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The Paracast has a presence on MySpace

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You or Gene send me a PM with what all would be expected of me and I'll consider it.

I'm not into html either though. From what all I've seen done at MS without it, I don't think it's needed though. Up to Gene.

Hey, I just got a message from a fan on MySpace that is willing to take over and he's actually got the time and lots of experience in HTML etc. I replied that it wouldn't be a paying position so once I hear back I'll let you guys know.

I'll shoot you the details in a PM for you and Gene to check out.

His page on MySpace: MySpace.com - das erich - 33 - Male - wheeling, West Virginia - www.myspace.com/eckloss
I'm not sure about that person. His site is a little over the top.

Well, it's possible he's got better examples of his work no doubt and I'm sure he's willing to do whatever you'd like and approve above all. But your the boss so if you'd rather let Aaron do it I'll give him the bad news. He sent me his email address on a .mac account so if you want I can ask him to email you or you can email him to see what ideas he has in mind and if they are cool with you. :D
The Paracast is on MySpace?!

This is a damn dangerous site!! First off the chocolate background will make me go off my diet if I stare at it more than 14 seconds. Then if I use my secret myspace id, everyone will find out who I am !!! ok crap!! People save yourselves before its too late!!!:eek:
The Paracast is on MySpace?!

this is a damn dangerous site!! First off the chocolate background will make me go off my diet if i stare at it more than 14 seconds. Then if i use my secret myspace id, everyone will find out who i am !!! Ok crap!! People save yourselves before its too late!!!:eek:

wtf?! & ftw?! ;)
Really? I love his animated noise background, and he's apparently got a good sense of humor, so I say give him a shot if he's into it. Also, he's way into submarines, which makes him beyond cool in my words.

Yes, I spent a little more time on this and read the letters forwarded to me. I've written to him for some ideas, and I'm optimistic. :)
Really? I love his animated noise background, and he's apparently got a good sense of humor, so I say give him a shot if he's into it. Also, he's way into submarines, which makes him beyond cool in my words.


I think there's lots of untapped, yet and no pun intended, potential there! :D He's very enthusiastic and I quote:
"Not interested in money nor would I expect it. Just willing to help. I've been a long time listener of The Paracast and would be honored to help in any way needed for as long as I can. Just let me know what I can do."

Oh yeah the remote control submarines are kewl too! :D
Really? I love his animated noise background, and he's apparently got a good sense of humor, so I say give him a shot if he's into it. Also, he's way into submarines, which makes him beyond cool in my words.

So was Admiral Karl Donitz. :confused:

I'm in touch with him already. Go ahead and sent him access info.

Done. I sent a copy to you too Gene, just in case you need to keep it on file.
I'm also optimistic and I believe he's a great guy full of talent and enthusiasm, not too mention a huge fan of the show! :D
Although, I wonder what will become of the "Paracast Chocolate"?

that was just a temporary measure to keep people out for a few hours while i revamped the page a bit. it is no longer private, nor will it ever be.

i encourage everyone here who has a myspace account to go and join the friends list. The Paracast | MySpace.com

so far as the old friends that were on the site, i am contacting them one at a time to get them back on. however, many of them have their profiles set to where one must know their last name or email address to send the request. if you are one of those, please go to the myspace page and re-request the paracast as your friend.

one final thing - if anyone has photos of gene and/or david from any conference or event, please send them to me via the myspace page. with their consent, i would love to start a photo album of the guys in action. considering some of the bar-room conversations with people like Vaeni and Ritzman, there have to be some good photos floating around somewhere! :D


das erich
What was the purpose in deleting all the friends in the first place? And has Gene and David seen and approved the top 15 friends?

Seriously..the top 15 friends include Ghostly Talk and Crossroads Paranormal. I've listened to both of those on more than one occasion and they're both the kind of crap Gene & David hate. Their guests could make any outrageous claim and the hosts would say, "Oh wow..that's incredible!" They're far from being about getting to the real truth of what's going on.

And while the Paracast does go into the ghost/apparition side of the paranormal on occasion, it's largely about the UFO phenomenon. So why is the friends list dominated by a bunch of "ghost hunters" who run around in circles with EMF detectors and spout a bunch of pseudoscience?

I am not impressed. At all.
My two cents, if anyone cares, is not to mess with the original logo for The Paracast.

It's the brand, it's recognizable, it's simple, yet effective.

No sense clogging it up with chocolate, or any other flavor.

And it's a great mofo'in logo!
Okay, I finally joined up. Looks like a good enough profile, I also prefer spartan over all tricked-out.
What was the purpose in deleting all the friends in the first place? And has Gene and David seen and approved the top 15 friends?

Seriously..the top 15 friends include Ghostly Talk and Crossroads Paranormal. I've listened to both of those on more than one occasion and they're both the kind of crap Gene & David hate. Their guests could make any outrageous claim and the hosts would say, "Oh wow..that's incredible!" They're far from being about getting to the real truth of what's going on.

And while the Paracast does go into the ghost/apparition side of the paranormal on occasion, it's largely about the UFO phenomenon. So why is the friends list dominated by a bunch of "ghost hunters" who run around in circles with EMF detectors and spout a bunch of pseudoscience?

I am not impressed. At all.

well, im sorry youre not impressed. to be honest, im not concerned.

the top 15 is in no particular order. if you're not happy with it, im sorry you're offended. but deal with it. if it makes YOU feel better, i can always put the friends list on a randomized order, to change every time. and then you can sit back, take a deep breath, and go about your day knowing that, heavens forbid, the top 15 isnt in an order that you dont approve of.

and if you had read carefully, your other concern was already addressed. the original site was deleted and replaced, hence the original friends list being removed. every move ive made has been approved by gene.

so, if i sound bitter, then you are very intuitive. its a myspace page for gods sake. i do this as my show of support for the show and its hosts. i do not get paid, get any special privileges, benefits, or rewards, other than knowing that i can help out gene and david in any way that i can, as a thank you for their years of putting on a great program. if people have problems with the way its put together, than please contact me privately thru the page. i do not appreciate nor will tolerate public bashing.

I'm sorry if you took it as "public bashing." Any public presence the Paracast has..even on MySpace..reflects back on the show.

If Gene & David want to be grouped in with Ghostly Talk and others of the ilk they report to disdain, that's fine. It just doesn't seem like something they'd do.