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The Paracast Transcription Poll

Would you be interested in purchasing text transcriptions of episodes of The Paracast?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • I'd rather buy a cup of coffee from Starbucks!

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Free episodes:

Seems to me Jean - Luc would pony up the $5/month instead of going through the trouble of downloading every episode "just in case"
So far, it seems like the volunteer wiki is the most workable and cost-effective approach. I think the wiki platform is free. So if you have the space, and the knowhow to install and maintain it, you could add the feature at no cost and hope it grows over time with user supplied content. Perhaps if there were 4 or 5 members here interested, and you offered them all free access to handle it? I dunno. Maybe I should just stop trying to help :confused: .
If we had volunteers who could set up the wiki (and we have access to software that'll work on this server), find a way to put the access behind the paywall for starters, and do the transcriptions, I'd certainly comp subscriptions to them.

That might be an option for whomever is already handling your site because it's built on the Xen Foro platform.

The download and install info for the free open source one is here:

Assuming you have the space and the right server to run it on, getting it behind the paywall should be as simple as putting it in a folder next to the other stuff in there already and creating a link in the existing menu. Or even simpler, because it has the option for usernames and passwords, hypothetically it could be installed anywhere that is convenient, and those who sign-up for the premium show could be sent log-in credentials via email. It's getting the help doing the install, configuration, and maintenance, that would be the hassle ... and who needs the hassle?
I like the Xen Foro idea. Definitely worth considering. Or here's another idea. I'd be willing to take on the transcription project provided I was given unrestricted copyright authorization for my own use, plus free access for myself and up to 10 volunteers. If you'll go for that I'll create a separate thread here for those who might be interested.
OK let's clarify this then about your access. You would not be allowed to independently distribute the content outside of the paywall without permission. You could grant permission for people who are working with you on editing content. We would take care of that. But people who leave the program, as it were, lose the access. The question is, with unrestricted copyright authorization, what would you do beyond the forum to require it?
OK let's clarify this then about your access. You would not be allowed to independently distribute the content outside of the paywall without permission. You could grant permission for people who are working with you on editing content. We would take care of that. But people who live the program, as it were, lose the access. The question is, with unrestricted copyright authorization, what would you do beyond the forum to require it?
Hypothetically, short of some diabolical nefarious conspiracy, it wouldn't matter what else they were used for, because whatever the case, it would still be advantageous for everyone, whereas without them, nobody can benefit from them at all. So you could certainly include a no nefarious diabolical conspiracy clause in your authorization :D.
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My interest at the start would be to keep the transcript within the paywall. But going forward, maybe a few years hence, we'd consider releasing older transcripts. Let's see how it flies. Drop me a private conversation/message and let's see if we can make it happen. If the XenForo solution I pointed to is good for you, let me know.
My interest at the start would be to keep the transcript within the paywall. But going forward, maybe a few years hence, we'd consider releasing older transcripts. Let's see how it flies. Drop me a private conversation/message and let's see if we can make it happen. If the XenForo solution I pointed to is good for you, let me know.

If you go with a wiki based solution you wouldn't need me to be involved. It's a self-organizing type of system. You would just need to post here for volunteers, and once you got 5 or 6 who would agree to contribute steady content, then install the add-on and give them access.
What I would want is a collection of volunteers who want to take the time and trouble — and it's a lot — to transcribe episodes. It's not a task to be taken lightly by any means. But I'm open to suggestions and offers from members who want to get involved. For now, best we can offer is access to The Paracast+ for active participants, but that's just a tiny reward for all that work.
I have been thinking about how to accomplish the twin objectives of making Paracast archives textually accessible while maintaining control over transcripts in a way that would support the Paracast. I'm willing to transcribe one episode to see what my transcription time as a professional would be like. I'm willing to organize volunteer transcriptionists and set up quality assurance procedures. I can help with the practical side, but the business side is alien territory to me.
A transcript of the show would be an extremely useful tool for future researchers as many of the most renowned individuals engaged in the field of the paranormal, and specifically UFO research, are now quite elderly and despite their extant passion and continuously outstanding work in the field, they aren't going to be around forever. As The Paracast has consistently given these people a whole show to talk and inform those of us who have an interest in this field, the Paracast archive will be invaluable to them. The question is, how many people are going to be engaged in heavy research for a book/essay/thesis etc? Probably not enough to warrant a regular transcription subscription.
As every episode can be accessed and listened to instantly a written transcription seems redundant.
UNLESS....... Any listeners with the necessary skills could volunteer to transcribe the archive. If someone transcribed and submitted say, 5 shows, they could get a Paracast T-shirt or some hearty thanks....
Folks who volunteer and actually deliver completed transcripts will qualify for Paracast+ subscriptions. I suppose we could offer a T-shirt too if they continue to produce. Of course, if transcripts become a revenue generator, we'll be more generous. This is going to be an experiment at first. It may start as a feature of the premium package. Maybe later we'll see about whether to release it and open source it.