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I don't claim to be a psychic, so I don't have to be right. The fun thing about psychics is that we remember the hits and forget the misses. I have seen too many people get conned by so-called psychics, so I'm sorry Don, but they make me angry. I wish I could believe that she is a psychic. Unfortunately I can't take people like that at face value. I'd love to see her work on someone that practices what she does but doesn't claim to be a psychic, such as Derren Brown or Banachek. Now that would be interesting. If she could read them, then that would pique my interest. Until then I will remain skeptical of psychics.

I'd love to ask her why she hasn't shut people like me up by proving herself to a mentalist.
I have no doubt that she appeared honest and sincere, that's part of being a psychic. Maybe one day I'll be proven wrong and it will bite me in the ass. When that happens I won't feel so bad because we'll have made a huge discovery into the workings of the human mind.

If you and others like the Alarming Randolph were correct , then "psychics" would not exist at all. They would've died a professional(so to speak) death centuries ago because they would have absolutely no credibility at all with anyone. But unfortunately for the amazing beard and the "Movement" they are still out there and that galls y'all no end doesn't it?
The reason they exist is because they offer information, private information specific to the person, that they could not have known. (just ask Don) Oh that's right he already told you!:) So is he just grossly deceived by her, Angelo, or is he lying!!??
Other than that, the JREF Million Dollar Challenge will be dead in a couple of years and so ultimately will Randiii. But guess what (and i will use my psychic powers here) , I am seeing psychics still working and flourishing in spite of attacks by the Federation/Movement/Gathering as they always will. Most people take about as much notice of what Randi and the JREF have to say as they do world events.

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 PM ----------

Also, what trainedobserver said about her looking into the eyes blue of Jesus - well' he's totally right.
How do you know he didn't have blue eyes? Where you there?
If you and others like the Alarming Randolph were correct , then "psychics" would not exist at all. They would've died a professional(so to speak) death centuries ago because they would have absolutely no credibility at all with anyone. But unfortunately for the amazing beard and the "Movement" they are still out there and that galls y'all no end doesn't it?
The reason they exist is because they offer information, private information specific to the person, that they could not have known. (just ask Don) Oh that's right he already told you!:) So is he just grossly deceived by her, Angelo, or is he lying!!??
Other than that, the JREF Million Dollar Challenge will be dead in a couple of years and so ultimately will Randiii. But guess what (and i will use my psychic powers here) , I am seeing psychics still working and flourishing in spite of attacks by the Federation/Movement/Gathering as they always will. Most people take about as much notice of what Randi and the JREF have to say as they do world events.

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 PM ----------

How do you know he didn't have blue eyes? Where you there?

You're so classy Phil, talking about Randi dying. You don't think he's done great work exposing people like Peter Popov? Thousands of people gave that asshole money, he was proven to be a liar, and guess what, people still want to believe in him and they are still giving him money. Just because psychics are still around does not make them valid. No psychic has ever been able to prove their power in any way that is satisfactory - when faced with tests, they break down. Look at what happened with Uri Geller. Who exposed him? Randi. I'm not saying that Randi is always friendly in his methods, but at least he isn't screwing people out of their money.
I doubt Don is lying - if he is I have grossly misjudged his character. I do think that he was deceived by his guest though. You should see the amazing things a psychic can pull off.

I wasn't there, but we can be quite certain that because of his heredity, if he did exist, Jesus probably looked like an Arab man of the present. She's just going by what she has seen in popular culture.
Who knows, maybe she is psychic, but we'll never know. And I'm certain that she doesn't care what I think anyway, people like me don't go see psychics. I think they're a waste of time.

However, once she proves her powers, I'll gladly support her in her practices. Guess what? I have psychic powers - I predict that she'll never prove it in any quantifiable way.
I don't claim to be a psychic, so I don't have to be right. The fun thing about psychics is that we remember the hits and forget the misses. I have seen too many people get conned by so-called psychics, so I'm sorry Don, but they make me angry. I wish I could believe that she is a psychic. Unfortunately I can't take people like that at face value. I'd love to see her work on someone that practices what she does but doesn't claim to be a psychic, such as Derren Brown or Banachek. Now that would be interesting. If she could read them, then that would pique my interest. Until then I will remain skeptical of psychics.

I'd love to ask her why she hasn't shut people like me up by proving herself to a mentalist.
I have no doubt that she appeared honest and sincere, that's part of being a psychic. Maybe one day I'll be proven wrong and it will bite me in the ass. When that happens I won't feel so bad because we'll have made a huge discovery into the workings of the human mind.

