Paranormal Adept
Big deal, there are survivalist ads. That shouldn't be a criteria for anything; finding a business model that works should be the criteria.
NEW! LOWEST RATES EVER -- SUPPORT THE SHOW AND ENJOY THE VERY BEST PREMIUM PARACAST EXPERIENCE! Welcome to The Paracast+, eight years young! For a low subscription fee, you can download the ad-free version of The Paracast and the exclusive, member-only, After The Paracast bonus podcast, featuring color commentary, exclusive interviews, the continuation of interviews that began on the main episode of The Paracast. We also offer lifetime memberships! Flash! Take advantage of our lowest rates ever! Act now! It's easier than ever to susbcribe! You can sign up right here!
Good show. WDTRG uses Patreon for fundraising and also has the support of community radio station WVBR (Ithaca, NY), from whose studios it is produced and broadcast. The show arose as a follow-on from host Seriah's established weekly heavy metal show at the same station. I appreciate Gene's comments regarding the difficulties in using Patreon for an already-existing set up like Paracast. However, could a similar tie-in with (say) an Arizona broadcaster at least help in reducing production costs and piggybacking their marketing efforts? Just a thought.Much better :
Where Did The Road Go.
My point is that you consider your podcast the GOLD STANDARD. You have inferred that your intent is to provide a serious look at ufology or the paranormal. That is fine. But in the context of making Paracast a subscription service, MY POINT IS THAT YOU ARE NOT OFFERING ANYTHING THAT CANNOT BE FOUND ELSEWHERE.You make no point here. We never said this is the only serious paranormal radio show on the planet. But there aren't many. Most are busy placating their audience with fanciful nonsense. We've recommended several shows over the years. As a listener, you know what they are.
But I also never asked someone to provide me with their work for free. If I couldn't afford it said:Nor do I expect it here. The podcast was a life expander for however long it lasted/will last. I support what I can as much as I can but this just doesn't make that cut right now. And my preferred primary vocation is as a writer so I totally get what you are saying. I have met so many artists across many media who fight that hypocritical bias: in theory so many people support that all deserve a living wage yet when it comes out of their direct pockets the "oh hell no, I am not paying THAT much - they are OUT of their minds!!!! thinking comes into play. There is no simple solution. There is no solution which will please everyone but reality often sucks. Choices and decisions have to be made and they are rarely easy ones. I wish both Gene and Chris many great things. (And a great Thank You to Chris, by the way, for making his OOP books affordable via pdf).
It's about infrastructure, Paul. And if we offer it by the episode, do we consider adding DRM?I think Steve is absolutely right. You should always have an a la carte option for folks.