I just listened to that back episode and I was less than convinced by Lloyd.
First off: The fact that nuclear DNA was not recoverable does not mean it's conclusively not human. It means the nuclear DNA was not recoverable. That's a conclusion, not a means to inferring a conclusion.
Secondly, the occipital protuberance is not there. However, if you look at the video closely, there is a distinct bulge at the back of the skull where the protuberance would be. So I don't find this nearly as compelling, after seeing the video. (I am by no means an expert, I only had one semester of human anatomy; but I still have my text books on the shelf.) I cannot find a decent shot of the rear of the "starchild" skull for comparison with a known human skull.
After a brief look at the skull I think it looks like a hydrocephalic skull.
Starchild Skull:
There could be any number of possibilities for WHY the skull was deformed in such a manner. I don't think possible alien/starchild lineage is one of them. It looks to me as if there was an inordinate amount of pressure inside the cranial cavity as this individual was growing. That pressure forced the eye sockets outward and downward.