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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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Paranormal Maven
Heads are going to roll! A German team took a screen grab of the slides in the trailer of the documentary and blew them up and enhanced them, revealing the slides.

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Despite being told time and again that the creature in the slides wasn't a deformed human and wasn't a mummy, it appears the being is indeed a deformed, mummified child. It looks like it was hydrocephalic. The image looks like a display at a museum and some are saying it was taken at a museum in Columbia.

This is the end of Roswell research. It's dead. Tom "We Have The Smoking Gun!" Carey and Don Schmitt's reputations are completely destroyed.

The only way that Roswell research can continue is if people like Kevin Randle and Stanton Friedman will publicly disavow Tom Carey and Don Schmitt. Of course that's unlikely to happen. So this is it. Roswell is dead.
Heads are going to roll! A German team took a screen grab of the slides in the trailer of the documentary and blew them up and enhanced them, revealing the slides.

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Despite being told time and again that the creature in the slides wasn't a deformed human and wasn't a mummy, it appears the being is indeed a deformed, mummified child. It looks like it was hydrocephalic. The image looks like a display at a museum and some are saying it was taken at a museum in Columbia.

This is the end of Roswell research. It's dead. Tom "We Have The Smoking Gun!" Carey and Don Schmitt's reputations are completely destroyed.

The only way that Roswell research can continue is if people like Kevin Randle and Stanton Friedman will publicly disavow Tom Carey and Don Schmitt. Of course that's unlikely to happen. So this is it. Roswell is dead.
LOL! You just made all that up except the enhanced pic of the slides!!!
When will the great unwashed mass of ufoology get over their programmed Roswellian fixation? I waaaahhh-nah believe! A 10,000 seat arena in Mexico City? Can you spell G-R-E-E-D? Or spell BS? If any of you buy into this latest scenario, I've got a bridge in NYC for sale.... :0
Let's take investigation and analysis of this UAP/AAO mystery to the next level already people! IMO, there is no substitute for realtime hard data monitoring and unequivocal science.
Let's say for example the supposed alien slide image looked like this:

Would this be any more conclusive than the images being promoted?

Humans come in many forms and when you consider anomalous genetic variance there's all kinds of humans, and human remains that could scream 'alien' if you provide the right context. In this case some UFO researchers have decided that because the film appears to come from a specific date, and the narrative is one of hidden treasure, then suddenly, Bam! It must be the Roswell aliens.

Let's say it's not the mummified remains of a human hydrocephalic child. Is there any way to conclusively prove it's an alien any more than the "deer alien' image up above? Not really.
When will the great unwashed mass of ufoology get over their programmed Roswellian fixation? I waaaahhh-nah believe! A 10,000 seat arena in Mexico City? Can you spell G-R-E-E-D? Or spell BS? If any of you buy into this latest scenario, I've got a bridge in NYC for sale.... :0
Let's take investigation and analysis of this UAP/AAO mystery to the next level already people! IMO, there is no substitute for realtime hard data monitoring and unequivocal science.
Do you think the arena event will fizzle before the date due to unforeseen events between now and then?
yea, when i read online articles stating that they hired their own 'certified Kodak specialist' i knew something was afoot.
When will the great unwashed mass of ufoology get over their programmed Roswellian fixation? I waaaahhh-nah believe! A 10,000 seat arena in Mexico City? Can you spell G-R-E-E-D? Or spell BS? If any of you buy into this latest scenario, I've got a bridge in NYC for sale.... :0
Let's take investigation and analysis of this UAP/AAO mystery to the next level already people! IMO, there is no substitute for realtime hard data monitoring and unequivocal science.
I have no problem with these slides being fake. Nor do I assume the time frame auto links them to Roswell. I am, however, enjoying the read from "smart" minds trying to decipher them and the other slides and I'll wait and see what they come up with. As to "programmed Roswellian fixation", nice words but not for me. All the older cases are extremely interesting and deserve reading and exploring. I gather you've done more than your share on it, good for you. I haven't.
having a set 'release date' for images such as this, and releasing it as a company at some huge sponsored event just screams 'give us all your money'
it was taken at a museum in Columbia.

Could you point us to this one ?

To be fair one can no more claim as absolute fact this is a deformed child as one can say its an EBE from zeta wherever.

I hope that during the presentation we will see more detail than this small pic

Take a look at the legs behind the body.

I worked for a maternity hospital, the Royal hospital for Women here in Sydney. It was a training hospital

Ive seen dead babies, both in the Xray dept where still borns were Xrayed for research, and in the pathology dept where ive seen them autopsied.

Thats was a life changing experience i can tell you. Next door to the hospital was a malaysian resturant that did great hokkien noodles, the big fat yellowish type...... So this one day im called up to the Pathology dept to fix a computer and i walk in on this scene

A baby on a bread board, open from crotch to chin its intestines spread out on the table..... And one of the lab girls is standing there eating these hokkien noodles from a takeaway container, they looked identical to the intestines..... For one brief moment i had a horror movie moment.

But i digress

We also had a special room in the medical library, it contained dozens of jars of deformed babies, ive seen things you dont ever want to see

None were as large as this body. Now that doesnt mean its not a child that lived for 3 or four years, but i would expect that in such cases the child would be buried not put on public display.

I reserve the right to be wrong, but in my experience the size of this cadaver is a factor, its not a malformed foetus.

