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The Paranormal, UFOs and TV fiction

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Kevin Daly

Skilled Investigator
I think it's well-established that The X-Files cashed in on the 90's wave of interest in UFOs and the paranormal while not making any attempt to truly represent the themes it alluded to - the labels were used while the substance was ignored or discarded (I think the most egregious example was the "Jersey Devil" episode, but there were numerous other examples even down to their interpretation of "missing time").
But none of that matters frankly because I had the hots for Gillian Anderson. But I digress.

I've lately found myself entertaining the idea that the one series that actually came close to capturing the weirdness of the world we live in was...Twin Peaks. I'm starting to think the truth (or rather collection of truths) really is that strange.

Actually having just posted that it's clear to me that it really doesn't add anything of any value, but I can't work out how to delete it. How embarrassing .
I actually enjoyed the X-Files, and don't fault the show for not portraying real cases more faithfully. It seems paranormal lore was jumping-off point for show's writers, not some sacred script they were obligated to adhere to.

Anyway, I'd always presumed that the Mulder character was modeled after Special Agent Dale Cooper (played by Kyle Machlachan) from Twin Peaks. And that the Scully character was modeled after Special Agent Clarice Starling (played by Jody Foster) from The Silence of the Lambs.

The Dale Cooper character was a truly inspired original piece of writing & acting. I loved seeing a government agent approach the murder mystery with that super-weird intuitive mode of inquiry, completely apropo of nothing. Never made explicit that he was using hallucinagens as investigative tool, but I inferred it. I liked to imagine that he had a "License to Trip" and that he was provided with super-potent acid by the FBI.

This is why I view "Fringe" team of Anna Torv and Joshua Jackson (and their sensory deprivation tank) as pale imitations of imitations. Ideally one of their episodes will someday involve a Mulder & Scully cameo, wherein they peel open their faces to reveal Cooper & Starling, and then they peel open their faces to reveal lizards or robots or something.
I too was an avid X-Files fan! And I had the hots for Agent Mulder/David Duchovney! :D

I liked the mytharc eps only, not really the stand-alone eps.

I wish they'd have a more realistic show in the same vein as X-Files (yet without the weird creatures in them, etc) again!
I too was an avid X-Files fan! And I had the hots for Agent Mulder/David Duchovney! :D

I liked the mytharc eps only, not really the stand-alone eps.

I wish they'd have a more realistic show in the same vein as X-Files (yet without the weird creatures in them, etc) again!

Imagine how many times Duchovney hit on Anderson. He is, after all an addict.
They reportedly didn't really get along that well outside of their roles. But, yeah, who knows?

I'm not a fan of the show, that might be true, but what I saw once coulda been stretched as well. They asked if they hung out, to one of them, and he or she replied, God no, we see enough of each other each day. Think it was Gillian.

I liked the part in the X-files movie where David pissed on the Independence Day movie poster at the beginning. Many people missed that part. Hell, think I did too. I recall him pissing by a torn poster, later heard it was of the INdependence Day movie, which I thought sucked. No where near as good as the money it brought in.
This is why I view "Fringe" team of Anna Torv and Joshua Jackson (and their sensory deprivation tank) as pale imitations of imitations. Ideally one of their episodes will someday involve a Mulder & Scully cameo, wherein they peel open their faces to reveal Cooper & Starling, and then they peel open their faces to reveal lizards or robots or something.

The face peeling reminds me of V...

As to the sensory deprivation tank- anyone remember that facinating work of collaborative fiction known as Ong's Hat? The egg?

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