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Thanks for this opportunity to at least attempt to share out of bounds stories with others. One experience that I have had involves my family. My two children and I have on more than one occasion heard a girl's voice say "hello". My daughter has also had paper fly off her desk and she claims to have seen my sons bed covers move quickly down the bed about a foot. The "hello" experiences are revisited often as freaking my children out experiences.

One question I had related to another shared experience. Has anyone ever heard of the stars disappearing and then reappearing possibly due to lost time? I mean all of them!
Being psychic/medium and a paranormal investigator I have seen many ghosts.Some appear to me in form as if they were alive.Others are etheral or see through.They haven't showed themselves as unfriendly to me but rather anxious to communicate with their loved ones.When I do paranormal investigating we try to debunk whatever we see or hear.If there is no credible explanation we ususally get evidence that it is a spirit.Since spirits come to me I totally block my gift of seeing them when investigating a home or site unless it becomes absolutely necessary.In our paranormal investigations our aim is not merely to prove the existence of spirits or ghosts but to cross them over to the other side where they belong.I see spirits/ghosts so much that I take it as fact.It isn't a good idea to invoke or approach them without experience because there are some ghosts who enjoy frightening people and you may bring something through that you wish you hadn't.
I've learnt that protection is necessary. Is that what you do? Once I went in do help a friend get rid of something nasty in her flat and found that I'd brought it home with me! Never again!!!
Mantid encounter #1

I encountered this same entity a second time, several years later, for a longer duration of time...but I'll have to write about that another time. I like to imagine that I'm not insane, so if anyone out there has had similar encounters, I'd appreciate hearing about it.

I for one would really like to hear the second mantis story.
Mantid encounter #1

I for one would really like to hear the second mantis story.

I've started to write about that a few times, but didn't get very far before I stopped. Not only is it uncomfortable emotionally to ponder the details of the incident, but it is almost beyond the ability of my writing skills to describe some of the details because it was so profoundly weird. I am interested in trying DMT to compare it to the event. I would love to find out that it was a hallucination caused by endogenous brain chemistry.
Here's a brief summary with many details excluded.
I'm in the barn and notice my cat is acting very strange. I go to see what the cat is seeing and it feels like tiny droplets are falling from the ceiling. At first I can't see anything but then the droplets become more visible. It almost looks like it's raining purple Kool-Aid. My body gets heavy and my neck goes limp and I go to the floor and sit. I notice that I should be freaking out by now, but I am completely calm. I hear a ringing tone and instinctively mimic the tone with my voice. I lift my head to look up. It's very difficult to open my eyes, but when I do there is this giant mantis head right up near my face and I'm not in my barn. It starts to fade out and become transparent and I can see the space I'm supposed to be in through this superimposed scene. The tone changes and I change to match it. This seems to bring me back to the 'other' place. There is a 'screen' superimposed over my field of vision with lots of 'data' being rapidly streamed. It reminded me of the p.o.v. shots from the first 'Terminator.'
The mantid never touched me, but it seemed to be touching and manipulating points around me. The way it moves almost reminded of a Balinesian dancer. I manage, with some difficulty to look up and there are three humanoid, hooded beings behind some sort of control panel further back in the room. I seem to be sitting in a circular depression in the floor. The mantid puts its head right up near mine again and my gaze falls. Everytime I try to look aroud this happens. The process of cross-fading between realities, and then refocusing into the other via the vocal tones continued. The mantis is making these clicking sounds. I sense that it is trying to teach me a word or a phrase and I start spontaneoulsy uttering syllables. There is a sort of meter in the lower right corner of the 'data screen' and when I get the right syllable a line hovers in the middle of this meter. After a while I have a short phrase in an unknown language. I had the impression that I was to repeat this phrase when and if I encounter 'them' again. I don't now how long this lasted or how it ended, at some point I just went blank.
That's enough for now. I am starting to break a nervous sweat. If there were a single event in my life that I could erase from my memory, this would be the one. It left me feeling like a circuit that was engineered to handle a 9 volt current had just had 1,000,000 volts pushed through it and now all the capacitors had ruptured and leaked that sticky brown stuff all over the circuit board.

