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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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This is the latest post at his facebook page, which shows the translated placard posted here by Sentry.

Richard Dolan: "I imagine it would be helpful to have more clarification on the process, but this looks definitive. Just received a comment on this also from Jose Escamilla, which states: 'received the placard photo from Stan Ho's FB page. I have asked him where he got it. I am seeking out higher rez photos of the slides because in the black and white slide I saw of the little person, I found resemblance to my little person, so I will look further into whether or not the placard is from the slides and will try and find that B&W photo.'"

[Stan Ho's photo.]

Stan Ho: "By using the blurred and sharpen effect , we come up with this much "easy to read " Placard from the Roswell Slides . I simply guess the headline here , will it be something like " MUMMIFIED BODY OF TWO YEARS OLD BOY " . Anyone who have a better answer please feel free to share ."
from Dolans face book page

Since returning from Mexico City, I have been in communication with many people regarding the so-called Roswell slides. I attended the event in the first place because it seemed to have the potential to unveil important information. I had not seen the slides beforehand, but did have conversations with some of the principals who had. During those conversations, I was also told about the analyses performed on them. So I decided to go, and at no point was I ever asked to endorse... the slides.

After arriving and seeing the slides, and especially hearing the analyses in more detail, I felt the overall picture presented was compelling. The analyses by Jose de Jesus Zalce Benitez, Richard Doble, and Dr. Luis Antonio de Alba Galindo argued that the body depicted was not a human being. Since I am not a physiologist, I never felt qualified to debate that point.

My problem is this: when I simply look at the pictures, I see what many other people are seeing -- an interesting museum piece. One that looks like other examples that are on the web. With the acknowledgment that looks can be deceiving, I still keep coming back to that.

On top of this, there have been some very good critiques coming in. Recently, Nick Redfern posted a good analysis on the “Million Dollar Museum” in New Mexico, which he suggests may be where the slides were taken. Perhaps this is the answer, or perhaps it’s something else. But it is clear that the arguments promoting the slides as depicting an extraterrestrial have to overcome some serious objections.

It’s frustrating that the analyses by the three scientists have not been published in text form on a website where others can read them and respond to them. I told the group in Mexico City that this needs to happen as soon as possible, and they agreed. But it has not yet happened.

Although I previously stated the slides would not easily be debunked, it seems more relevant to me that they don’t need to be debunked so much as to be proven to be something anomalous. That is where the burden of proof lies.

For all the hoopla that accompanied and followed the Mexico City event, and all the furor that followed it, I feel it was a worthy endeavor. I believe the people involved are honest.

But for me, until the proper analyses are published, and until we have had time to read critiques of those analyses, and until there are strong replies to some of the critiques that are currently published, I cannot consider these slides as evidence of extraterrestrials.
I'll take a look. Didn't read it this time, only checked the date on top. Can you identify the changes you see in it from the original post on March 8?
You mean the 8th of May? No, the post I noticed was a couple of days before then.., lets just say the 6th of May. As stated; my regret was for not having captured the text on the 6th on May. Above; vesvehighfolk has supplied quotes (referring to posts #802 & 804), from Richard which apparently contradict what Richard has written at his website today, the 8th of May, that have been altered since the 6th of May.
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This is getting a little complicated and hardly worth the time it's taking. Yes, vesvehigh has posted what I think you'd describe as 'back-pedalling' in an RD statement of today, and it's clear why RD would want to place some more distance between himself and his lengthy statement of May 6 given the current clarification of the writing on the placard.
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You're right Constance, I thought it was just recently. So he altered the original March 8th article in the last couple of days, that is unless there is another article of the same exact title.
Blue Blurry Lines: The Placard of the Roswell Slides: The Final Curtain

The top title font of the placard is definitely large enough for this to appear to be a an accurate reading. To be fair we don't for 100% certainty yet, know the source of this cropped placard photo...but none the less, worthy of sharing.

At the time of burial the body was clothed in a xxx-xxx cotton
shirt. Burial wrappings consisted of these small cotton blankets.
Last line: Xxxxxed by the X.I. Xxxxxx, San Francisco, California."


Brilliant work!
Blue Blurry Lines: The Placard of the Roswell Slides: The Final Curtain

The top title font of the placard is definitely large enough for this to appear to be a an accurate reading. To be fair we don't for 100% certainty yet, know the source of this cropped placard photo...but none the less, worthy of sharing.

