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The most recent Podcast with Dr. Steven Greer

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I don't mind him. Yeah - he seems a little too self-righteous at times, but he is the one who near singlehandedly put the Disclosure Project together, and that - more than a few people on forum boards - counts more to me.:rolleyes:
I don't mind him. Yeah - he seems a little too self-righteous at times, but he is the one who near singlehandedly put the Disclosure Project together, and that - more than a few people on forum boards - counts more to me.:rolleyes:

So the only problem you see with him is self-righteousness?
I was listening to an old episode of Greg Bishops Radio Misterioso the other day, and he had Mac Tonnies and Paul Kimball as guests. The subject of Greer came up and Kimball suggested something that hadnt occurred to me before....

maybe hes a plant used as a way to keep the public from taking the UFO phenomenon seriously. I mean the guy gets a press conference at the Nat. Press Club and gets some astoundingly credible witnesses. But then goes ahead poisons the pool by lumping them in with guys like Clifford Stone. Why would he do this? It makes no sense. Clearly the guy is intelligent so he must have known that the whole "there are 47 alien species that we know of" bullshit would only detract from his goal.

And then you have the objective of the press conference itself. Not to raise awareness and credibility of the reality of the UFO situation. Like thats not a hard enough task on its own. No this guy wanted to stop the weaponization of space! Give me a fucking break! What, did he watch Star Wars the night before and have a panic attack?