I will add this though the fact that the head is severed and the guts have been removed isnt inconsistant with what ive seen. What is inconsistant is the method of preservation, its not floating in Formaldehyde. So this pic imo is likely to have been taken soon after death, and during or soon after the autopsy process. I doubt you would display it like this
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Personally i am going to wait for the High Res pics before deciding
In particular im interested to see if they show the number of fingers toes etc
The cranium was dissected and it was found that the skull was formed of exceptionally thin and pliant cartilaginous material, appearing to be bone precursor that had been affected in some manner, making it more than usually thin and delicate. The brain itself was extensively and surprisingly formed. There was an unknown cortex superimposed on the forebrain and extending as far back as the fissure of Ralando.

Because of this extraordinary formation it was decided not to pursue dissection of the brain at this time. The organ was extracted and placed in fluid preservation pending further study.

Overall, this corpus presented the appearance of a human embryo of three to four months duration that had been the subject of considerable alteration and modification, some of it obviously surgical. Other modifications, such as that of the brain, were harder to understand. In addition to the alterations, there was the matter of the size of the body and the relatively mature condition of the epidermis and nails. It would appear that this fetus was separated from its mother and brought to a semi-functional state by artificial means.
3. Conclusion

This is a human fetus that has been subjected to forced maturation without normal gestation. Its degree of functionality while living if it ever was alive is unknown.

Roswell: Autopsy Reports
Could you point us to this one ?

To be fair one can no more claim as absolute fact this is a deformed child as one can say its an EBE from zeta wherever.

I hope that during the presentation we will see more detail than this small pic

No and when you quote someone make sure to quote them properly because I did not write "It was taken...". Instead I wrote, "Some are saying it was taken....." That part comes from various blog comments.
The cranium was dissected and it was found that the skull was formed of exceptionally thin and pliant cartilaginous material, appearing to be bone precursor that had been affected in some manner, making it more than usually thin and delicate. The brain itself was extensively and surprisingly formed. There was an unknown cortex superimposed on the forebrain and extending as far back as the fissure of Ralando.

Because of this extraordinary formation it was decided not to pursue dissection of the brain at this time. The organ was extracted and placed in fluid preservation pending further study.

Overall, this corpus presented the appearance of a human embryo of three to four months duration that had been the subject of considerable alteration and modification, some of it obviously surgical. Other modifications, such as that of the brain, were harder to understand. In addition to the alterations, there was the matter of the size of the body and the relatively mature condition of the epidermis and nails. It would appear that this fetus was separated from its mother and brought to a semi-functional state by artificial means.
3. Conclusion

This is a human fetus that has been subjected to forced maturation without normal gestation. Its degree of functionality while living if it ever was alive is unknown.

Roswell: Autopsy Reports

Mike, That's all been long debunked. That is for the Alien Autopsy stuff.

However, years ago back on UFO Updates, I posted a piece on "How to create a gray alien", where I speculate that fetuses where indeed "sped up" growth-rate-wise by some means to create a being that was stuck with infant features. You might give it a search if you have time.
Mike, That's all been long debunked. That is for the Alien Autopsy stuff.

However, years ago back on UFO Updates, I posted a piece on "How to create a gray alien", where I speculate that fetuses where indeed "sped up" growth-rate-wise by some means to create a being that was stuck with infant features. You might give it a search if you have time.

I personally havent seen these reports convincingly debunked, ive also had a pathologist read them and the terminology is spot on even if the subject matter is odd. If these were fakes, they were likely written by a pathologist was his opinion

The sped up growth rate factor is also consistant with the von Neumann probe scenario

A von Neumann probe is a hypothetical spacefaring probe designed to self-replicate using raw materials found in any star system. The probe is named after John von Neumann, a mathematician who made many important contributions to science. One of his contributions was the first rigorous study of self-replicating machines. Though von Neumann himself never discussed the idea of using self-replicating machines to explore space, shortly after his death in 1957 the concept began to enter science fiction and futurism.

Packed with advanced artificial intelligence and nanotechnology, a fleet of von Neumann probes could conceivably help colonize the entire galaxy or even universe. They could carry human zygotes, or the information required to create them, to populate new-found worlds without the hassle of human interstellar spaceflight. A von Neumann probe could even contain emulations of human beings, assisting with decision-making and data analysis.

If the speed of a von Neumann probe and its ability to self-replicate is fast enough, von Neumann probes could enable the creation of a colonization wavefront of exponentially self-replicating probes, expanding outwards at an appreciable fraction of the speed of light. Probes could be programmed to terraform planets upon arrival, preparing worlds for future inhabitants.

Entirely consistant with the two types of "alien" in those reports, One being built from biological material carried on the craft, the other second generation entity being built from the terrestrial raw materials ie Human genes
Let's say for example the supposed alien slide image looked like this:

Would this be any more conclusive than the images being promoted?

Humans come in many forms and when you consider anomalous genetic variance there's all kinds of humans, and human remains that could scream 'alien' if you provide the right context. In this case some UFO researchers have decided that because the film appears to come from a specific date, and the narrative is one of hidden treasure, then suddenly, Bam! It must be the Roswell aliens.

Let's say it's not the mummified remains of a human hydrocephalic child. Is there any way to conclusively prove it's an alien any more than the "deer alien' image up above? Not really.
I prefer 'Tat' alien to anything I might see from Mexico City.