At the time of burial the body was clothed in a xxx-xxx cotton
shirt. Burial wrappings consisted of these small cotton blankets.
Last line: Xxxxxed by the X.I. Xxxxxx, San Francisco, California."
There's a lot to be answered for here if some minor processing time digitally revealed what years in the making said could not be seen. This isn't just stupidity, or ignorance at work, obviously not a hoax by Lundberg, just a blatant cash grab, a public snow job of rather lame circus barking proportions. It's entirely disturbing when you think back on all the material posted by Braglia, all the ramping up of believerdom with nothing but a whimper to show for it all, instead of the promised big bang. These are the sad days of ufology, so many investigators totaling many, many decades working in the field and all taken down by avarice.
These are the sad days of ufology, so many investigators totaling many, many decades working in the field and all taken down by avarice.

I'm actually encouraged by the #RoswellSlides episode because of the open source peer review it provoked. It kind of addresses that age old question of how to keep your BS detector operating whilst remaining open to the high strange.
I'm actually encouraged by the #RoswellSlides episode because of the open source peer review it provoked. It kind of addresses that age old question of how to keep your BS detector operating whilst remaining open to the high strange.
But it also demonstrated the unending cycles of profit over actual discovery when those working with these slides, who could see what was on the placard, could see the details of the museum setting etc., decided they were going to make another "let's prove Roswell" push anyways. So perhaps there's some extra good cynicism and critical analysis that participated, it still does not outweigh the nature of the carnival and the motivations of those associated with it, especially Dolan who has tried to claim not just legitimacy in the field but wants to be a cornerstone. Similarly the Dream Team vs. Team Nemesis of real research protocols demonstrate the age old competing forces in the field: believers, forgers & charlatans vs. doubters, critical seekers & investigators.

If you read through this thread from the start you see the same two camps on display. Hope and future growth would be apparent only if we see the body of ufology shift towards the nemesis camp and allow for outright critical, skeptical, detailed investigation to be the driving force and not the smug assumptions that much of the ETH strand adheres to. There's nothing definite in this field except for the fact that many definitely want to take paying audiences for a ride. Ending ufology as entertainment is a hard sell so to speak.
So, Adam Dew says it's phony. But then, he's got a documentary to produce, so a bit of drama might pad out the 3rd act.
Lawdy, the BeWitness show sure didn't bring it.

"Fake Placard"
That linked image above PROVES Adam Dew is a liar and/or is posting an obvious falsehood, absolutely!!! WHY? Read on...

That is NOT the original RAW unaltered "drum scam" -oops, I meant "drum scan". The high resolution drum scan would be many tens [or hundreds] of megabytes in image file size per slide. IF scanned in a high quality optical scanner [yes!] in 8 bit mode [unlikely 8bit color mode] it would be nearing 20 megabytes for each scan/slide, but these scans should have been done in 32 bit color mode [for highest quality] with a very high resolution OPTICAL RAW scan... That file size should be nearing a MINIMUM of 80-100 megabytes PER slide/scan using a 32 bit mode with the highest quality optical scanner available.

The RAW scan is never "lossy", NOT done, in a typical .jpg format [as provided by Dew above] or any other image quality "lossy format". The RAW image scan is made in a "lossless" TIF or other non-compressed format to get the full and complete resolution.

What seriously needs to happen is EXTREME PRESSURE needs to be applied on that Roswell "slide team" to release immediately the FULL UNALTERED HIGH RESOLUTION SCANS OF THE 2 SLIDES IN QUESTION, AS WAS PROMISED WOULD HAPPEN by Adam Dew and company.

Photoshop can easily crop to edit and "cut out" just the RAW UNALTERED SCAN of the placard too, AND ALSO save it in the RAW high resolution lossless TIF format.

We need published Master Scans of the 2 slides that proves and authenticates the scans are unaltered RAW scans and detail what optical resolution and bit color level was used. Also, some "proof" and certification under oath should be made, so everyone can trust the scans are truly unaltered, period. Otherwise, SCAM... imo.

Until that happens, I hope this is considered by everyone as a scam perpetrated on the public to continue to make money with a FRAUD MYTHOLOGY that is being created using these 2 slides.
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That linked image above PROVES Adam Dew is a liar and/or is posting an obvious falsehood, absolutely!!! WHY? Read on...

That is NOT the original RAW unaltered "drum scam" -oops, I meant "drum scan". The high resolution drum scan would be many tens [or hundreds] of megabytes in image file size per slide. IF scanned in a high quality optical scanner [yes!] in 8 bit mode [unlikely 8bit color mode] it would be nearing 20 megabytes for each scan/slide, but these scans should have been done in 32 bit color mode [for highest quality] with a very high resolution OPTICAL RAW scan... That file size should be nearing a MINIMUM of 80-100 megabytes PER slide/scan using a 32 bit mode with the highest quality optical scanner available.

The RAW scan is never "lossy", NOT done, in a typical .jpg format [as provided by Dew above] or any other image quality "lossy format". The RAW image scan is made in a "lossless" TIF or other non-compressed format to get the full and complete resolution.

