hi, i'll be precise :
the first one i saw was in 1998 or 99 , East of France in a big town, at 11pm (automn, at night, a few cars crossing the road) it was floating at about 9 feet from us SO i can assume what i saw is what i describe (a gf was here and saw it too, as we were quitely speaking at this time)
it was floating, but had an subtile oscillating move up/down.
so i rushed to it (the sphere, not the gf

and it disapeard immediatly ,
i just could see it starting to move up for a very short time then i guess it move so fast it seemed to desapear.
the gf told "did you see it too??? i was looking at it , what is this ball? "
the sphere was about 1 and half the size of a basket-ball , giving a pale light (pale white/blue/grey)
after that, when i stated to talk about it to other people, that girl prefered to tell she did not see anything and avoid mockings. But
about 8 years later, i had the chance to see another one, on a sunny evening with my wife. (wich is not the gf who had seen the first one) i had talked about that sphere from 1998 to my wife but she belived i saw some plastic bag floating, and did not really paid attention. But she saw that new sphere herself and told me "look, here's one!"
this one had a fully Mettalic aspect ! but was quite high in the sky, so it appeared to have the size of a green pea . it was following a small plane, then turned to a little cloud, then changed to opposite direction and started to move faster . it was at EAST french coast, sea side, at a desert beach.
sorry for my sometimes' bad english as it's not my native language.
i'm looking for informations or people having contact with those spheres.
warning, we're dealing with top secret technology but i'm sure you all know it.