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The Vertical Plane

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Waller said:
Nothing is happenstance. Nothing.
How do you know that?
I take responsibility for the physical reality I create. Life happens through you not to you. Although it is perfectly fine if you want to experience physical dream as a victim of it. I choose not to.
Waller said:
Nothing is happenstance. Nothing
I take responsibility for the physical reality I create. Life happens through you not to you. Although it is perfectly fine if you want to experience physical dream as a victim of it. I choose not to.
OK that's fine in principle, at least to a point, but it doesn't validate the claim that "nothing is happenstance". It only deals with your immediate physical reality that you think you have some conscious influence over. What about the rest? Like stuff that goes on where there's nobody around or is governed by probability or is simply accidental?
Yes it most certainly is. Now you are getting me.
Oh. OK. And here silly me thought you were trying to make some sort of point ... lol. Maybe if we try another approach. Why is it so important to you that you get noticed by Ken or Deb? What do you hope to gain or learn?
Waller said:
Nothing is happenstance. Nothing.
I take responsibility for the physical reality I create. Life happens through you not to you. Although it is perfectly fine if you want to experience physical dream as a victim of it. I choose not to.

OK that's fine in principle, at least to a point, but it doesn't validate the claim that "nothing is happenstance". It only deals with your immediate physical reality that you think you have some conscious influence over. What about the rest? Like stuff that goes on where there's nobody around or is governed by probability or is simply accidental?
All happenings in your physical reality are governed by your creative consciousness and the co-creation of it with others. There are no "governed by probability" or "accidental" events. You create your physical reality based around the themes that you desired to explore pre-incarnation (to speak linearly).

If you wish to perceive your [personal] physical reality as if you are the victim of unknown and undesirable forces which throw events, problems and other scenarios @ you that you may not prefer, then please do so. That's a valid experience...for you.

For me, I prefer to run the world I create, to have life live through me instead of hoisted on me. How do I know that I am in control of my journey? Synchronicity. The number of synchronous events continues to accelerate i.e. the coming together of seemingly unrelated events.

To wit, the idea is to recognize that your wish, your desire, in and of itself, is a frequency of energy. If you have the wish, if you have the desire, then you are “putting that energy out” in your reality, you are giving off that vibration. If you are giving off that vibration, and if you don’t get in your own way with your assumptions about what you can and cannot do, then you will automatically and effortlessly draw to yourself the opportunities that will be obvious for you to act on to fulfill your wish. That’s one definition of synchronicity.

And what exactly is my purpose on Earth? To be myself, that is all. How do I live to the fullest? By following my greatest excitement, moment to moment, without setting any expectations whatsoever, to the best of my ability.
For me, I prefer to run the world I create, to have life live through me instead of hoisted on me. How do I know that I am in control of my journey?

And yet you were once banned from the forum, did you create that reality on purpose or was the ban something beyond your control ?

When i test your claims against the reality, they don't stand up.

An obvious answer might be that you are simply deluded in your view of reality.
Hate to be a pain but I've been following this thread for a year in case Deb comes back to add to it, or Ken happens across it. I'd appreciate it if the off topic chit chat that My inbox has been pleasured with for the past three days could move to its own thread, especially now that it seems to have devolved into a pissing match... this convo has next to nothing to do with the book and this is one of few threads that still exists about it, but it's getting crapped on pretty hard at the moment.
The Thread is almost 10 years old, and Deb makes it pretty clear she and Ken don't have much more to add to the story.

As to devolving into a pissing match. Deb says.

I can see that this forum has people discussing the paranormal in an intelligent way. It's why I was drawn to it in the first place,Intelligent debate is always welcome as both Ken and I continue to search for answers.

And i think what you have seen in the recent posts is an attempt to maintain that intellectual integrity which is a hallmark of the forum. All part of sorting the wheat from the chaff.
Part of discussing the paranormal in an intelligent way as Deb puts it is to challenge unsubstantiated claims. All the Usual Suspect has done is ask for the substantiation of statements of facts.
That goes both ways too.
Were i to state, this case is a load of rubbish, its a hoax and that's a fact. You and others would expect i substantiate that claim of fact.

I am entitled to an opinion (hoax or real) but not to claim either position as a fact. Its the very thing, Intelligent honest debate, that Deb was drawn to as she states.

She and Ken and i am sure others here continue to search for answers, but the methodology is important too. People cant just make up facts and present them as such.
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I'll give an example.
While researching this case i came across this

I actually lived in the house with Ken Webster a few years prior to the occurences he wrote about in the book. I have to say that I never experienced any of the phenomenon that Ken did, and I would have to say that the cottage never had any 'bad or odd vibes', in fact it was one of the most peaceful places you could imagine.