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Mantid encounter #1

:eek: Oh wow, skunkape....I really appreciate you sharing this much with us!!

How fascinating...if terrifying! I can't imagine 'recovering' from an episode like that...and going about one's daily life very easily....:eek:

And you know...while reading it, it gave me strange feelings and thoughts trying to visualize what you were experiencing!

I can't wait for the next installment, tho! For now, I'm gonna re-read it a few times......

Utterly fascinating.......


I've started to write about that a few times, but didn't get very far before I stopped. Not only is it uncomfortable emotionally to ponder the details of the incident, but it is almost beyond the ability of my writing skills to describe some of the details because it was so profoundly weird. I am interested in trying DMT to compare it to the event. I would love to find out that it was a hallucination caused by endogenous brain chemistry.
Here's a brief summary with many details excluded.
I'm in the barn and notice my cat is acting very strange. I go to see what the cat is seeing and it feels like tiny droplets are falling from the ceiling. At first I can't see anything but then the droplets become more visible. It almost looks like it's raining purple Kool-Aid. My body gets heavy and my neck goes limp and I go to the floor and sit. I notice that I should be freaking out by now, but I am completely calm. I hear a ringing tone and instinctively mimic the tone with my voice. I lift my head to look up. It's very difficult to open my eyes, but when I do there is this giant mantis head right up near my face and I'm not in my barn. It starts to fade out and become transparent and I can see the space I'm supposed to be in through this superimposed scene. The tone changes and I change to match it. This seems to bring me back to the 'other' place. There is a 'screen' superimposed over my field of vision with lots of 'data' being rapidly streamed. It reminded me of the p.o.v. shots from the first 'Terminator.'
The mantid never touched me, but it seemed to be touching and manipulating points around me. The way it moves almost reminded of a Balinesian dancer. I manage, with some difficulty to look up and there are three humanoid, hooded beings behind some sort of control panel further back in the room. I seem to be sitting in a circular depression in the floor. The mantid puts its head right up near mine again and my gaze falls. Everytime I try to look aroud this happens. The process of cross-fading between realities, and then refocusing into the other via the vocal tones continued. The mantis is making these clicking sounds. I sense that it is trying to teach me a word or a phrase and I start spontaneoulsy uttering syllables. There is a sort of meter in the lower right corner of the 'data screen' and when I get the right syllable a line hovers in the middle of this meter. After a while I have a short phrase in an unknown language. I had the impression that I was to repeat this phrase when and if I encounter 'them' again. I don't now how long this lasted or how it ended, at some point I just went blank.
That's enough for now. I am starting to break a nervous sweat. If there were a single event in my life that I could erase from my memory, this would be the one. It left me feeling like a circuit that was engineered to handle a 9 volt current had just had 1,000,000 volts pushed through it and now all the capacitors had ruptured and leaked that sticky brown stuff all over the circuit board.

