Not the ones you post, no. I viewed a couple in the beginning and they wound up being a waste of time. They were spurious. No substance of any real value. Time wasters. Hence, I will not watch any more of your video links.
Ah, but I do, I have - and my links are proof that I have done so. How you can say this I do not know.
Correct, because it's a free country, as we like to say. I've watched you 'debate' others. My considered opinion is - you are not a worthy opponent. Sorry.
Oh, but I do, I have - you just do not have the mental finesse to discern when I have done so. Sorry about that but that's the way I see it. I've never answered in my own text, no, for many reasons, but within my links, and oft times in the quoted text, usually bolded and even color coded, I have supplied answers to your queries.
If your questions were honest questions - seeking understanding - those links would have been more than adequate. But we both know that was never the point. Like the cat seeking to 'play' with it's prey, you prowl the climate change threads looking for sport.
Typical of a ignorant propaganda spewing liberal.
There it is again - a political 'accusation'.

What is one to make of it? That this is not a science debate for you - and never has been. This is wrapped up in politics. Shall I call you a 'redneck'? Would you be pleased if I did so? I wouldn't. This issue has nothing to do with politics - or shouldn't.
Not one bit of real science or scientific methodology utilized.
Hold on a second - are you a scientist who is utilizing scientific methodology? You are expecting me to be doing so? What?
I assume you are a layperson, pixel. I have never gotten the impression that you are a working scientist.
In fact, would you be able to discern 'real science'? It appears not from everything you have ever said. Do you understand 'scientific methodology'? Would you be able to identify such? Appears not since you routinely identified manxman's postings of 'junk science' as 'real science'.
Feel free to copy paste yourself to death.
Thank you.
I will acknowledge your existence when you grow up
Okay. Is that a promise?
and discuss this topic like a man.
Ah well, there you've got me. Can't help you with that. Sayonara.