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Thomas Fusco Show - April 15, 2012

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I've listened to Fusco on other shows, and I do reckon I need to have a second listen in order to fully grasp what his theory is really about. This is the kind of show not cut for multitasking >_<

In any case it's refreshing that people are trying to come up with theories that might expand upon --NOT completely disregard-- the current materialist paradigm accepted by mainstream Science. Whether Fusco will be the one leading that paradigm change remains to be seen.

It's also refreshing that he's proposing testable experiments that could be conducted either to prove or disprove his theories. I hope something can come up from Chris' offering to do just that.

As for the discussions in the previous comments re. God, whether its an unknowable concept or not, IMO I think 'God' is one of the many examples of how limited the transmission of communication through language is. 'Soul', 'Love', 'God' are words that we are trying to filter out through our analytical left-brain, when in reality these are concepts that can never be fully understood through reason alone.

It's through Gnosis, to a direct right-brain mystical experience that you can approach a minimum of understanding of these concepts.

I don't pretend to ever rationally comprehend the nature of God. I just aspire to feel the touch of the Divine --balls to bones ;)
But I agree, even the purest of water gets tainted if it comes through a rusty pipe.

The funny this is, everyone seems to think their pipes are delivering the goods.

While some insight into reality may come through contemplative or meditative states, when those insights contradict reason and observable reality they must be delegated to the realm of subjective reality or fantasy.
The funny this is, everyone seems to think their pipes are delivering the goods.

While some insight into reality may come through contemplative or meditative states, when those insights contradict reason and observable reality they must be delegated to the realm of subjective reality or fantasy.

That's why you should never accept any transmitted material at face value, yet not dismiss it out of hand ;)
That's why you should never accept any transmitted material at face value, yet not dismiss it out of hand ;)

Everything I have examined to date that is claimed to have been transmitted material has proven to be less than reliable and bearing no evidence of being anything other than the products of the human imagination. Some of it is good stuff mind you, some of it not so much. I posed the question in another thread, "Where is the evidence for any non-human intelligence or wisdom in any alleged sacred text or alien communication?"
Everything I have examined to date that is claimed to have been transmitted material has proven to be less than reliable and bearing no evidence of being anything other than the products of the human imagination. Some of it is good stuff mind you, some of it not so much. I posed the question in another thread, "Where is the evidence for any non-human intelligence or wisdom in any alleged sacred text or alien communication?"

In Darklore vol. 3 Michael Tymn contributed with a very interesting essay involving "the excavation of the Glastonbury Abbey ruins in England. Frederick Bligh Bond, the architect and archaeologist hired in 1907 to excavate the ruins, decided to employ a medium and contact long-dead monks who had lived at the abbey for information as to where to dig. Over a period of some 12 years, interrupted by World War I, Bond received more than 60 messages from the monks directing his excavations. Many of them were exact to the inch. Some, however, were a little off due to overlapping construction over the centuries. The monks sometimes disagreed among themselves as to how things were in the abbey's heyday." [reference]

Maybe not the 'smoking gun' you were looking for, but it's tantalizing ;)

But I see what you mean, and it's something of a conundrum: we would judge the value of a 'transmitted communication' to be higher if it were to convey information that was outside the knowledge of the recipient. But then, how would the recipient be able to provide such information, that necessarily has to be filtered through his mind and subconscious, if it's beyond its comprehension --or maybe beyond anyone's comprehension?
Finally got around to listening to the show. Mr. Fusco was the BEST guest Gene has had on in a very long time, maybe even the best guest EVER!

He is obviously a very wise, deep thinker, carefully balancing a very rigorous use of logic, reason and deduction with the cold, objective, empirical scientific method, while folding in an openness to classical forms of philosophical/metaphysical speculation on the existence of a Creator whose reality is wholly separate and outside of our own. He deserves to be commended on the very ambitious work he is undertaking, and I hope it won't be long before he makes another visit to The Paracast. I feel like this program only scratched the surface.

Mr. Fusco's whole approach and attitude towards the paranormal is a true breath of fresh air. I won't mention names, but soon after listening to this program, I listened to another podcast produced by younger personalities in this field--their names seem to carry a lot of weight and respect among listeners to The Paracast. But as I listened, the thought struck me that they sounded like broken records. Their conversation boiled down to a lot of sighing and whining about how they're just so bored by this field. Stories of new sightings don't excite them anymore, and they're just tired of the whole thing. It's as though no one else "gets it" except for them, and they seemed to really enjoy bitching to each other about how annoying everyone else is.

Mr. Fusco, agree with him or not, sets a wonderful example that I hope others in the field will follow.
One more thing: So often, I've heard personalities on The Paracast and other shows talk about how religious people would totally lose it if a saucer ever landed on the White House lawn, and we found out the truth after all of these years. How fun it was for me to hear Mr. Fusco point out that many personalities in the field of the paranormal would be threatened by such a revelation, because the claims and pet theories they have based their reputations on would suddenly evaporate into the ether :-)
Was I the only one who couldn't understand what is Mrs Fusco day job?

The part when the guest was referring to using iPod touch to measure Earth gravitational field distortion made me chuckle -:)