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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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Great articles but I think Wingfield is making way too much out of Lundberg's lack of response to whether or not he made the alien slides here on the forum. George is taking "no response" to mean way too much and I don't think he's actually got a proper bead on Lundberg's approach to Ostension or to what Mirage Men was all about either. Lundberg's not there to celebrate Doty so much as to point out what Doty made, and what he made is not pretty - there's no celebration of the myth in Doty, just the use of the myth as a weapon. The making of the crop circle is the celebration of the circle mythos. Not appearing on The Paracast is a personal mandate I would think which is to dissolve into the background and become as invisible as possible.

If Lundberg did make the slides then that would be quite an impressive hoax to have pulled in so many "experts" in one fell swoop. But again, there's nothing "pretty" going on here with this event in terms of art. But perhaps the art is in making the object and not really caring what happens afterwards in terms of who does what with it.
And yet even his site documents weird stuff

¤ c i r c l e m a k e r s ¤



John Lundberg recalls several anomalies he and others witnessed whilst out making circles in Wiltshire.

Our work generates response, often from other circlemakers, and can sometimes act to catalyse a wide range of paranormal events. I still believe there is a genuine phenomenon, but I now also believe that we're a part of it.

Working backstage with the circles has allowed me to journey into the heart of an anomaly. It's been a real eye-opener, as well as providing a fascinating sociological insight. I certainly haven't got the whole picture yet - but I've got a much clearer one.
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John Lundberg recalls several anomalies he and others witnessed whilst out making circles in Wiltshire.

Our work generates response, often from other circlemakers, and can sometimes act to catalyse a wide range of paranormal events. I still believe there is a genuine phenomenon, but I now also believe that we're a part of it.

Working backstage with the circles has allowed me to journey into the heart of an anomaly. It's been a real eye-opener, as well as providing a fascinating sociological insight. I certainly haven't got the whole picture yet - but I've got a much clearer one.
And that's the goal of ostension, to bring the myth to life.
Today, Cinco de Mayo, is D-Day for Jaime Maussan's UFO Special Event and Alien Circus in Mexico City. We are promised this is the day that ultimate proof of the Alien Presence and the reality of the extraterrestrial visitors will be disclosed to the people of this planet. The world's leading UFO authority, Jaime Maussan, will (we hope) unveil his indisputable proof in the form of two photographic transparencies showing a genuine "Roswell Alien" body that was supposedly photographed back in 1947.

Well, don't hold your breath! Don't expect that scientists, media celebrities, and statesman worldwide are going to applaud and step forward to confirm that this is indeed the real thing. Will this alien revelation be the lead news item on TV channels all over America and Mexico? I don't think so for the reason that Jaime Maussan is the man who has tirelessly promoted dozens of similar hoaxes involving faked UFO photos and fake aliens for the last 30 years. I am told that over the years Maussan has supported over 40 false UFO and alien hoaxes according to an Italian website.

I have written about the "Roswell Slides" scam on this forum and given accurate details of where this latest hoax is coming from. Predictably certain Roswell "experts' have attacked what I say and shouted online that "Wingfield doesn't know what he's talking about". Unfortunately for them I do know what I'm talking about and sooner or later they will have to face this. Then, it will probably be said that I'm a government disinformation agent (like Richard Doty) who is determined to undermine sincere proof of the alien presence. They may even revive the absurd malicious rumor that I am undercover Aviary member Mockingbird who is in league with the aliens --helping to conceal their presence.

Older and wiser Roswell researchers such as Kevin Randle and Stan Friedman soon smelt a rat when Adam Dew first launched this latest scam in February. They wisely declined Maussan's invitation to come to Mexico City and confirm that these slides did depict a genuine alien. Not so others like Richard Dolan who will soon regret having taken the bait and getting reeled in to give support to yet another Maussan scam.

The well orchestrated process by which Maussan has hooked several smaller fish to give support to this fantastical proof of the alien presence resembles the actions of a fisherman who is out to catch large salmon. He chooses the finest lures or bait before casting them into the waters where these fish are to be found.

The best lures for this purpose are available --given the necessary introduction-- from Circlemakers and Alienfakers Lundberg & Co. (a.k.a. Circlemakers.org). John calls his service "Perception Management" rather than the provision of Weapons of Mass Deception which would be another way of looking at it. The particular lures supplied in this case --the Roswell Slides-- come with the Roswell tag on them, the expected appearance of a "genuine" Roswell alien, and carefully faked photographic materials that must appear to be from around 1947. All that was needed then was to get Mr Dew to cast the glittery lure into the dark Internet pool where these Roswellian fish lurk.

The fish who took the bait seem blissfully unaware that it has been commissioned and paid for by none other than Jaime Maussan himself. I've no idea what world-class alienfaking costs these days but I don't suppose it comes cheap.

