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The most recent Podcast with Dr. Steven Greer

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Skilled Investigator
This was my first time ever listening to 'Paracast', but I can tell now it won't be my last. I'm kind of a Dr. Steven Greer stalker, or CyberBully if you will. I have a GoogleAlert set up and every time he surfaces on the Internet I try to keep track of where he is peddling his bullshit next.

This is how I found out he was featured on a Paracast, which I just finished listening to.

My favorite part was at the the end of the show, after Dr. Steven Greer had signed off and the hosts finally decided to speak their mind.

That said, I found it very frustrating that they just let Greer spew his bullshit and rarely tried to challenge him. Of course the one or two times they tried to say anything Greer got extremely pissy and acted like a little spoiled baby shocked that anyone might question or challenge him on any topic.

The facts of the matter are this. Dr. Greer claims he can summon UFOs at will. He claims, in his own book, that he was granted Christ-like powers of levitation and healing. He is a closet new age occultist and hides behind a carefully choreographed script of bullshit whenever he speaks in public.

He is in love with UFOs and their occupants to such an extent that I can only assume he has wet dreams every night about his hopeful encounters.

The simple fact of the matter is that the UFOs are in charge of the cover-up, not anyone or anything else. If Steven Greer really could have CE5 contacts, then he should have access to an overwhelming amount of indisputable evidence something we all know he does not.

The UFOs operate as the 'trickster archetype' in our culture, always have and always will. There is no rational reason to believe the phenomena is positive in nature, and plenty of evidence to suggest the contrary. In fact, every time I hear Greer talk I feel absolutely ashamed that he is groveling before his alien puppet masters and selling out humanity as he debases himself by shining lights in a cornfield.

I would kill to get Dr. Steven Greer on a podcast so I could call him on all of his bullshit. That said, I think it is fairly clear that this will never happen. Maybe we can do the next best thing? Can we have a paracast that is nothing but dissecting the false and delusional beliefs of the UFO groupies in our culture? Invite guests who can help explain and understand the underlying psychology, if not psychopathology, of those who cling to these delusional beliefs?

I think it would be a fascinating episode.

In the meantime, if anyone is interested in some of my previous commentary on Dr. Greer here are a few links to previous editorials.

Here is my favorite of all time. It is entitled 'A Night in a Cornfield (A typical evening with Dr. Steven Greer and his Alien Masters)'

Here is a blogpost I made when I was feeling in a very generous mood about Dr. Greer after having read his book. I now regret any kind thing I ever said after hearing his most recent dick-headed interview on Paracast.

Here is a recent post I made about Dr. Greer and free energy believers.

And, finally, here is my most recent post after having heard the first half of the Paracast interview.
Hi there,

Okay, I don't wanna waste any energy on commenting about Greer. iwill say this, listening to the podcast made my skin crawl. I'll leave it at that.

- - But - -

This whole exo-polotic thing leaves me so worried. It just feels like a dead end road. Here's why I feel so concerned, mostly because the people involve seem SO righteous.

Whatever is going on, it sure is weird. I mean, it's downright ALIEN. And I use that word on purpose, it's simply beyond our ability to comprehend.

Okay, I'll try and explain things the way I see it. You know how in those quaint old Peter Rabbit children's books the rabbits are all drawn wearing little plaid vests and drinking tea. It's sorta cute, right? But rabbits don't wear little vests and drink tea! The exo-political crowd paints a quaint picture where aliens will soon be sitting down with us at a conference table and palling around with us like business partners.

To me, this is just a simplistic as the tea-drinking rabbit. We can't anthropomorphize this UFO thing into the aliens we WANT them to be. Whatever they are, they don't seem interested in compromising or doing anything our way. We are NOT equal partners in any of this, and I just get freaked over the wishful thinking that seems to permeate this sub-world within the sub-world of UFO stuff.

Open contact? Define what that means? It seems to be happening already to plenty of people, and a lot of them don't like it. Even the most genuine "contactee" tells a story that is mystifying, contradictory and just plain weird.

If we think we can negotiate with whatever "they" are, we are setting ourselves up to be hugely disappointing.

Now, that said, I am all for some openness in our government on the subject. And maybe that's happening - right now. I mean, why haven't those black helicopters dropped assassins to nix all the brave folks who spoke up at that Leslie Kean Press Conference thing last November?
Nice post Mike!

I especially liked the references to rabbits in vests; because, you see, the aliens in UFOs are not aliens at all. Whatever 'they' are is something so much weirder than this that it is, literally, on par with rabbits in vest and the wee people of folklore. Am I the only person who remembers the UFO that landed in the farmers backyard and cooked him some bland buckwheat pancakes? Am I the only person who read Passport to Magonia?

What is really ironic about all of this is that, in private (and even not so private if you read Steven Greer's biography) he is completely looney toons. He is a new age bubble headed, transcendental meditation guru who is about as far out there as you can get. He drops all pretense for rational thought and critical thinking skills and is quite happy to share with you his crystal hugging, alien fucking, personal self-delusions.

And that is why it is so absurd, so wrong, when he puts on his straight faced persona and peddles his propaganda bullshit in the semi-mainstream media and dupes anyone who once might have had an air of legitimacy into becoming fouled by his bizarre beliefs and personal agenda.

I have no doubt that any number of people feed Steven Greer all kinds of wild stories in the same way I might tease my cat by dangling a string in front of its nose.

These exo-politico assholes need to remember just exactly which species they belong to and stop humiliating themselves and selling out the human race.

Am I the only person on this forum who trusts the military to do what is right in the face of this threat? And, let me assure you it is a threat.

When I said ALIEN I meant it like a dictionary: unfamiliar, unknown, strange, peculiar...

