The Pair of Cats
a.k.a Philip Deane
I don't claim to be a psychic, so I don't have to be right. The fun thing about psychics is that we remember the hits and forget the misses. I have seen too many people get conned by so-called psychics, so I'm sorry Don, but they make me angry. I wish I could believe that she is a psychic. Unfortunately I can't take people like that at face value. I'd love to see her work on someone that practices what she does but doesn't claim to be a psychic, such as Derren Brown or Banachek. Now that would be interesting. If she could read them, then that would pique my interest. Until then I will remain skeptical of psychics.
I'd love to ask her why she hasn't shut people like me up by proving herself to a mentalist.
I have no doubt that she appeared honest and sincere, that's part of being a psychic. Maybe one day I'll be proven wrong and it will bite me in the ass. When that happens I won't feel so bad because we'll have made a huge discovery into the workings of the human mind.
If you and others like the Alarming Randolph were correct , then "psychics" would not exist at all. They would've died a professional(so to speak) death centuries ago because they would have absolutely no credibility at all with anyone. But unfortunately for the amazing beard and the "Movement" they are still out there and that galls y'all no end doesn't it?
The reason they exist is because they offer information, private information specific to the person, that they could not have known. (just ask Don) Oh that's right he already told you! So is he just grossly deceived by her, Angelo, or is he lying!!??
Other than that, the JREF Million Dollar Challenge will be dead in a couple of years and so ultimately will Randiii. But guess what (and i will use my psychic powers here) , I am seeing psychics still working and flourishing in spite of attacks by the Federation/Movement/Gathering as they always will. Most people take about as much notice of what Randi and the JREF have to say as they do world events.
---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 PM ----------
How do you know he didn't have blue eyes? Where you there?Also, what trainedobserver said about her looking into the eyes blue of Jesus - well' he's totally right.