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Mantid encounter #1

I've started to write about that a few times, but didn't get very far before I stopped. Not only is it uncomfortable emotionally to ponder the details of the incident, but it is almost beyond the ability of my writing skills to describe some of the details because it was so profoundly weird. I am interested in trying DMT to compare it to the event. I would love to find out that it was a hallucination caused by endogenous brain chemistry.
Here's a brief summary with many details excluded.
I'm in the barn and notice my cat is acting very strange. I go to see what the cat is seeing and it feels like tiny droplets are falling from the ceiling. At first I can't see anything but then the droplets become more visible. It almost looks like it's raining purple Kool-Aid. My body gets heavy and my neck goes limp and I go to the floor and sit. I notice that I should be freaking out by now, but I am completely calm. I hear a ringing tone and instinctively mimic the tone with my voice. I lift my head to look up. It's very difficult to open my eyes, but when I do there is this giant mantis head right up near my face and I'm not in my barn. It starts to fade out and become transparent and I can see the space I'm supposed to be in through this superimposed scene. The tone changes and I change to match it. This seems to bring me back to the 'other' place. There is a 'screen' superimposed over my field of vision with lots of 'data' being rapidly streamed. It reminded me of the p.o.v. shots from the first 'Terminator.'
The mantid never touched me, but it seemed to be touching and manipulating points around me. The way it moves almost reminded of a Balinesian dancer. I manage, with some difficulty to look up and there are three humanoid, hooded beings behind some sort of control panel further back in the room. I seem to be sitting in a circular depression in the floor. The mantid puts its head right up near mine again and my gaze falls. Everytime I try to look aroud this happens. The process of cross-fading between realities, and then refocusing into the other via the vocal tones continued. The mantis is making these clicking sounds. I sense that it is trying to teach me a word or a phrase and I start spontaneoulsy uttering syllables. There is a sort of meter in the lower right corner of the 'data screen' and when I get the right syllable a line hovers in the middle of this meter. After a while I have a short phrase in an unknown language. I had the impression that I was to repeat this phrase when and if I encounter 'them' again. I don't now how long this lasted or how it ended, at some point I just went blank.
That's enough for now. I am starting to break a nervous sweat. If there were a single event in my life that I could erase from my memory, this would be the one. It left me feeling like a circuit that was engineered to handle a 9 volt current had just had 1,000,000 volts pushed through it and now all the capacitors had ruptured and leaked that sticky brown stuff all over the circuit board.

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Few questions, no problem if you don't want to discuss it further.

You feel as if you were being controlled? Or was it through your own will that uttered the words?

Any possibility of a LSD (or similar drug) type of flashback?

What do you think of the Jim Sparks case? Bogus? Relate to anything he reports?
Mantid encounter #1

Few questions, no problem if you don't want to discuss it further.

You feel as if you were being controlled? Or was it through your own will that uttered the words?

It absolutely felt like I was being puppetted.

Any possibility of a LSD (or similar drug) type of flashback?

I can't say I never took a drug that I was told was LSD a time or two.

What do you think of the Jim Sparks case? Bogus? Relate to anything he reports?
I've gotta go back and refresh my memory on Sparks. Is that the guy Dave asked where he went to relieve his bladder while on a spaceship?

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Mantid encounter #1

Yes, that's Jim.
I'm kinda picking up the same thing off him that I pick up off Strieber. I am convinced that they experienced some seriously weird shit at some point. I'm afraid that when one starts writing books about these experiences and trying to sell them for a living, they start to believe their own imaginations a little too much. I'm not calling them liars. I'm just saying I don't go around talking about dreams like it's physical reality. I'm a little insulted that the aliens haven't given me "semen-extraction." Does that mean I'm not worth propagating?
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Mantid encounter #1

Ugh, I don't know how I'd be able to take seeing a giant insect-like Praying Mantis face so close to mine *shivers*

And how long ago did these happen to you?

I'd be so glad that they didn't physically mess with ya, and hope they don't decide to do so should you ever have another encounter with them!

Your story DOES sound sorta trippy...like a bad acid trip or something. But fascinating, nonetheless!

Please continue when you're ready.....