George Wingfield
British Columbia
Drake, I just clicked on the link to the livestream which reports the following:

This broadcast is scheduled to start in about 2 hours.

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015 at 6:30pm EDT
It costs only $15, with replays available for the next two weeks. (actually it was $15 two days ago, when I signed up; it was to change to $20 today). I think there's a good chance it will be up on youtube in a few days.
I'm not against paying for a conference or whatever, but this isn't like that. The promoters admit the research is unfinished, and that's at least partly due to the proprietary exhibition of the slides. Supposedly, researchers will have access starting tomorrow, and that's when the real investigation begins.

Many of the presenters have no direct involvement with the slides themselves. You'd be paying to listen to a bunch of people talk about two slides you can see for free tomorrow. In this instance, I agree, wait and see.
Great articles but I think Wingfield is making way too much out of Lundberg's lack of response to whether or not he made the alien slides here on the forum. George is taking "no response" to mean way too much and I don't think he's actually got a proper bead on Lundberg's approach to Ostension or to what Mirage Men was all about either. Lundberg's not there to celebrate Doty so much as to point out what Doty made, and what he made is not pretty - there's no celebration of the myth in Doty, just the use of the myth as a weapon. The making of the crop circle is the celebration of the circle mythos. Not appearing on The Paracast is a personal mandate I would think which is to dissolve into the background and become as invisible as possible.

If Lundberg did make the slides then that would be quite an impressive hoax to have pulled in so many "experts" in one fell swoop. .

Even more impressive to find a possible historical connection to the slides in the Rays, who both kept a pretty low profile other than in their fields of work. I don't think the circlemakers want to work that hard. But I'm sure they love George's spreading of the suspicion that they're the producers of the slides. More visibility for them with no effort by them. Given George's lack of any evidence whatever for his claim that the circlemakers produced the dummy and maybe the film itself in the alien autopsy hoax {others claim to have produced the film), and his continuing lack of evidence that they hoaxed the slides, I think it's thinkable that George is acting as a disinformation agent.
Even more impressive to find a possible historical connection to the slides in the Rays, who both kept a pretty low profile other than in their fields of work. I don't think the circlemakers want to work that hard. But I'm sure they love George's spreading of the suspicion that they're the producers of the slides. More visibility for them with no effort by them. Given George's lack of any evidence whatever for his claim that the circlemakers produced the dummy and maybe the film itself in the alien autopsy hoax {others claim to have produced the film), and his continuing lack of evidence that they hoaxed the slides, I think it's thinkable that George is acting as a disinformation agent.
Well let's ask @George Wingfield if in fact he is a disinfo agent as the term gets thrown around like confetti at a wedding, not that you can do that anymore, but it seems that in this field you can in fact throw accusations around freely.

George, where's the proof that Lundberg and team made Humphrey's alien for the Santilli film? And why did you make the big leap to believe that Lundberg also made the slides just because he didn't answer the question here on the forum? Isn't that like finding a crop circle in a field, or any old circle in a field really, and cry, "Aliens!" The whole thing where you called them out in public really was quite carnivalesque.

I'm not sure, but it seems like you have history with the circlemaker blokes that might be causing you to bend the yarn here a little too much if you catch my shearing. Let us in on the deal as I feel that there's a lot of misplaced vitriol for someone who did us all the favour of exposing the unreachable Doty and exposed his version of perception management along with his mindbending effects on others. I thought he (Doty) was the real disinfo agent. What's going on?
And that's the goal of ostension, to bring the myth to life.

But it does begger the question, can we really use lundberg as a mechanism to discredit something, when he himself says the paranormal events are real, that the crop circle phenomena is real.

If hes telling the truth as he see's it then he cant be used as an example to discredit crop circles and other paranormal events
If hes telling lies, then like billy meier hes also useless as a source of example.

To me the logic offers 3 options

Lundberg can be used as an example in favour of paranormal events and crop circles being real (as he states in his site)
Lundberg can be used as an example that they are all bogus
Lunberg cannot be used as an example of anything

But when we read what hes written in his site about weird stuff that hes experienced and his conclusions, we must strike out option 2, since that contradicts his own statements on the matter.

Whats left doesnt leave him as a good example to be touting by the debunking camp

Which is pretty much what i said here

Ive never argued they will be proof of aliens or roswell, Just that we shouldnt write of the possibility that they might depict something significant before we even see them, as a knee jerk reaction to all the other hoax's and scams.

The absolute claim these are a hoax being made by people who havent even seen the evidence, must adhere to the same standards of proof as those making the claim something is genuine.

If somebody wants me to believe their claim these are real they will have to prove that to me
But by the same token anyone claiming they are fake, must also offer compelling evidence of that claim.

The burden of proof must apply both ways

Realistically the end result will likely be no proof either way, the mystery will continue

What i do think is on the cards though is that if it IS bogus, once the evidence has been presented and digested, proof of that is more likely to come about
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