You better good an darn tootn' KNOW that I already know as much. Are you forgetting my position on the matter? The ONLY logical position is not to take one single position with respect to Fortean Phenomena. That goes for UFOs right down to to those pesky Bigfeets runnin' about. Why? Because having been around as long as I have in the field that I am in (over 30 big ones), which does in fact involve a great deal of data base research effected repairs, as well as experimental unproved (pre database revised submission) diagnostics, these being to effect repairs on early commercial automobile model releases, unity of causation is rarely a venue of demonstration that one can count on too many repeat performances from.
What I am doing my best to ask you is, what reasoned evidence precisely, as opposed to Vallee, have you submitted for official scientific testing, that has clearly demonstrated itself as being self evident in repeated experimentation? The results of which qualified the ETH as being superior to differing scientifically evaluated speculations. Pick any one speculation, please.
It's my opinion that you have no evidence, Ufology. However, that has nothing to do with Doc Jacques having any himself.
It's because I do not honestly believe that anyone possesses any real evidence with respect to specific interior observations, or exacting (or even unexacting) technical orientations, belonging to non/post, or pre human UFO technology. That's my belief anyhow, and therefore, I have no legitimate reason to contend that either of you is truly better qualified than the other with respect to mental capacity, or even the occasional cosmically channeled truth from beyond .
I can therefore, only, use exterior publicly acknowledged official stature, and institutionally issued and evaluated credentials, to attain a base personal alignment/preference for/from either of you with respect to the informational, or scientific developmental weight, that either of you carries. I have made more than clear on this forum, in what is surely the crudest manner I'm certain, yet absolutely and unequivocally as sincerely as I possibly could have been, several of my personal "pet guesses". I have also made abundantly clear that I do not feel I should EVER have to defend or prove what I contend, because it's ALL fully admitted guess work at this point. When I am ready to submit a paper for peer review, I'll be the first to let you know. I am not an officially recognized scientist like Vallee, I'm not even a passionate hobby level scientist, so I don't need that nonsense for the time being.
I think, and I really mean this, I understand it's complete futility in the face Fortean Phenomena anyway. Can any of us truly claim that we have the answers to the UFO mystery, whose very unanswerable nature via our clearest observations of them, are their most definitive, and effective, calling card? I'm entitled to my Fortean opinion, because to date, to the very best of my understanding, no one has provided a single shred of proof for ANYTHING in terms of a single provisional absolute, or what would be a single individual instance of an indisputably discernible observation that would further constitute a precise understanding of the UFO Phenomena here on Earth, let alone where ever it is that some, or all, UFOs come from.
It's just like Gene stated in the most recent Paracast. Listen to the first 10 minutes of what I honestly think may be the best PC episode I have ever listened to, possibly only edged out by that last Skinwalker episode.
Ufology, lighten up my man. I have been stating emphatically since we began this little debate here, that IMO, neither one of us has any REAL clue. I like not knowing, and yet really wanting to know. However, if Jacques Vallee were to join us, I think we would both stand to learn a great deal more from him, than he stood to learn from either of us. That's just my opinion, maybe I'm wrong. And you know, Vallee has never seemed like a "pusher" to me. One that breathed weight into his publicized reasoning by hoisting his credentials. Certainly not in an effort to press his position. Quite the opposite actually. Very gentlemanly, soft spoken, and indeed somewhat humble in personality, unlike that moronic scientific entertainer that is Richard Dawkins. What a windbag! It just so happens that because my pet guesses originate either solely here on Earth, or from realms thoroughly not yet understood, I identify with, and land a little hypothetically closer to, Jacques Vallee's camp.