I'm sorry tyder001 but the claim doesnt match the evidence, as defender of the faith you have resorted to outright lies in order to try and shut down a discussion you didnt like.
So, now it's down to name calling. I will give you a little more respect than you just gave me. I never tried to get the thread shut down and I backed off and said I was simply trying to bring balance. I don't see a LIE there.
You dishonestly tried to justify your request to close the thread by claiming the discussions had become uncivil, when clearly they had not, your next tactic was to deliberatly insult and bait the other participants by being uncivil yourself, thus injecting the very behavior you claimed was justification to close the thread.
Uncivil? I did think it was uncivil and even threw a little barb in there. I see that it must have stung you more than I intended it to. I almost pm'ed you to let you know I meant no offense but I got distracted by something else and completely forgot about it to be honest.
I dont know wether its concious or unconcious on your part, but the mechanisms you've attempted to employ here are very obvious.
Tactics? I quiet clearly stated that some folks (not you) were bad about wanting u.f.o. believers outed but slow to look in their own backyard. Actually, in hindsight I more than likely should have just started another discussion. But, these threads are like conversations and sometime you just interject something you are thinking about. I assure you it was not premeditated.
Meanwhile i'm still interested to hear JPW's REASONS why the Church judges homosexual marriage to be wrong
What REASON does the CC cite as justification for its opposition to gay and lesbian couples