Also, what trainedobserver said about her looking into the eyes blue of Jesus - well' he's totally right.

So, what do you make of Don admitting that she hit the right spot with him on an undisclosed subject ? I am far from a 'believer' in anything. but when people with their mind in the right place are startled, it is something to ponder in my opinion.
I've heard that before and it makes no sense whatsoever to me. No, this being the only life you will ever have makes this life richer and vastly more important and significant.

Again, that makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. What difference would it make? None. The inability of people to accept the harsh reality of life and death has created the many and varied afterlife myths that humanity has created.

Why? Who would? The many street orphans of Haiti, India, and Washington D.C.? What about the chronically ill, or the thousands of people who lie in their own filth everyday dependent on others for every body function? Those guys want to come back to that or worse? Fantasizing about "heaven" or whatever is just wishful thinking. By all appearances you get one trip on this ride and you're done. It should motivate one to make good use of your time.

You have a point but life is about all experiences which hope is one of them my fellow human. The Paranormal experiences is some type of slide door within our reality of living and enjoy it while you can and hey who knows whats at the end of the electronics hub of death unless you have a hotline to the afterlife realm. I rather think its your own thoughts and concepts which is freedom of speech:)
You're so classy Phil, talking about Randi dying. You don't think he's done great work exposing people like Peter Popov? Thousands of people gave that asshole money, he was proven to be a liar, and guess what, people still want to believe in him and they are still giving him money. Just because psychics are still around does not make them valid. No psychic has ever been able to prove their power in any way that is satisfactory - when faced with tests, they break down. Look at what happened with Uri Geller. Who exposed him? Randi. I'm not saying that Randi is always friendly in his methods, but at least he isn't screwing people out of their money.
I doubt Don is lying - if he is I have grossly misjudged his character. I do think that he was deceived by his guest though. You should see the amazing things a psychic can pull off.

I wasn't there, but we can be quite certain that because of his heredity, if he did exist, Jesus probably looked like an Arab man of the present. She's just going by what she has seen in popular culture.
Who knows, maybe she is psychic, but we'll never know. And I'm certain that she doesn't care what I think anyway, people like me don't go see psychics. I think they're a waste of time.

However, once she proves her powers, I'll gladly support her in her practices. Guess what? I have psychic powers - I predict that she'll never prove it in any quantifiable way.

What so we should have a medal stamped for Him? The James Randi Medal of Honour"? Big deal. That million dollars could have been put to better use. Like donating it to those who truly need it like the impoverished or starving not some pompous, bullshit challenge that no-one even cares about.Unfortunately he and his take the diametric opposite of the people he exposes. And should be afforded about the same amount of credibility.
Everyone dies eventually, you, me even Randi. Him probably before any of us. I believe he would have to be in his 80s now. I hope he lives a deal more yet, truly:)
So what if he exposes Popov, Geller and such? If people gave them money then more fool them! Same with Sylvia Brown and others like them. You can't stop people from being stupid and doing little to no research on these people.
If you have never seen a psychic then how are you making your judgement of them? From here-say? Taking the word of others? So you just don't believe in psychic ability therefore it doesn't exist? Because science hasn't proven it? All of the above?

Those who make it their mission to expose psychic ability must be extremely sad and miserable people with nothing better than to fight a losing battle and suffer immense frustration and angst as nobody seems to be taking notice. I see that there are just as many psychics operating as ever and the "movement" doesn't seem to be putting a dent in their operations.

Being psychic isn't exclusive. All humans are psychic. The word "psychic" means pertaining to the soul or mind. Most psychic events are mundane and not noteworthy as such. They make up the everyday stuff that most take for granted.
What so we should have a medal stamped for Him? The James Randi Medal of Honour"? Big deal. That million dollars could have been put to better use. Like donating it to those who truly need it like the impoverished or starving not some pompous, bullshit challenge that no-one even cares about.Unfortunately he and his take the diametric opposite of the people he exposes. And should be afforded about the same amount of credibility.
Everyone dies eventually, you, me even Randi. Him probably before any of us. I believe he would have to be in his 80s now. I hope he lives a deal more yet, truly:)
So what if he exposes Popov, Geller and such? If people gave them money then more fool them! Same with Sylvia Brown and others like them. You can't stop people from being stupid and doing little to no research on these people.
If you have never seen a psychic then how are you making your judgement of them? From here-say? Taking the word of others? So you just don't believe in psychic ability therefore it doesn't exist? Because science hasn't proven it? All of the above?

