Brian Now
Paranormal Pimp
I also liked the short discussion on the Jins. My friend is Muslim and was telling me about the Jins and basically Jeff Rittzman's experience in his driving to Ocean City after being detoured to Ohio, sounds exactly how Jins are described which as Phil pointed out, also correlates to Native American beliefs.
I knew a Saudi girl who told me she came out of her shower once and saw a Jinn standing in her room. She said it looked like a human but had no eyeballs. Apparently, it wanted her to turn her music down. Make of that what you will, but I think she really believed that this happened. Most Muslims I have asked about Jinn just say "I have to believe in them, because they're in the Quran", but it doesn't seem like there's that much stock put into the subject. They're supposed to be a sort of parallel race, not necessarily a superior one and Muslims have told me Jinn can be good and bad just like humans. Interesting idea.
I really want to know if Imbrogno actually sent David that tape.