Ken was very much into his music when we shared the cottage and he had been there for a while with a variety of other mates and musos (one of whom was a very established and well known keyboard player who played with the likes of Black, The Mighty Wah, Simply Red and many others!).

Ken had been a teacher at my High School, but being only a few years older than me (I was 19 at the time) was more of a friend than a teacher. I was also a 'struggling' wannabee musician as well, and myself and a few other friends used to help Ken with his PA hire business come hobby, and got to see and work with some great and now legendary Liverpool bands as he worked mainly throughout the post punk Liverpool clubs.

Ken was a pretty serious type of person - he had a great sense of humor but was a fairly solitary and sensitive kind of guy, certainly not the type of person to leave himself open to public ridicule, especially not by writing a book that would make him out to be a a bit of a 'loon'.

I was also taught English at High School by Peter Trinder as I attended Hawarden High School in North Wales (the school both Ken and Peter taught at). Mr Trinder as we knew him was the 'old school', Oxbridge and bow ties etc. Again not the type up for public ridicule.

THE BOOK WAS A FASCINATING READ FOR ME AS YOU CAN IMAGINE , AND WAS THE TOPIC OF MUCH HEATED DEBATE BETWEEN FRIENDS OF MINE AND KEN'S OVER THE YEARS (OOps! excuse the typos!) over the authenticity of the story - some believed and some thought it was an excellent hoax, but we all agreed it was a fantastic, and captivating book nonetheless - would have made a great film too...and I make documentaries myself now so who knows, I may have to give Ken a call!...If I can find a contact for him

Is this proof the story is true or that its made up.?

Of course not, this person could be lying, His post gives us nothing.

Lots of claims nothing we can substantiate as fact.
I was banned?

Yes but i'm sure you are used to it by now.

If he's banned from a website under one name he'll often re-appear under another. He will copy postings or blogs and then edit, distort and post them elsewhere with the intention of causing problems or embarrassment

The administrators have banned Waller Joel and his multiple IP addresses from this forum

It may take time but ultimately serial pests such as this person will be found out for what they are and progressively be banned from the various websites they try to inhabit in order to cause disruption.

I agree he's expert at trolling.

He sounds a profoundly disturbed individual.

Physical medium Waller Joel
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Waller said:
Nothing is happenstance. Nothing.
I take responsibility for the physical reality I create. Life happens through you not to you.
Life obviously happens. Some of it happens "through you" like when you create something. But the vast majority of what influences your existence happens "to you" and there's very little or nothing you can do about most of it. For example the Earth doesn't turn "through you". It turns independent of you your whole life and has been doing so for billions of years. There are countless more examples, so lets just take that little new agey buzz-phrase and kick-it to the curb where it belongs. To assume that this universe exists because you came along some 13+ billion years after it came into existence would be the height of sheer wilful ignorance just to satisfy one's own sense of self-importance.
Although it is perfectly fine if you want to experience physical dream as a victim of it. I choose not to.
That's a loaded statement that implies an assumption. It's probably better to avoid those.
All happenings in your physical reality are governed by your creative consciousness and the co-creation of it with others. There are no "governed by probability" or "accidental" events. You create your physical reality based around the themes that you desired to explore pre-incarnation (to speak linearly).
What do you mean by "your physical reality". Is there really a need to place a possessive qualifier on it? Is it different that just saying, "All happenings in physical reality." ?
If you wish to perceive your [personal] physical reality as if you are the victim of unknown and undesirable forces which throw events, problems and other scenarios @ you that you may not prefer, then please do so. That's a valid experience...for you.
Again: why emphasize "personal" physical reality. It sounds more like you're referring to one's subjective reality ( subjective experience ) and one's attitude toward it. It seems like you're mixing separate contexts.
For me, I prefer to run the world I create, to have life live through me instead of hoisted on me. How do I know that I am in control of my journey? Synchronicity. The number of synchronous events continues to accelerate i.e. the coming together of seemingly unrelated events.
Sure, most people can't let go and enjoy the journey. Instead they try for reasons of personal insecurity to control it, and in a small very limited way, this helps our immediate situation. But the fact is, the vast majority of what goes on in the universe, our world, and even to ourselves, happens without our knowledge or consent, and even if we could know everything that happens and want to do something about it, most of it is beyond our control. I prefer to accept this truth and study it because I find it to be an amazing journey. Trying to control or convince myself into the delusion that I have control over it all would detract from my experience of life.
To wit, the idea is to recognize that your wish, your desire, in and of itself, is a frequency of energy. If you have the wish, if you have the desire, then you are “putting that energy out” in your reality, you are giving off that vibration. If you are giving off that vibration, and if you don’t get in your own way with your assumptions about what you can and cannot do, then you will automatically and effortlessly draw to yourself the opportunities that will be obvious for you to act on to fulfill your wish. That’s one definition of synchronicity.
I think we're onto the subject of vibrations elsewhere, but I tend to resonate with the idea that there are negative and positive waves in a sort of psycho-social sense based on cultural and moral programming. Once again I present this fine example below:

And what exactly is my purpose on Earth? To be myself, that is all. How do I live to the fullest? By following my greatest excitement, moment to moment, without setting any expectations whatsoever, to the best of my ability.
Ya that ( the above ) and by convincing yourself you're in control of everything. LOL. Personally I find it a lot more interesting to think the universe is full of mysteries far bigger and more interesting than me or what I can control. I accept that life is short and that at any time the entire universe could simply blink out of existence. Therefore, not entirely unlike yourself, I also tend to pursue on a moment-by-moment basis whatever it is I seem to be driven to do at the time.
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I had to sign up as the happenings in the vertical plane fascinate me having heard the story on the mysterious universe podcast. I would love to get a copy of the book to read in full, but it's sadly becoming ridiculous with people now asking £700 on eBay... this is aimed at Debbie & Ken, who I do hope is hopefully receiving notifications to this thread.. is there a way that the book could be available in a PDF format which we could purchase from Ken directly so he makes some money rather than the con artists on internet websites!!! Please.
I had to sign up as the happenings in the vertical plane fascinate me having heard the story on the mysterious universe podcast. I would love to get a copy of the book to read in full, but it's sadly becoming ridiculous with people now asking £700 on eBay... this is aimed at Debbie & Ken, who I do hope is hopefully receiving notifications to this thread.. is there a way that the book could be available in a PDF format which we could purchase from Ken directly so he makes some money rather than the con artists on internet websites!!! Please.
To All: A Kindle version(facsimile) of the book will be available for £5.50 from the end of October. Sorry for those who have had to pay a silly price for this - hopefully this will stop this speculative shenanigans going on ..supply and demand etc... Cheers, Debs.
To All: A Kindle version(facsimile) of the book will be available for £5.50 from the end of October. Sorry for those who have had to pay a silly price for this - hopefully this will stop this speculative shenanigans going on ..supply and demand etc... Cheers, Debs.
Any updates on this, Deb? I've been trudging through the internet for months now for a copy and to see your post really just filled me with a joy I had never felt before.
Any updates on this, Deb? I've been trudging through the internet for months now for a copy and to see your post really just filled me with a joy I had never felt before.

I thought that some of you would love to know that the book is being reprinted and is available on Amazon.co.uk as a pre order for delivery on the 14th of December..

:) BW
Any updates on this, Deb? I've been trudging through the internet for months now for a copy and to see your post really just filled me with a joy I had never felt before.
Hope you have now caught Kindle/paperback reprint on Amazon now. Warm wishes, Debs
Hey all, I just found this story by accident last night, and have since listened to 3 podcasts about it. “This Paranormal Life” implied that 2109 predicted the location of the next discovered quasar. Can anyone confirm that this is the case? I believe this would be the best evidence possible for the voracity of this story, save for the actual discovery of the book written by Thomas.
The book is yet to be seen on Amazon in paperback or digital, however you can download it from archive.org and convert from epub to mobi, upload to your Kindle, then happy reading!
By the way, my interest on the topic was triggered by the recent two-episode podcast on the topic by Astonishing Legends.
It would have been fantastic to listen to any of the actors, Debbie, Ken or Peter on the show.
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The book is yet to be seen on Amazon in paperback or digital, however you can download it from archive.org and convert from epub to mobi, upload to your Kindle, then happy reading!
By the way, my interest on the topic was triggered by the recent two-episode podcast on the topic by Astonishing Legends.
It would have been fantastic to listen to any of the actors, Debbie, Ken or Peter on the show.

Hi I bought a copy in Feb 2018 for £10.99 - they may have run out of the print run as the price is high again.

Regards Debbie if you are notified xxx

The Vertical Plane The Vertical Plane: Amazon.co.uk: 9780008288334: Books

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