@zenbug: Thanks for listening... We all have to suspend our disbelief everyday zenbug. It's a fact of life. Do I believe that car will stop when I cross the road? Is my girlfriend being faithful? etc... In regards to investigating claims of the "paranormal," one must make value judgements on what (and whom) to "believe" when it comes to accepting, at face value, any aspect of a witnesses' anecdotal experience or the reporting of said event(s). In case you hadn't noticed, these types of perceived events are ephemeral and are not easily replicated. As an investigator, one must make a value judgment as to the veracity and accuracy of a witnesses' account of their experience and suspend one's disbelief based on the quality of the witness and the account of the experience. It's called trust. You trust your banker, your priest, your lawyer, your elected official? Right?
If George Knapp and Colm Kelleher state publicly in their book that the camera event occurred at the ranch (based on Colm's direct involvement w/ the event, btw), hell yeah I believe them... I've known George since the mid '90s--he's a multiple Emmy-Award winning journalist whom I look up to. I first spoke w/ Colm in1996 and worked w/ him in 99 to set up my SLV veterinarians for field necropsy protocols and he also helped me obtain funding for lab work from NIDS. They are both professional, stand-up guys IMO. FWIW I also suspect (believe?) that NIDS was truly attempting to compile scientific data at the ranch. Do I know for sure? Of course not! Yes, I think the camera incident really happened. Why? Because I trust the veracity of Knapp & Kelleher's account. I also realize that this event may have perfectly illustrated to NIDS (and the scientific community) the futility of their efforts to capture definitive data defining the jinni, trickster, alien, demon, ghost, MIB or whatever other term would best apply to the situation.That makes it even more believable to me.
z-bug: If what gets you off about the show are your perceptions of my deficiencies and my style of logic--be sure to tune in every week to the Paracast for more adventures in how we determine what, where, who and why to "believe" (whatever) about the "paranormal" and then make up your own mind... We aren't telling you what to trust & believe, we trust that you are smart enough to make up your own mind.
Then, ask yourself: That's my mom, but is that really my dad? Has my education & life experience taught me everything I need to know to make proper value judgements and where to place "trust" in my life? Or, let's get politically-conspiratorial:
was there a lone gunman in Dealy Plaza? Or, did the "plumbers" really break into the Watergate? Or, is the USA government really looking out for my community's best interests? Were their "WMDs" and did we REALLY win the "War in Iraq..." etc Sometimes it comes down to a qualified sense of trust...
...and trust can be a fragile thing...