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The Ultimate Remote Viewing Experiment?

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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
I'm on the fence about remote viewing.

Back in 2009, we actually featured a listener who claimed remote viewing abilities:

April 26, 2009 — Daz Smith

I think he was later banned from the forums, but he did produce possibly creditable results that demonstrated some sort of unusual abilities.

So listen here remote viewers, how about the ultimate "spy" mission?

As you know, Apple Inc. is famously secretive about future product development. Millions want to know if there will be an iWatch, an Apple connected TV, or even what form the next iPhone will take.

So if any of you believe you have the ability to see what's going on elsewhere, how about taking a trip to Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA and tell us what you see?

Any takers?
Gene, dunno about uses of Remote Viewing in industrial peek-a-boo. But I would say it has come off looking pretty lame in the search for flight 370. :(
Gene, dunno about uses of Remote Viewing in industrial peek-a-boo. But I would say it has come off looking pretty lame in the search for flight 370. :(

As it does quite often. I guess if it was reliable, the military wouldn't just have written it off, which is what they actually seem to have done.

But looking lame most of the time doesn't mean it's all (self-)delusion and fraud. The descriptions given in RV sessions rarely describe the whole thing in every detail, but sometimes, details are much too specific to have come by purely by accident.

I haven't read anything about RV sessions for flight 370, but I would think that, searching for a plane that has in all probability gone down in the middle of the ocean, it wouldn't be of much use having a RVer telling you that he feels there's a lot of seawater around.

As for any RVers saying that the plane has been abducted by terrorists or aliens, they are probably deluded or, worse, Ed Dames.
So if any of you believe you have the ability to see what's going on elsewhere, how about taking a trip to Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA and tell us what you see? Any takers?

I gave it a try, but their complex seems to be protected by an anti-remote viewing shield emanating from mutant Apple employees who volunteered for cybernetic bio-enhancement experiments in their secret underwater lab. The chip ( directly implanted in their brain ) also interfaces with iPhones, allowing them to mentally access wireless communications networks. Soon a commercial headset version with be released that will enable Apple to take control of the wearer turning them into their own zombie Apple Bots. Combined with wired versions secretly installed in iPods, when Apple flips the switch, suddenly everyone wearing an iPod or iPhone headset will become part of Apples plan for world domination.

The only safe zones will be wired-only locations protected by Faraday cages. If your friend suddenly turns into an Apple Zombie, the only way to save them will be to get them to a safe zone before they're given orders by their new Apple overlords, and whatever you do, never accept an invitation to share their headphone jack or you'll become a victim too, and begin helplessly downloading iTunes music that you would normally never listen to, let alone purchase. Signs that your friends have been assimilated include them owning the book "Steve Jobs" a biography, and the wearing of Apple themed merchandise .

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I'm on the fence about remote viewing.

Back in 2009, we actually featured a listener who claimed remote viewing abilities:

April 26, 2009 — Daz Smith

I think he was later banned from the forums, but he did produce possibly creditable results that demonstrated some sort of unusual abilities.

So listen here remote viewers, how about the ultimate "spy" mission?

As you know, Apple Inc. is famously secretive about future product development. Millions want to know if there will be an iWatch, an Apple connected TV, or even what form the next iPhone will take.

So if any of you believe you have the ability to see what's going on elsewhere, how about taking a trip to Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA and tell us what you see?

Any takers?

Ok, as a professional remote viewer and an instructor of remote viewing I have to comment on this one. What you are suggesting, Gene, is known as "corporate espionage" and is, technically, illegal. Just FYI. We live in a very litigious society, sadly, and therefore, as remote viewers, ethics and legalities end up playing a role in every target we choose to view. Hope this helps.
That's true, and the remote viewers have discussed that possibility at length. What would a lawsuit against a remote viewer look like? But… I just don't want to be the remote viewer who finds out.
Ok, as a professional remote viewer and an instructor of remote viewing I have to comment on this one. What you are suggesting, Gene, is known as "corporate espionage" and is, technically, illegal. Just FYI. We live in a very litigious society, sadly, and therefore, as remote viewers, ethics and legalities end up playing a role in every target we choose to view. Hope this helps.

