of creating from thought, occurrences, good or bad.

As more time goes on I feel the paranormal as a whole does exist, but its reason for existing is just to be a mystery that can never be solved. I am convinced we may never be able to suss all this stuff out in this life.
So do you have any thoughts on the MILAB phenomenon? (if it exists?)

It is a proven fact that governments have engaged in mind control experiments with unwitting subjects, and we had a case up here where we interviewed an ex-military guy who had become a trucker and was experiencing missing time. We know that the government has done a lot of DEW and EM weapons testing and that certain frequencies can induce various psychological reactions. So because the basic concept of MILABs cannot be dismissed, it became one of the theories we had as a possible explanation. For example a space based low output DEW for incapacitating rather than disintegrating could be very useful, and who better to test it on than ex-military? There is probably some fine print someplace that says that once you sign up you're always subject to being called into service ( for whatever ). Anyway, we have no evidence other than his story, but coincidentally or otherwise, right after we started investigating, his missing time incidents stopped happening.
Hadn't thought of that. if man made and natural earth based em forces can inadvertently mess up one's mind then why mess around with something that would leave evidence like drugs, just use a emf stimulant .
No, I don't. Although it's a topic I've heard brought up several times over the years, it's something I have zero decent facts about. If facts are even possible to obtain.

One thing for me does follow; if ufos are from ET, and if they are here, it makes sense to me that they might indeed perform abductions.
If the military does have any guilty knowledge of ufos then they will probably know about abductions. They may well want to get in on this, perhaps only as a way of understanding what the ET's are doing?

A lot of if's for sure. Of course, I've also heard MILAB as a debunking explanation for alien abduction. The head doth spin.

Interesting take, the idea of a lone victim of alien abduction torn between abductors from another world and our own. Man that would suck, but it is so likely to be the case ( assuming alien abductions are real ). And it would explain the military presence. It also doesn't necessarily have to imply that the government and aliens are working together. If the govt. agencies have a means of tracking UFOs then they might also have a way of tracking abductees, and show up of their own accord to do their own clandestine follow up examinations to try to determine what is going on. Wow.
Somewhere out there is a ripping good story of a double abductee of a women (a nurse I believe). who was walking home late one night and taking a short cut through a vacant lot and was apparently contacted by a ebe and did the whole examining table thingee with a implant involved, then a couple of nights later was apparently abducted by a black governmental agency with humans and they removed they implant, I'll search around and see if I can find it.
Somewhere out there is a ripping good story of a double abductee of a women (a nurse I believe). who was walking home late one night and taking a short cut through a vacant lot and was apparently contacted by a ebe and did the whole examining table thingee with a implant involved, then a couple of nights later was apparently abducted by a black governmental agency with humans and they removed they implant, I'll search around and see if I can find it.

Now we're really heading into fringe territory, but we've gone this far so why not? It could be interesting!
It also doesn't necessarily have to imply that the government and aliens are working together.

Right, from what I've read, accounts of aliens and humans working together with an abductee are not very reliable (or the least reliable).

If the govt. agencies have a means of tracking UFOs then they might also have a way of tracking abductees, and show up of their own accord to do their own clandestine follow up examinations to try to determine what is going on. Wow.

Sure, they want to know what the aliens are up to or what they're after. But they can't do this openly which would be admitting aliens are real.
Sure, they ( the military ) want to know what the aliens are up to or what they're after. But they can't do this openly which would be admitting aliens are real.

So in the context of the recent posts in the ATECH thread, they ( the "agencies" ) also know we ( Earth ) is in a maze ( metaphorically speaking ) and are therefore being monitored, and their approach has nothing to do with proving or disclosing that fact to the rest of us, but to get to the next piece of cheese before anyone else does by monitoring those being monitored ( us ) ... makes perfect sense. So what do we do? Monitor back the agencies to see who they are watching? I think we already know the answer to that. They're monitoring abductees and high probability candidates like UFO investigators, authors and such. I've had the black helicopters, MIB. weird phone static and dropped calls on my hard line during discussions about UFOs. Is it all just coincidence? I don't think so. But I'm pretty much at a standstill right now in terms of what to do next.
At least it shows you're taken seriously. :)

