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The Vertical Plane

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Hi Mark
There is no significant recorded instance of a poltergeist related injurie by 'falling beem' in 2006. The little numbers left this ambiguous (nothing new) so it is open to too much interpretation to be of value to us I'm afraid.
Hi Meeman
My copy is currently out on loan and the nature of the little number messages, re 'physics', makes it impossible for me to recall what was discussed in any detail I'm afraid.
To all. When we get time (ho ho), we shall get it uploaded as an eBook so people can get the book at a sensible price.
Hi Debbie!
First of all I would like to thank you for being so open about your experiences in this forum and I, like many others, am deeply fascinated with the events that you and Ken were experiencing back in the day.

A whole lot of years have passed and first I would like to ask if you and Ken are okay and second if you have gotten any new information regarding this?
I'm sorry for any language issues in this text since I'm Swedish (on that note, is there ANY way to get a hold of the book over here?).

I would love to get in touch with you to discuss this further, although I wholeheartedly respect and believe that you have no obligation to do so.

Best Regards
I agree TR.

My thoughts are it's either an elaborate hoax or something very strange was going on.

Welcome to the forum also ;)
I had to sign up as the happenings in the vertical plane fascinate me having heard the story on the mysterious universe podcast. I would love to get a copy of the book to read in full, but it's sadly becoming ridiculous with people now asking £700 on eBay... this is aimed at Debbie & Ken, who I do hope is hopefully receiving notifications to this thread.. is there a way that the book could be available in a PDF format which we could purchase from Ken directly so he makes some money rather than the con artists on internet websites!!! Please.
Welcome to the Paracast RD. Some very clever people on here. (far more insightful than I

I would love to find out more regarding this case and as you mentioned the book has been going for silly money.

Would be interested to hear the views of some of the members on here about this case
HI All,

Joined just for this, and I know it is a long shot. I am going to post a link, not because I want to draw the conversation away from here but because I have already done an enormous amount of work on this story there. I am hoping to the get the attention of Ken or Deb, not to interview, ask questions, or bother. I really just want them to see what I have done so far, and share what I want to do going forward. On top of that I know a lot of you will be interested in what I have been able to produce while in possession of the book. Ken I have tweeted you, blown up your work contact email, and submitted my request to the publisher. I am terribly sorry to bother you so much Ken, I just really don't want to get sued. That is truly all I am trying to accomplish by contacting you. Deb if I knew how to bother you endlessly I probably would too, if you are able to direct Ken a message or speak for yourself I would greatly appreciate it.

I am humbly, and without any financial incentive for myself asking this. Begging really.

Mods and members, please forgive me just dropping in and disrespecting your forum, I do so with trepidation but serious intent. At the very least I hope you enjoy my work.

The Vertical Plane by Ken Webster - Is this proof of Time manipulation and travel or just a story?, page 1

HI All,

Joined just for this, and I know it is a long shot. I am going to post a link, not because I want to draw the conversation away from here but because I have already done an enormous amount of work on this story there. I am hoping to the get the attention of Ken or Deb, not to interview, ask questions, or bother. I really just want them to see what I have done so far, and share what I want to do going forward. On top of that I know a lot of you will be interested in what I have been able to produce while in possession of the book. Ken I have tweeted you, blown up your work contact email, and submitted my request to the publisher. I am terribly sorry to bother you so much Ken, I just really don't want to get sued. That is truly all I am trying to accomplish by contacting you. Deb if I knew how to bother you endlessly I probably would too, if you are able to direct Ken a message or speak for yourself I would greatly appreciate it.

I am humbly, and without any financial incentive for myself asking this. Begging really.

Mods and members, please forgive me just dropping in and disrespecting your forum, I do so with trepidation but serious intent. At the very least I hope you enjoy my work.

