"The rest of the planet is just hoping this is just a bad dream that will be over in a few days."
The beauty of the situation is that no one here cares about this!
Hi Walter, I have some questions that I think you are in a good position to answer.
If trump loses, and there is an "insurgency" as in the "people" rise up against the government, who will win?
Who has better kit and organisation? Who has clearly defined protocols and command structures? Who is battle hardened and has been fighting "insurgents" for the last 20+ years?
I would say the US armed forces, not the "people" (trump supporters)
My understanding is that a soldiers job is to protect their country/state from "enemies of the state" it is not soldiers who decide on who the enemy is, that is the job of the politicians.
If a soldier disobeys an order, they automatically become an enemy of their own state.
It is not as if there is not a historical precedent for this, in the US Civil war Americans did a great deal of killing of other Americans, soldiers on both sides followed their orders regardless of the consequences.
Why would it be any different this time?
I think what I am trying to say is that I hope it is all hype, and that if trump loses his supporters will accept defeat peacefully.
If trump wins, he wins, as long as he is democratically elected, the rest of the world will just have to get on with it. In fact we have our own problems to sort out, and probably spend too much time worrying about what other people are doing, but it is always easier to point out someone else's faults rather than advertise your own. But I do genuinely believe that the mask the puppet wears does have a bearing on peoples thoughts and actions.
Any blood spilled will be on trump & co's hands, as they are the ones who are openly advocating violence.
On reflection that probably seems like more of a collection of statements rather than questions

, but I would appreciate if you responded regarding the outcome of a trump insurgency, because I do not believe that the majority of people calling for such a thing understand all the facts, or how it would go down.
Best wishes.