What seriously needs to happen is EXTREME PRESSURE needs to be applied on that Roswell "slide team" to release immediately the FULL UNALTERED HIGH RESOLUTION SCANS OF THE 2 SLIDES IN QUESTION, AS WAS PROMISED WOULD HAPPEN by Adam Dew and company.

Photoshop can easily crop to edit and "cut out" just the RAW UNALTERED SCAN of the placard too, AND ALSO save it in the RAW high resolution lossless TIF format.

We need published Master Scans of the 2 slides that proves and authenticates the scans are unaltered RAW scans and detail what optical resolution and bit color level was used. Also, some "proof" and certification under oath should be made, so everyone can trust the scans are truly unaltered, period. Otherwise, SCAM... imo.

Until that happens, I hope this is considered by everyone as a scam perpetrated on the public to continue to make money with a FRAUD MYTHOLOGY that is being created using these 2 slides.
Are you the one who hacked the dream team's computers? You go by the name of Dissectionstalker, Open_Minded_Earthlings and Ebikesrc and have stated that your computers were confiscated by the FBI for hacking?And you've now just resurfaced a day after the Mexico fiasco on all the main blogs, Rich Reynolds, Kevin Randles, Blue blurry and here.
Are you the one who hacked the dream team's computers? You go by the name of Dissectionstalker, Open_Minded_Earthlings and Ebikesrc and have stated that your computers were confiscated by the FBI for hacking?And you've now just resurfaced a day after the Mexico fiasco on all the main blogs, Rich Reynolds, Kevin Randles, Blue blurry and here.
I will NOT comment 'here' during an ongoing SERIOUS FEDERAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. You and others have probably interfered and alerted potential criminal(s) by cross-posting and stalking me down over the internet. I suggest you BACK DOWN now!

Gene has known many details right from the beginning about what happened to me. Maybe he will comment once the investigation goes to completion. It would be wise for various reasons to not comment to you "here".

I will be commenting to you directly, including others, namely "The Beak", aka Mike, etc. when the suspects are rounded-up and hopefully go to jail. Extremely serious crimes were committed, which you OBVIOUSLY already KNOW I have stated elsewhere [by your cross-post here too] that I'm completely innocent of doing!!! Therefore, your first question above clearly describes the kind of character you are!
I will NOT comment 'here' during an ongoing SERIOUS FEDERAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. You and others have probably interfered and alerted potential criminal(s) by cross-posting and stalking me down over the internet. I suggest you BACK DOWN now!

Gene has known many details right from the beginning about what happened to me. Maybe he will comment once the investigation goes to completion. It would be wise for various reasons to not comment to you "here".

I will be commenting to you directly, including others, namely "The Beak", aka Mike, etc. when the suspects are rounded-up and hopefully go to jail. Extremely serious crimes were committed, which you OBVIOUSLY already KNOW I have stated elsewhere [by your cross-post here too] that I'm completely innocent of doing!!! Therefore, your first question above clearly describes the kind of character you are!
Let's see....you stalk people on forums, then complain that your computer's were seized, continue to stalk another forum and then disappear. A day after the Mexico fiasco you reappear. I'd like to know that the people I blog with aren't nutjobs that hack people, stalk people and basically turn forums into crap. And I don't mind calling you out with a question. You seem to not mind doing the same. And if anything I've said is true, people here have a right to know that. And btw, I know this whole tale because the people you harassed came to this forum to tell us this. Not because I have mounds of time to "stalk" you. And so again, I have to ask, are you the person that hacked the dream team?
Let's see....you stalk people on forums, then complain that your computer's were seized, continue to stalk another forum and then disappear. A day after the Mexico fiasco you reappear. I'd like to know that the people I blog with aren't nutjobs that hack people, stalk people and basically turn forums into crap. And I don't mind calling you out with a question. You seem to not mind doing the same. And if anything I've said is true, people here have a right to know that. And btw, I know this whole tale because the people you harassed came to this forum to tell us this. Not because I have mounds of time to "stalk" you. And so again, I have to ask, are you the person that hacked the dream team?
Your true character and unbelievable inability to comprehend the serious nature of this ongoing criminal matter is stunningly "not sane". IMO.

As I said, I will be addressing you and The Beak directly when the time comes...

Btw, you need to reread and comprehend my previous post, based on you asking that "hack question" quoted again "here" after I clearly answered it. I ALREADY ANSWERED THAT MONTHS AGO AND IN MY PREVIOUS POST JUST ABOVE. Can you not read and comprehend???
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Why can't you answer the question?
I already did "answer" in post 836. I made that very clear in post 838 too, but you missed that "edit". I made it very clear MONTHS AGO by your own cross-post here too! It should be obvious by now...

Why do you persist suggesting I did not answer your question for the third time now???

Really weird.

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