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Speaking of wiki's:[8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Wiki) | XenForo Community
Why is that?We could not, then, make this a Paracast+ benefit.
Hypothetically, short of some diabolical nefarious conspiracy, it wouldn't matter what else they were used for, because whatever the case, it would still be advantageous for everyone, whereas without them, nobody can benefit from them at all. So you could certainly include a no nefarious diabolical conspiracy clause in your authorizationOK let's clarify this then about your access. You would not be allowed to independently distribute the content outside of the paywall without permission. You could grant permission for people who are working with you on editing content. We would take care of that. But people who live the program, as it were, lose the access. The question is, with unrestricted copyright authorization, what would you do beyond the forum to require it?
My interest at the start would be to keep the transcript within the paywall. But going forward, maybe a few years hence, we'd consider releasing older transcripts. Let's see how it flies. Drop me a private conversation/message and let's see if we can make it happen. If the XenForo solution I pointed to is good for you, let me know.