Those who make it their mission to expose psychic ability must be extremely sad and miserable people with nothing better than to fight a losing battle and suffer immense frustration and angst as nobody seems to be taking notice. I see that there are just as many psychics operating as ever and the "movement" doesn't seem to be putting a dent in their operations.

Being psychic isn't exclusive. All humans are psychic. The word "psychic" means pertaining to the soul or mind. Most psychic events are mundane and not noteworthy as such. They make up the everyday stuff that most take for granted.

You have no idea where the million dollars came from, do you? Read up on that before you judge.
I've seen enough of psychics lie to people about emotional issues to judge that I get angry when I hear about them.
In the end, believe in them if you wish. If it makes you happy, who am I to judge. I just hope that people don't change their lives drastically because of what so-called psychics say.
Yeah, I think everyone here watches tv too. Are you just trying to be 'the Paracast sceptic' these days ? It sure feels like it, but carry on.
No psychic has ever been able to prove their power in any way that is satisfactory - when faced with tests, they break down. Look at what happened with Uri Geller. Who exposed him? Randi. I'm not saying that Randi is always friendly in his methods, but at least he isn't screwing people out of their money.
I doubt Don is lying - if he is I have grossly misjudged his character. I do think that he was deceived by his guest though.

I wasn't there, but we can be quite certain that because of his heredity, if he did exist, Jesus probably looked like an Arab man of the present. She's just going by what she has seen in popular culture.
Who knows, maybe she is psychic, but we'll never know. And I'm certain that she doesn't care what I think anyway, people like me don't go see psychics. I think they're a waste of time.

However, once she proves her powers, I'll gladly support her in her practices. Guess what? I have psychic powers - I predict that she'll never prove it in any quantifiable way.

Angel, You live in Canada, and the're should only be a short time difference between you, and California? What don't you take the time to phone in next time she is on the show?

It should only take up till five or ten minutes of your day. Now Angel, you are convinced, she is a fraudster and con artist. Well Don, could set it up that you get more time with her on the show, and you can ask her questions about you and your family that she should not know at all!!!

The most common eye colour for Arab men is Blue and Brown.

Isreal, has been a state a country for over sixty years, it can be one of the hottest places on the planet to live in. Yet the Jewish population is mainly white skinned some are slightly tanned and some are dark. Yes, lot of Jews came from a European Background and the climates were cooler in Central Europe, But genetically speaking the Jewish race might not have that dark pigment associated with darker races and even in Biblical times their skin might have had a lighter tone. I can't say either way, I don't know.

But if you check out some of the Pharaoh mummy Photograph's, the mummies had pale skin and red or blonde hair. Figure that one out for yourself!!

Anyway, this Jesus Character was said to have been born from a women, but still was he not the son of God or someone very special? Jesus might have been quiet the character, and very different looking and unusual person to look at back then?

---------- Post added at 12:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ----------

Yeah, I think everyone here watches tv too. Are you just trying to be 'the Paracast sceptic' these days ? It sure feels like it, but carry on.

I can't remember him being so militant when David was around, Lance has turned him into a monster only messing.

Him and Lance are valuable assets and they make you think, but they both need to recognise and stop being asses about it, and accept the UFO phenomenon for what it is, a real unknown. Angel needs to wake up and smell that beautiful rose. Governments have been communicating between each other about a topic, that shouldn't exist (check out the Cosford and Belgium sightings) Frequently Angel the Skeptic community are the ill-informed ones around here not us.
I like different viewpoints even if they differ with my own a whole lot, but right now I don't 'get' Angel, I like him and Lance, but to me some of Angel's 'skepticism' just seems forced the last few days or rather weeks.
I like different viewpoints even if they differ with my own a whole lot, but right now I don't 'get' Angel, I like him and Lance, but to me some of Angel's 'skepticism' just seems forced the last few days or rather weeks.

I'll be honest with you - psychics bring out the worst in me. Maybe she is for real, but unless she's tested by a pro, we'll never know for sure. And by pro I mean someone that is well versed in the art of mentalism. Look at what magicians are able to achieve by playing with our minds - what they do looks paranormal, but they freely admit it isn't.

Before we buy into the idea that she is truly achieving something that has never been proven, we must look at what others are able to do without saying it is paranormal.
And no, my skepticism is not forced - it's just that a few things in the last few weeks have lead to a lack in critical thinking.
I am not going to stop you from believing in psychics - people should decide for themselves. I will be happy to admit I am wrong about her when she proves herself.
I'll be honest with you - psychics bring out the worst in me. Maybe she is for real, but unless she's tested by a pro, we'll never know for sure. And by pro I mean someone that is well versed in the art of mentalism. Look at what magicians are able to achieve by playing with our minds - what they do looks paranormal, but they freely admit it isn't.