I'm kinda picking up the same thing off him that I pick up off Strieber. I am convinced that they experienced some seriously weird shit at some point. I'm afraid that when one starts writing books about these experiences and trying to sell them for a living, they start to believe their own imaginations a little too much. I'm not calling them liars. I'm just saying I don't go around talking about dreams like it's physical reality. I'm a little insulted that the aliens haven't given me "semen-extraction." Does that mean I'm not worth propagating?
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Mantid encounter #1

Ugh, I don't know how I'd be able to take seeing a giant insect-like Praying Mantis face so close to mine *shivers*

And how long ago did these happen to you?
I believe it happened in '97, maybe '98, and seemed to be the culmination point of about a year of weird experiences. I had UFO encounters at least 3 times leading up to this. What's odd is there was no emotion at all while it was happening, I should have been terrified, but I wasn't at all. After I woke up I just kind of put it away and didn't really think about it for a long time. When I did start digesting what had happened, at first I felt fear . Over time fear evolved to extreme anger and socially-disabling paranoia. I started keeping guns and knives within easy reach, as if that would do any good. I don't really know how to feel about it now. I've let the fear and anger go, which has eased the paranoia. It's just so damn frustrating not knowing what it was or why it happened. I would be willing to go through it again if I thought there were answers to be had.
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Mantid encounter #1

What's odd is there was no emotion at all while it was happening, I should have been terrified, but I wasn't at all.

I'm familiar with that state, I associate it with a different level of consciousness (for lack of a better term). For myself it's happened often in the time when I've just awoken, where I feel totally normal and lucid but I'm still in some sort of altered state. For example, when the black cat shadow creature was in my bedroom. Normally I would have expected to be very startled about something like that, but I was very nonchalant about it.

But considering that you and many others have entered this similar state in ordinary waking consciousness, I think it's possible that this state is being produced by some natural or artificial emission, and when in range of this emission one can perceive these other strange things.

I know that most people are desperate to either hear "These things are real like a grasshopper", or "These things are imaginary like a pink elephant", but I don't think the true answer is quite that simple.
Mantid encounter #1

For example, when the black cat shadow creature was in my bedroom.
Several people, including myself have seen what we dubbed the "ghost cat" at the house I grew up in. It got on my bed when I was little kid and I pulled the sheets over my head and lay there terrified until I went to sleep. I think my young nephew saw it recently. He was excited and pantomimed "kitty" and "monster." My brother asked him if he saw a kitty monster and he nodded yes. He refused to go back in the room until someone did a walk through to show him there was nothing there.
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Mantid encounter #1

I'm a little insulted that the aliens haven't given me "semen-extraction." Does that mean I'm not worth propagating?
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Hi skunkape,

Joking aside, that last part of your post has had me thinking all day about
whatever it was that you saw, and it's possible intentions.

What I mean is, though your comment may have been meant as a funny aside, we dont actually have any real knowledge of what any alien lifeform may want to do with human semen, and our immediate assumption that our genetics are of importance to them might be just a distraction.

You mentioned recently an experience you had where you felt as though you were seeing the world shift between two seperate realities, one fading to reveal the other and back again. All that reminded me a lot of the series of books by Carlos Castenada, detailing his experiences with a Yaqui Indian sorcerer, Don Juan. At some point Don Juan describes seeing a persons true self as being like an egg shaped body of light with tendrils emenating from just beneath the navel as it were. I know that sounds a bit wacky but please bare with me.
I read all of those books years ago and have very mixed feelings about Castenada's stories. All very interesting stuff but by the end of the first book I think he had lost his mind, probably had to be that way to continue his journey, whatever. Don Juan on the other hand, I felt had some interesting things to say.

We're all familiar with the "kirlian" hand image on The Paracast logo for instance, perhaps we are visible to other lifeforms like that and once again in reference to Don Juan, thereby completely readable to the practiced eye, a bit like a squid or octopus I guess. What I'm driving at is I think, perhaps we might already be in some sort of contact with other lifeforms via different states of conciousness from time to time. The fact that we dont recall much of it might well be essential for us to continue with our mundane little lives.

Thoughts? Especially Brandon :)

Mantid encounter #1

Hi skunkape,
What I'm driving at is I think, perhaps we might already be in some sort of contact with other lifeforms via different states of conciousness from time to time. The fact that we dont recall much of it might well be essential for us to continue with our mundane little lives.

