Skilled Investigator
This was my first time ever listening to 'Paracast', but I can tell now it won't be my last. I'm kind of a Dr. Steven Greer stalker, or CyberBully if you will. I have a GoogleAlert set up and every time he surfaces on the Internet I try to keep track of where he is peddling his bullshit next.
This is how I found out he was featured on a Paracast, which I just finished listening to.
My favorite part was at the the end of the show, after Dr. Steven Greer had signed off and the hosts finally decided to speak their mind.
That said, I found it very frustrating that they just let Greer spew his bullshit and rarely tried to challenge him. Of course the one or two times they tried to say anything Greer got extremely pissy and acted like a little spoiled baby shocked that anyone might question or challenge him on any topic.
The facts of the matter are this. Dr. Greer claims he can summon UFOs at will. He claims, in his own book, that he was granted Christ-like powers of levitation and healing. He is a closet new age occultist and hides behind a carefully choreographed script of bullshit whenever he speaks in public.
He is in love with UFOs and their occupants to such an extent that I can only assume he has wet dreams every night about his hopeful encounters.
The simple fact of the matter is that the UFOs are in charge of the cover-up, not anyone or anything else. If Steven Greer really could have CE5 contacts, then he should have access to an overwhelming amount of indisputable evidence something we all know he does not.
The UFOs operate as the 'trickster archetype' in our culture, always have and always will. There is no rational reason to believe the phenomena is positive in nature, and plenty of evidence to suggest the contrary. In fact, every time I hear Greer talk I feel absolutely ashamed that he is groveling before his alien puppet masters and selling out humanity as he debases himself by shining lights in a cornfield.
I would kill to get Dr. Steven Greer on a podcast so I could call him on all of his bullshit. That said, I think it is fairly clear that this will never happen. Maybe we can do the next best thing? Can we have a paracast that is nothing but dissecting the false and delusional beliefs of the UFO groupies in our culture? Invite guests who can help explain and understand the underlying psychology, if not psychopathology, of those who cling to these delusional beliefs?
I think it would be a fascinating episode.
In the meantime, if anyone is interested in some of my previous commentary on Dr. Greer here are a few links to previous editorials.
Here is my favorite of all time. It is entitled 'A Night in a Cornfield (A typical evening with Dr. Steven Greer and his Alien Masters)'
Here is a blogpost I made when I was feeling in a very generous mood about Dr. Greer after having read his book. I now regret any kind thing I ever said after hearing his most recent dick-headed interview on Paracast.
Here is a recent post I made about Dr. Greer and free energy believers.
And, finally, here is my most recent post after having heard the first half of the Paracast interview.
This is how I found out he was featured on a Paracast, which I just finished listening to.
My favorite part was at the the end of the show, after Dr. Steven Greer had signed off and the hosts finally decided to speak their mind.
That said, I found it very frustrating that they just let Greer spew his bullshit and rarely tried to challenge him. Of course the one or two times they tried to say anything Greer got extremely pissy and acted like a little spoiled baby shocked that anyone might question or challenge him on any topic.
The facts of the matter are this. Dr. Greer claims he can summon UFOs at will. He claims, in his own book, that he was granted Christ-like powers of levitation and healing. He is a closet new age occultist and hides behind a carefully choreographed script of bullshit whenever he speaks in public.
He is in love with UFOs and their occupants to such an extent that I can only assume he has wet dreams every night about his hopeful encounters.
The simple fact of the matter is that the UFOs are in charge of the cover-up, not anyone or anything else. If Steven Greer really could have CE5 contacts, then he should have access to an overwhelming amount of indisputable evidence something we all know he does not.
The UFOs operate as the 'trickster archetype' in our culture, always have and always will. There is no rational reason to believe the phenomena is positive in nature, and plenty of evidence to suggest the contrary. In fact, every time I hear Greer talk I feel absolutely ashamed that he is groveling before his alien puppet masters and selling out humanity as he debases himself by shining lights in a cornfield.
I would kill to get Dr. Steven Greer on a podcast so I could call him on all of his bullshit. That said, I think it is fairly clear that this will never happen. Maybe we can do the next best thing? Can we have a paracast that is nothing but dissecting the false and delusional beliefs of the UFO groupies in our culture? Invite guests who can help explain and understand the underlying psychology, if not psychopathology, of those who cling to these delusional beliefs?
I think it would be a fascinating episode.
In the meantime, if anyone is interested in some of my previous commentary on Dr. Greer here are a few links to previous editorials.
Here is my favorite of all time. It is entitled 'A Night in a Cornfield (A typical evening with Dr. Steven Greer and his Alien Masters)'
Here is a blogpost I made when I was feeling in a very generous mood about Dr. Greer after having read his book. I now regret any kind thing I ever said after hearing his most recent dick-headed interview on Paracast.
Here is a recent post I made about Dr. Greer and free energy believers.
And, finally, here is my most recent post after having heard the first half of the Paracast interview.