Well I and i'm sure many others here would be more than happy to provide a target.
Ive seen some TRV demo's that were compelling, so im not a skeptic by any means.

Proposed protocol:

Cardboard box with item from household, 6 digit co-ordinates written on box. Box content details to be given to Gene prior to demonstration, C0-ordinates posted here.

Or a protocol of your choice
I know my answer to this won't make you happy, but I belong to so many remote viewing groups, and am currently preparing workshops for New York, Chicago, Vegas and Wisconsin. As a professional, I have a backload of operational targets I am currently working on that are paid projects with due dates, in addition to mentoring my students online regularly. Over the years, I've done a lot of "dog and pony shows" to "prove" remote viewing works. So I no longer volunteer to attempt to dazzle the masses with great RV demos. Because I've learned that no matter how well we do, there are always the debunkers and skeptics who just run us ragged and are never satisfied. So I now invest my time and energy in trying to do something that will really make a difference.
Thats OK i didnt need to be psychic to know that would be the answer lol.

Certainly no one is asking for a dog and pony show, Gene put the call out. Ive offered to assist in what capacity i can.

That you chose to enter the thread was your call, as is your decision to decline to participate in a demo.

No one is asking you to prove anything, but having said that in the time youve taken to post a few times here, i think you could have given us a quick demo.

I am NOT a RV skeptic, but i know the audience here well enough to predict your answer will be seen as a cop out.

No hard feelings though
Live long and prosper

I'm on the fence about remote viewing.

Back in 2009, we actually featured a listener who claimed remote viewing abilities:

April 26, 2009 — Daz Smith

I think he was later banned from the forums, but he did produce possibly creditable results that demonstrated some sort of unusual abilities.

So listen here remote viewers, how about the ultimate "spy" mission?

As you know, Apple Inc. is famously secretive about future product development. Millions want to know if there will be an iWatch, an Apple connected TV, or even what form the next iPhone will take.

So if any of you believe you have the ability to see what's going on elsewhere, how about taking a trip to Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA and tell us what you see?

Any takers?
You know, if I could do remote viewing repeatably, I wouldn't tell a soul, because I'd be getting crazy rich. All you have to do is remote view earnings reports before they come out, then buy the corresponding puts or calls on the stock.
That's what Russell Targ was doing using associative remote viewing in the early 1980's. It's extremely difficult to do it directly, so objects are associated with different market states (e.g. up a lot, down a lot, up a little, down a little).
I just finished channeling Steve Jobs because I could not get my consciousness thru Apple’s Faraday enclosed R&D building. When I asked him about the goings-on in the R&D department his orbishness just abruptly turned around and floated away. However, overheard was the muttering of something about large and beautiful vegetables in the hereafter, with emphasis being placed on zucchini.
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I will attempt it. (dims lights, takes out a pencil, pad of paper, and puts on some Grand Funk Railroad)

Yes, it is coming to me clearly now. (places the blank pad of paper on his forehead in a Carnac the Magnificent like fashion for no apparent reason)

I see another over-hyped, over priced, anti-ergonomic, and visually boring appliance whose ubiquitous and inappropriate public use will annoy me no end. (flings the pad across the room and cranks up the volume just in time for another incredible crunchy and distortion laden Mark Farner guitar solo)
I know my answer to this won't make you happy, but I belong to so many remote viewing groups, and am currently preparing workshops for New York, Chicago, Vegas and Wisconsin. As a professional, I have a backload of operational targets I am currently working on that are paid projects with due dates, in addition to mentoring my students online regularly. Over the years, I've done a lot of "dog and pony shows" to "prove" remote viewing works. So I no longer volunteer to attempt to dazzle the masses with great RV demos. Because I've learned that no matter how well we do, there are always the debunkers and skeptics who just run us ragged and are never satisfied. So I now invest my time and energy in trying to do something that will really make a difference.
OK, so long and short of it: What is Apple "really" working on aside from what the rumor sites report?

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