You know the thing is, a person might want to think that is a good thing, but then again not so long ago I was on a call with a USI volunteer and we started getting these weird static sounds on the line. Our volunteer said that their line was usually trouble free, so I casually said that they were probably listening. When you have to tell someone that, it does sound kind of "out there" and most people don't believe it until something odd happens, so I commented on how they monitor pretty much everything and filter it using keywords like UFO, military, secret, alien etc. and no sooner had I finished that sentence than you could hear the static kick in again and then the call dropped altogether. BTW: Both of us were on hard lines. Just another coincidence right? Probably. Maybe. I dunno. How many times does weird stuff have to happen before you can safely say it's no longer just a coincidence?
Ufology is hamstrung by the great many assumptions that absolutely have to be made to even allow a discussion about the subject to take place. However, the absence of adequate evidence and actionable information makes running too far down the rabbit holes of Extraterrestrials, Crytoterrestrials, Ultraterrestrials, Demons, or any other theories about UFOs completely pointless. There just isn't enough information to form a conclusion about the origin and true nature of these things. They are other than. They are something else. They are unknown. Until they are identified they remain unknown. Many claims about UFO and paranormal phenomena can explained and discounted. Those that aren't remain unknown. No one has ever identified anything as coming from another planet (other than meteors), dimension, or reality to my knowledge. People see things that don't fit into their frame of reference and it is "alien" to them, but nothing is actually known about it beyond its "otherness."
There just isn't enough information to form a conclusion about the origin and true nature of these things.

The ET conclusion isn't proven--to our knowledge--but it's most reasonable.

No one has ever identified anything as coming from another planet (other than meteors), dimension, or reality to my knowledge.

Leaving out the Hill star map interpretation of Fish, and various contactee stories, at least exoplanets are now known to exist in great profusion, whereas other dimensions or "realities" are not even verified AFAIK.
Ufology is hamstrung by the great many assumptions that absolutely have to be made to even allow a discussion about the subject to take place. However, the absence of adequate evidence and actionable information makes running too far down the rabbit holes of Extraterrestrials, Crytoterrestrials, Ultraterrestrials, Demons, or any other theories about UFOs completely pointless. There just isn't enough information to form a conclusion about the origin and true nature of these things. They are other than. They are something else. They are unknown. Until they are identified they remain unknown. Many claims about UFO and paranormal phenomena can explained and discounted. Those that aren't remain unknown. No one has ever identified anything as coming from another planet (other than meteors), dimension, or reality to my knowledge. People see things that don't fit into their frame of reference and it is "alien" to them, but nothing is actually known about it beyond its "otherness."

Well ... I wouldn't say "nothing" is actually known about UFOs beyond their "otherness". First of all they are sufficiently "other" to qualify as alien to our known civilization. Secondly, they have performance characteristics well beyond anything we had back in the 1900s ( and probably now as well ). We know things about their size and configuration. We also know something about their behavior, which is elusive, but in a curious sort of way. Then there is all the stuff that we ( the public ) don't know but the powers that be ( PTB ) know. We also have data on where they've been spotted. So although our knowledge about them is limited, we do have some basic who ( alien ) what ( craft ) when ( dates ) where ( places ) and why ( curiosity ). It could be argued that curiosity is an assumption, but the evidence from their behavior is so suggestive of curiosity that it is a reasonable assumption. Beyond this we can extrapolate a few things and then we enter the realm of speculation. But speculation is far from useless. It helps us decide what clues to look for and is therefore at the leading edge of exploration into the phenomenon.
...But speculation is far from useless. It helps us decide what clues to look for and is therefore at the leading edge of exploration into the phenomenon.

To tell the truth that doesn't really seem to be working out all that well. Nothing more is known now about the subject than was known 20, 30, or even 50 years ago. Something has to be brought down and captured that will reveal the secrets of their origin and purpose. This may or may not have already been done, however it seems certain that if has there are no plans to make it common knowledge.

