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The 'Tap'

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Ever been 'tapped' on the shoulder. It happened to me last week, quite literally. At first I tried to rationalize that my muscles popped, for whatever reason, but that answer didn't take, obviously, because I'm no magician - the 'tap' came from outside my body.

And there was no one else in the house at the time; just a stand alone freezer at my back; a wall and window to my right; and a kitchen table in front of me.

The last time I'd experienced anything like it was more than 12 years ago. I really don't know what to make of it. :confused:
I've had similar, not a tap though, more like a tugging sensation on my shirt,like somebody yanked the bottom of it.. I was alone though, walking home at about 9.30 ish in the evening,as far as I was aware there was nobody else near me. I got home pretty quick after that!
I've had a few moments in my truck or in one of my old cars where out of nowhere it seems that the truck gets shook or bumped into when I'm parked in a parking lot with the engine shut off. It always makes me jump in my seat and look around to see if someone has just pushed my truck, but there is never anything around. It's probably happened 10-20 times in my life.
I've had a solid thump to the middle of my chest. It startled me so bad I tumped my chair over backwards.
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Whilst I've never been tapped on the shoulder by forces unseen - and I don't know if this story is too off-topic for you - but only last month I was walking through York (Old York, not New!) when I had a brief, peculiar encounter.

It was a busy shopping day with lots of people dashing about. For some reason I suddenly remembered the story UFO researcher Timothy Good tells when he mentally projected the message, 'if there are any non-human intelligences nearby come and sit next to me and tap your nose' - or something like that. He seems to think it worked for him.

Anyway, for some reason I 'beamed' a similar mental message out into the ether but asked that the 'alien' touch or hold my arm. A minute or two passed and the crowd cleared. I had stopped thinking of my odd request by then but, as I approached a young chinese girl who was chatting on her mobile phone, she suddenly turned, nudged me, and held onto my arm for a moment as if by accident. She continued to talk laughingly into her phone as I mumbled an apology and walked on. Moments later, I suddenly remembered my mental invitation and when I turned and looked, the girl was still there but with her back to me, and still chatting on the phone.
I scurried away!

Coincidence? Probably. But such a thing has never happened to me before and I do find the timing intriguing.

I suppose I should be careful what I wish for - or more imaginative.
Just posted my incident in another Thread, but a couple months ago while alone at work, just leaving for the evening.

I was sitting in my chair leaning forward shutting down my computer, when I felt a very distinct hand on the middle of my back just below my shoulder blades, then it moved upwards a few inches and stayed that way for a few seconds then the sensation/pressure vanished!

It felt exactly as if someone were standing behind you and where'd they may place their hand if they were looking at your computer over your shoulder.

Amazingly, the pressure didn't scare me at all! It felt very kind (in a professional way), as if someone who cared for me. I think it was perhaps the dr whose project I'm working on, it was his 'baby' and he died right after sharing his idea/project. I've been working on it for the past few years, I get the idea it may be him. Just my take. :redface:

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