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The Number 23

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Okay, here's where you're going to see me write a retraction.

Was out, had to get pet food for my ailing cat, and on the way out of the pet store, there are about 8 of these different gumball type machines.

There was a pile of change on the top of one of them, and sure as shit, it was .23 cents.

It was after I took this 23 cents, that immediately, all manner of shit broke loose at home.

It was as if the great 23 God of evil laid a trap for me, knowing that I'd pick up that change, and then pile on a ton of horrible happenings that Job might complain about.

I'll never make that mistake twice.
But it's .23 cents? How do you know that someone else didn't already leave that .23 cents for charity, and that charity was me that took it?

This is .23 that is going straight to the fucking coffee shop. Some Yuppie can deal with the evil of this change, and I would bet they'd take the two dimes, and leave the pennies. WHICH IS WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE.
nonononono... passing bad luck off to someone only works against you. take the .23 and add .23 and drop that into a charity bucket.

do it with good intentions, that should earn you some brownie points and kick the crap out of the bad luck.