I believe the sobering reality of the situation is that to actually get a handle on genuine UFOs it would require more connections, influence, and direct need to know than I think either you or I will ever be able to muster. I am also pretty sure that if either of us were "read in" we would not be discussing it an Internet forum.
To tell the truth that doesn't really seem to be working out all that well. Nothing more is known now about the subject than was known 20, 30, or even 50 years ago. Something has to be brought down and captured that will reveal the secrets of their origin and purpose. This may or may not have already been done, however it seems certain that if has there are no plans to make it common knowledge.

I believe the sobering reality of the situation is that to actually get a handle on genuine UFOs it would require more connections, influence, and direct need to know than I think either you or I will ever be able to muster. I am also pretty sure that if either of us were "read in" we would not be discussing it an Internet forum.

Sometimes I wish I had joined the military and pursued ufology from the inside. I've had contact with people claiming to be on the inside, but they wouldn't do anything to confirm their identity, so I refused to start taking orders from them. But regardless, this "us" vs "them" mentality is pointless. If we continue to focus on what we they won't tell us, we'll never be focused on what we could do for ourselves. The fact is that because we know what we do about UFOs, then they probably know even more. In other words we all know UFOs are real and alien. If they don't want to share, so what? Let's just carry on ourselves. We've got guys like Christopher O'Brien trying his damnedest despite all odds to do something constructive, and I keep harping on about trying to unify the ufology community so that together we could add our collective resources to worthwhile projects like that. But everyone is so into their own little niches, or has no interest in volunteering, or no resources to share, that the fragmentation prevents any serious focus. But we keep getting new members every month, so maybe some opportunity will come our way in the future. Let's keep hoping.
If we continue to focus on what we they won't tell us, we'll never be focused on what we could do for ourselves.

To properly study this phenomena requires nothing short of the resources of both the NRO and the NSA. It requires HUMINT, MASINT, and SIGINT capabilities on a worldwide scale.
Sometimes I wish I had joined the military and pursued ufology from the inside. I've had contact with people claiming to be on the inside, but they wouldn't do anything to confirm their identity, so I refused to start taking orders from them. But regardless, this "us" vs "them" mentality is pointless. If we continue to focus on what we they won't tell us, we'll never be focused on what we could do for ourselves. The fact is that because we know what we do about UFOs, then they probably know even more. In other words we all know UFOs are real and alien. If they don't want to share, so what? Let's just carry on ourselves. We've got guys like Christopher O'Brien trying his damnedest despite all odds to do something constructive, and I keep harping on about trying to unify the ufology community so that together we could add our collective resources to worthwhile projects like that. But everyone is so into their own little niches, or has no interest in volunteering, or no resources to share, that the fragmentation prevents any serious focus. But we keep getting new members every month, so maybe some opportunity will come our way in the future. Let's keep hoping.

You probably would've joined the Air Force then, because all the time I spent in the Army I heard only one story about anything to do with UFO's. It was pretty much a non-issue.
And the story I heard actually came from an ex-Navy contractor working for the DOD. I worked with him for several weeks, and he was a kind of no-bullshit guy, didn't laugh that much. Can't remember why this story was brought up, but he said when he was stationed at Hawaii in the early 60's, some security guards at a post reported a glowing disk near their post. The officer on duty came in a jeep with a couple of other security guards and they all watched it disappear behind some trees. The officer, couple of guards drove that direction in the jeep. And that was the last time they were ever seen. The jeep was found abandoned the next morning, never found a trace of the officer or the guards. The ex-Navy guy said he was told to never talk about it again, that it was a national security issue, and he was promptly re-assigned to some other post.
I beleive him, or at least I beleive he beleived. It was one of those times a story made your spine literally tingle because he was so dead set sincere about it.
I realize it's a third hand anecdote, and is really useless in research, but how many other stories like that are out there?
Aerial anomalies have been witnessed for thousands of years. Not one nut or bolt has ever surfaced. The only trace evidence left, aluminum, phosphorus, Zinc, iron, tin, magnesium, and ejected sand, are all indigenous to Earth. I would suggest one would have better luck in the attempt of capturing a rainbow.