The Vertical Plane by Ken Webster - Is this proof of Time manipulation and travel or just a story?, page 1


It's amazing how much can be determined about jumping off a cliff without actually having to jump off a cliff. Time travel in the sci-fi sense of the word, and as in what seems to be described ( above ) as a reference to phenomena reported in the Vertical Plane book, simply isn't possible from a logical perspective and therefore whatever is responsible for the phenomena ( if any such phenomena actually occurred ), cannot be time travel. It might be possible that there are "parallel universes" that closely resemble ours and are at different stages of evolution, and that some sort of communication is taking place between the two. This might give the illusion of time travel or communication through time, but it wouldn't actually be the case.
It's amazing how much can be determined about jumping off a cliff without actually having to jump off a cliff. Time travel in the sci-fi sense of the word, and as in what seems to be described ( above ) as a reference to phenomena reported in the Vertical Plane book, simply isn't possible from a logical perspective and therefore whatever is responsible for the phenomena ( if any such phenomena actually occurred ), cannot be time travel. It might be possible that there are "parallel universes" that closely resemble ours and are at different stages of evolution, and that some sort of communication is taking place between the two. This might give the illusion of time travel or communication through time, but it wouldn't actually be the case.

It seems to work until we can get a better term. Even 2109 tell us it is but isn't time travel. I however prefer to not make absolute statements about what is and isn't possible in this life. I have seen the impossible already, so what does that say about it's possibilities?

I certainly don't expect you to take my word for it.
Interesting reading on your thead SputnikSteve. Having just read through your word doc of all the 2109 messages, one thing is glaring, and that's the communication to the ufologist Gary Rowe. There's a thread elsewhere on the web where he chimes in and says that this was real and it changed his life, but 2109 told him not to speak of the messages he received through Ken. Have you seen that thread? Might be another person worth contacting.

I've had a good month and have loved this story since the first time I heard it, so have just bought a copy of the book. Can't wait to read it thououghly. Gary Rowe said that there's a lot to read between the lines and I can't wait to give it a go!!
Space travel is utter bilge; rocks can't possibly fall from the sky, and on and on. It's always good, though, to have someone around who knows it all.
Thanks for posting this, SS. I've heard about this story before and hoped to one day read the book. I've been trying to send a message to my 1989 self, to buy several copies of the book and stash them here and there, but he's pretty thick headed about things like that. I've tried even harder to get him to avoid certain entanglements, but does he listen? No.

This is such an interesting story that I stayed at that batshit crazy site and read some of your thread. I have an account there, but gave up on the wanker-infested mess long ago.
Interesting reading on your thead SputnikSteve. Having just read through your word doc of all the 2109 messages, one thing is glaring, and that's the communication to the ufologist Gary Rowe. There's a thread elsewhere on the web where he chimes in and says that this was real and it changed his life, but 2109 told him not to speak of the messages he received through Ken. Have you seen that thread? Might be another person worth contacting.

I've had a good month and have loved this story since the first time I heard it, so have just bought a copy of the book. Can't wait to read it thououghly. Gary Rowe said that there's a lot to read between the lines and I can't wait to give it a go!!

Hello Roderic,
Yes I have read that from Gary Rowe, and it did put chills down my spine. I have written to him recently, and now possess his phone number as well. Things are getting very strange for me and frankly I am a little too scared to call him yet.

It is great you have the book now, I suggest a couple read throughs. I was trying to be very thorough on my first but realized I have missed so many important things. It is now 30 years since this was published, much has changed and much has been learned. I am confident we will have a conclusion soon. I really look forward to your insight after reading. Hopefully everyone will have the chance to read it soon.
Thanks for posting this, SS. I've heard about this story before and hoped to one day read the book. I've been trying to send a message to my 1989 self, to buy several copies of the book and stash them here and there, but he's pretty thick headed about things like that. I've tried even harder to get him to avoid certain entanglements, but does he listen? No.

This is such an interesting story that I stayed at that batshit crazy site and read some of your thread. I have an account there, but gave up on the wanker-infested mess long ago.

If only we could right?! It can get quite crazy there but it has been my home for the last decade and where I learned a lot, and not so much. I was only 9 back then so I can't imagine I would be able to convince myself to do much of anything. These are exciting times we are living in, and it is funny but a bit comforting to see this all going on under the radar.

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