Paranormal Novice
I just listened to the Fusco fiasco. I have a B.Sc in Physics from the University of Winnipeg. All my life I have kept up on the field as it is my muse. Mr. Fusco is in error, his theory is foolish and uneducated. It was painfully obvious that he is just shucking a book to the uneducated masses. I had to openly laugh at many places, was his intention to be a comedian? I do not know where to start as the whole thing is laughable. Reasoning by analogy is never a tenable position, that is all he does. Bringing the Bible into what is supposed to be a physics discussion almost made me swallow my tongue. Bringing the Bible into a conversation of what is real with what people wish to be real, is a huge disconnect. Its like trying to measure emotions in Pascals. God does not explain anything, it has NO place in science. By definition it can not. Anyway how does he know which God created the Universe, it could have been Zeus, Mithra, Zamiel, or hell even Scooby-Doo.
This episode is only good as diversionary laugh, not Chris or Genes fault, they were great as always.
My listening habits are asynchronous and I’m only just catching up with this episode. Thanks for expressing so well what I was thinking – and actually having the credential to do it. I suspect the look that physicists give him as he ‘reconfigures their education in about two minutes’ isn’t shock and awe at all, it’s more of a ‘back slowly away no sudden moves’ look.