Before we buy into the idea that she is truly achieving something that has never been proven, we must look at what others are able to do without saying it is paranormal.
And no, my skepticism is not forced - it's just that a few things in the last few weeks have lead to a lack in critical thinking.
I am not going to stop you from believing in psychics - people should decide for themselves. I will be happy to admit I am wrong about her when she proves herself.

Hey Angel,

as I said before, I don't believe in anything per se, though I keep an open mind and I trust in my critical thinking to call out bullshit. The problem is, how can one evaluate other people's experiences ?

I myself haven't met or seen a psychic I trust, but as I said before, if she convinced Don, I'm more open minded towards the person. If that makes me a fanboy, so be it.

I also think that most people here are skeptics to a certain degree, I haven't read a post here that said openly that space brothers will save us, or dreck to that degree. As said, I like you, but I still think you sometimes overdo the 'skeptical approach'. I'd like to think that most people here are not a confederacy of dunces.
My mother thinks she has some psychic ability. She honestly believes it. Unlike some I have been to a psychic. In fact 3 of them. My mother and I were looking for a family member. We were told that member was dead, alive but living in a far off place and possibly in danger, and lastly alive but seriously ill. In fact, it was none of these. The member was living relatively close and was in good health and doing quite well for themselves.

The one that claimed the member was dead tried to play it off as if she were communicating with them. Of course it was complete crap. That would all but have done it for me. But, while in High School a small girl went missing from an elementary school. There was a large search and nothing was found. Then, from someplace like Alabama or Georgia or something the Police in my small town got a call where a woman described the surroundings of where the girl could be found alive. She was playing and fell into a essentially an old country storm drain. You guessed it, they found her there.

Now before we all get too excited, the police station had calls from about 10 other psychics with wide and varied descriptions of things. Why they took this one seriously, I have no clue.

So I don't know.

I have also seen some amazing illusionists. Chris Angel is amazing. Simply amazing. Lance Burton makes you want to believe that perhaps he is using magic and just disguising himself as an illusionist. But, in the end it's all a trick. So, I get where Angel is coming from. One of the psychics my mother and I saw was damn convincing. In fact we left that particular meeting feeling as though she were the real deal. I believe that my mother went back to her several times even after we found out that she had been dead wrong. For my mom, it was a release. Somewhat like religion. When you are shown not to be in control of how things turn out, it can be a stress reliever and burden reducer. I think this is why the profession exists in a whole.

I think it is possible that this exists. Somewhat like an honest politician or a salesman that isn't full of shit. I'm sure they are out there but you have to wade through a see of charlatans to even catch a glimpse of the real deal. Even then...
My mother thinks she has some psychic ability. She honestly believes it. Unlike some I have been to a psychic. In fact 3 of them. My mother and I were looking for a family member. We were told that member was dead, alive but living in a far off place and possibly in danger, and lastly alive but seriously ill. In fact, it was none of these. The member was living relatively close and was in good health and doing quite well for themselves.

The one that claimed the member was dead tried to play it off as if she were communicating with them. Of course it was complete crap. That would all but have done it for me. But, while in High School a small girl went missing from an elementary school. There was a large search and nothing was found. Then, from someplace like Alabama or Georgia or something the Police in my small town got a call where a woman described the surroundings of where the girl could be found alive. She was playing and fell into a essentially an old country storm drain. You guessed it, they found her there.

Now before we all get too excited, the police station had calls from about 10 other psychics with wide and varied descriptions of things. Why they took this one seriously, I have no clue.

So I don't know.

I have also seen some amazing illusionists. Chris Angel is amazing. Simply amazing. Lance Burton makes you want to believe that perhaps he is using magic and just disguising himself as an illusionist. But, in the end it's all a trick. So, I get where Angel is coming from. One of the psychics my mother and I saw was damn convincing. In fact we left that particular meeting feeling as though she were the real deal. I believe that my mother went back to her several times even after we found out that she had been dead wrong. For my mom, it was a release. Somewhat like religion. When you are shown not to be in control of how things turn out, it can be a stress reliever and burden reducer. I think this is why the profession exists in a whole.

I think it is possible that this exists. Somewhat like an honest politician or a salesman that isn't full of shit. I'm sure they are out there but you have to wade through a see of charlatans to even catch a glimpse of the real deal. Even then...

Agree there is charlatans out there :rolleyes:and just a few who really have some special gift.:exclamation: Why do you think all the famous individuals such as Churchill , Hitler, Napoleon, Montgomery.actors, powerful people , politicians etc use psychic.