Perhaps we have mundane little lives because we are unaware of all but the tiny fraction of 'Reality' that appears to be 'real' to our limited awareness.
Actually, I'm going to discard "Perhaps" and just point out the obvious... our primitive brains are simply incapable of knowing the 'Whole' of the workings of reality. It took me some time, and much stress, to deduce this obvious fact.


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I just joined this forum and thought I'd introduce myself. I suspect I'll be mainly a lurker since none of my experiences are remotely as strange as some described here (and frankly, for the most part I hope it stays that way).

I've seen "black triangle" aircraft twice, once in daylight and once at night. I'm sure that both were military stealth fighters/bombers, since neither made any unusual maneuvers and I live not far from an Airforce base. The one I saw at night flew right over me and I could hear jet engine noise as well.

On a few occasions I've seen what might be called phantom satellites. I'm sort of an amateur sky watcher and often look at stars and whatnot when I'm out at night. If I see what looks like a satellite I'll usually try and memorize its path across the sky and the time so I can identify it after I get home. Once in a while when I check the web ("Heavens Above" is a good site) nothing will be listed that seems likely to be what I saw. Not much to go on I know. Probably there are satellites that aren't listed, or the listed time/track is wrong (or I got the time/track wrong!), or maybe a high-flying aircraft can look like a satellite (don't know about that).

Anyway, like I said I'll probably be more of a lurker. I'm fairly skeptical anyway -- I believe strange things happen to people, but some of the explanations put forth sound even stranger. I do like listening to what people have to say though.

Hello everyone out there, I am just wondering if anyone has experienced street lights going out as you pass under them. I never really thought much of it, but my girlfriend brought it to my attention that this is a nightly occurance for me. Never the same lights, always at night, always as im driving.

Anyone ever heard of this occuring with such regularity?
I have had a -lot- of 'personal experiences' from nearly the beginning of my life. I think I'll share this'un with you'all. You Paracast guys are a bunch of no-nonsense skeptical thinkers, and very down-to-earth, about airy matters. UNLIKE any other UFO forum (except -almost- ATS, at times). Therefore, I would be very curious for your reactions, if you want.
In 1966, I was 6. One afternoon, sometime in the middle of summer, one of my younger brothers, age 5, and I, went wandering away from the family apartment building, down the sidewalk, about maybe 5 blocks. Until we came to this small park which sat just off of a main river. A clump of trees separated the park from the river. Perfect for a ufo to sneak up on ya. So me and bro are playing on the swings and teetertotters, and having fun.
Without any sense of a further passage of time, from that point, here is what I remember next. All of a sudden, like when a scene instantly changes in a movie, it is the dead of night. The sky is totally black, full of stars. I myself am just standing there, like a statue, looking at my brother who is just sitting still, there, on the swing. Like he is in a state of suspended animation. Then, in about a minute, we both reanimate, and say to each other, "We better go home!" So as we were both approaching home, I noticed my family and neighbors outside wandering around. Someone points at us and yells, "there they are!" My mom ran up to us crying, and said, "We have the police out looking for you, we thought you 2 had been kidnapped!"
After that, in the days that followed, I noticed that I had this strange geometrically-shaped burn or bruise mark, on my upper left leg.
< continued from previous). I'm a little skittish about making my posts too long, because one time, I droned on and on in a post, and it decides to go 'poof!' Before I could post. I think my sleeve brushed on some culprit keypad.

In the year after that, I was obsessed with drawing big black shiney sunglasses on every creature and person who I would sit and draw, with my paper, pencils and crayons. I had repetitive dreams that 'Arabs' in their white head-to-toe clothes, wearing big black sunglasses, would drive around the neighborhood in a big black limo, following me, wherever I went to play.

Guys, I DO NOT know what to make of the abduction phenomenon, even after all my experiences in life, and my three decades in ufodum.

I will post my next experiences in succession, as they occurred, as time permits for me.