Hominid includes humans and their ancestors. See:
Fossil Hominids: the evidence for human evolution.
even according to your own link, the only full skeleton seems to be
Turkana Boy, and the rest, like I said, is parts of skulls and teeth. That's from your link, not mine.
Also, the Lluc also according to your link, is some skull fragments and some teeth. again, LOTS OF INTERPETATION is part of those conclusions when looking at the larger picture.
"Tempers flared last week in a sweltering salon at the French Academy of Sciences here as scientists hotly debated the attributes of anthropology's most famous thighbone, the 6-million-year-old femur of an ancient Kenyan hominid called Orrorin tugenensis."
"Senut proposed that Orrorina's gait was more humanlike than that of the 2- to 4-million-year-old australopithecines.
If so, australopithecines would be bumped off the direct line to humans a dramatic revision of our prehistory."
that doesn't sound like concrete, un-arguable picture of our past.
They are fitting the data INTO their theory, not fitting a theory around the data for the most part. It's just teeth and skull fragments, can they really know that much about them?
Case in point:
Prehistoric monsters may not have been as monstrous as once believed
"Journal of Zoology, examined the method traditionally used to estimate the weight of extinct animals from their fossilised bones and find it wanting. Their revised version has slimmed some of the giants by 50%."
this is just an EXAMPLE of how when we guess about the past, we can find out we are wrong.
No you wouldn't. The question is, what constitutes 'data.' We still have a lot of the 'fossil record' (note the term 'record') that can still be examined today.
"Consequently, most researchers have access to
only photographs or, at best, casts. In view of this fact, it is not surprising that
major disagreements are common.
Most anthropologists must rely only on descriptions and interpretations put forward by the discoverer of the fossils the very person who has a
vested interest in proving his own theories."
There are other, non-examined anomalies as cataloged in William Roger Corliss's Source Book's projects that list thousands of "things that do not fit" into the current theory's that were written up IN THE scientific journals as anomalies. But, these anomalies aren't talked about, BECAUSE they don't fit into the theory.
again one of many examples, this comes from the femur controversy referenced above:
"Senut declared indignantly that she is not a creationist and then asked White to provide his own evidence about the mysterious Ardipithecus ramidus. A partial skeleton of that 4.4-million-year-old species was discovered by Whites team, the Middle Awash Research Project, in Ethiopia from 1994 to 1996,
but the bones remain unpublished."
confirmational bias, and
narrative fallacy building a "
scientific" framework that only works if you disregard all the data, and only keep what fits your idea.
Even the
Economist Magazine last month or so wrote an article on how
40-60% of scientists "fudge the data" to fit their theories.
example given (there are many more without even mentioning
piltdown man)
Other skulls were wrongly dated by Von Zieten as well. After redating the evidence, it was concluded that he had methodically falsified the dates on numerous artifacts: he had simply made up the dates to fit his theories. Testing revealed that all the skulls dated by Potsch were, in fact, much younger than he had claimed. Thomas Terberger, who discovered the hoax, stated that as a result of the hoax, anthropology is going to have to completely revise its picture of modern man between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago
What do you do with that kind of info? it's empirical and with out a doubt proves that an agenda has usurped the legitimate search for truth.
They don't know therefore god did it, huh? Once again you are suggesting that because we don't know everything that we don't know anything. I can prove in a court of law whether I am related to you or not by using DNA. What we do know about DNA is useful enough that it can be the definitive piece of evidence that convicts you of murder.
Again, I can say the same for Evolution, because we don't know i.e. "giant black holes in DNA" then Evolution did it! (or your version of God)
I could say the fingerprints have convicted people in a court of law for years, does that mean I can look at fingerprints and understand the origins of humanity? Or even get the whole story about a persons lineage etc. from the fingerprints?