And - I reference the fascinating buckwheat pancake story all the time.
I'm downloading the podcast right now, and I for one, am glad that Dr. Greer doesn't live in my neighborhood. If he can summon UFOs at will, he and his little grey friends (if his are indeed grey) could definitely ruin some of the barbeques we're having.:D
Astralis said:
I'm downloading the podcast right now, and I for one, am glad that Dr. Greer doesn't live in my neighborhood. If he can summon UFOs at will, he and his little grey friends (if his are indeed grey) could definitely ruin some of the barbeques we're having.:D

Rhymes with "grey."
I certainly do not trust the military to do what is right in regard to ufo's, since I know what testosterone pitbull type guys are attracted to the military life ("Just tell me what to do, who to aim this rifle at, when to pull the trigger"). If we trusted the military, we could have a military junta rule the USA, but we don't. We have a civilian government, with the military as an arm of the government performing the actions deemed necessary by that ruling body. If you have a buffoon like Bush in that ruling body, then the military finds itself in a quagmire like Iraq. Since the military's mission is to shoot first, ask questions later, I really don't trust them to do the right thing about UFO's.

Meanwhile, back in New York City, I think Greer and the NAKED COWBOY should get it together. THey'd make a great couple, if ya know what I mean. Greer could raise funds just selling x-rated video's of the "honeymoon". Those 2 buff bodies entwined, inviting the aliens to overshadow and enjoy human ecstasy via their bodies as they channel alien sexual techniques. I'd pay to hear the NAKED COWBOY sing at a Greer tent revival for the aliens, wouldn't you? The NAKED COWBOY has a hole in his guitar for people to stick donations. I can see the little old ladies giving Greer and his buddy their social security checks to save mankind and get a quick feel.
Here's the article David referred to:


Every time I hear Greer speak, he comes off as a self-absorbed blow-hard.
BTW - if the gray's ever sample any DNA from Greer's body, the residual roids will make them HUGE. Uh, yeah, we don't need that.
Peter: Hey hey I got an idea. Lets play "I Never." You got to drink if you did the thing that the person says they never did.
Cleveland: Oh I got one, I never slept with a women with the lights on.
(They all drink.)
Joe: I'll go next, uh I never had sex with Cleveland's wife.
(Quagmire (Greer) and Cleveland drink.)
Peter: alright lets see uh, I never did a chick in a Logan airport bathroom.
(Only Quagmire (Greer) drinks.)
****About 33 drinks later****
Peter: God lets see what else is there um...I never gave a reach-around to a spider monkey while reciting the Pledge of Alligence.
Quagmire (Greer): Oh God.
(Quagmire (Greer) takes a drink.)
Joe: I uh I never picked up an illegal alien at Home Depot to take home a choke me while I touch myself.
Quagmire (Greer): Oh come on!
(Quagmire (Greer) drinks again.)
Peter: I never did the same thing except with someone from Joann Fabrics.
Quagmire (Greer): Oh God this is ridiculous. You guys suck! (Drinks more and passes out.)
jratcliff63367 said:
That said, I found it very frustrating that they just let Greer spew his bullshit and rarely tried to challenge him. Of course the one or two times they tried to say anything Greer got extremely pissy and acted like a little spoiled baby shocked that anyone might question or challenge him on any topic.

The facts of the matter are this. Dr. Greer claims he can summon UFOs at will. He claims, in his own book, that he was granted Christ-like powers of levitation and healing. He is a closet new age occultist and hides behind a carefully choreographed script of bullshit whenever he speaks in public.

One more and I gotta stop.


Jerry! Look what happens when I do like this...I iz summoning alienz.
Fastwalker said:
Meanwhile, back in New York City, I think Greer and the NAKED COWBOY should get it together. THey'd make a great couple, if ya know what I mean. Greer could raise funds just selling x-rated video's of the "honeymoon". Those 2 buff bodies entwined, inviting the aliens to overshadow and enjoy human ecstasy via their bodies as they channel alien sexual techniques. I'd pay to hear the NAKED COWBOY sing at a Greer tent revival for the aliens, wouldn't you? The NAKED COWBOY has a hole in his guitar for people to stick donations. I can see the little old ladies giving Greer and his buddy their social security checks to save mankind and get a quick feel.


Fastwalker, your photo reminds me someone...



You got me. The hair is just a Freudian thingee that I'm working out with my therapist. She thinks it is related to my infant obsession with Gerber Baby Food and wanting to please my parents by being the Gerber Baby (with the slicked up hair).

Actually, I've made some semi-serious bucks doing professional modeling in Los Angeles from 2000-2004, so perhaps you can find the "real thing". Hint: Think underwear and cologne for men. I never wear a shirt in any of the adverts because my chest and 6 pack is my claim to fame. Blatant Hint: International Male.

Now back to some semblance of sanity. Fastwalker has left the building.
digigeek said:
jratcliff63367 said:
That said, I found it very frustrating that they just let Greer spew his bullshit and rarely tried to challenge him. Of course the one or two times they tried to say anything Greer got extremely pissy and acted like a little spoiled baby shocked that anyone might question or challenge him on any topic.

The facts of the matter are this. Dr. Greer claims he can summon UFOs at will. He claims, in his own book, that he was granted Christ-like powers of levitation and healing. He is a closet new age occultist and hides behind a carefully choreographed script of bullshit whenever he speaks in public.

One more and I gotta stop.


Jerry! Look what happens when I do like this...I iz summoning alienz.

Is that Richard Boylan with Dr. Greer? OMG. If it is, that says a lot right there.
All I heard was him lisp, "crop circles," and I had to shut it off. I'd rather swallow my own eyes than watch another Greer video. I'm all Greered out.