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Thoughts/Dreams Coming True

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Paranormal Novice
I have just started listening to the podcasts and checked out the forums and found this discussion which seems perfect to post my strange personal experiences. I have 3 weird/unexplainable to me happenings in the past 10 years. I'm sure there have been more, I just don't remember them all.

1) One morning before I left for school, Junior year in 1998 I was feeding the cats. They got half a can of wet food in the mornings. The extra got put in fridge with aluminum foil to keep it somewhat fresh. As I was putting the aluminum foil on the can out of nowhere the thought of, "What kind of idiot would cut themselves on the metal strip where you cut the foil." I go down the street waiting for the school bus, one of the students barely makes it in time to get the bus. Someone asked him what took him so long, because he's usually always on time. He told them that he had cut his finger on the metal strip of the foil as he was wrapping up his lunch for the day.

2) This happened the night before Stever Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter died. Depending on the time zones it probably happened at the time of his death. I was laying in bed and for no reason I popped up and say, "Crikey!". Scared the crap out of my wife. Then while sleeping I have a dream of what seemed to be somebody drowning and trashing around in water. I wake up the next morning to find out he had died while out on the water.

3) There was a neighbor of mine when I was about 5 or 6 who I'd help pick strawberries and other odds and ends in her garden. My mother had kept in touch with her after we moved away. One day I was wondering how she had been doing since I hadn't heard about her for awhile. This was about 5 years ago. My mother called to let me know that she had passed away earlier that day.

Not sure if this is common or if anyone has experienced anything like this. The house next to my neighbor, I just mentioned, we strongly believe was haunted after some of the experiences I had there. Could any of this be related? I also had a strange thing happen with a house catching fire down my street in 1999. Any insights would be appreciated, or at least knowing that I'm not alone in this.
you are not alone! lots of us have mentioned having some sort of precognition going on at various times. others have written about some very strange things happening in their lives, you should feel right at home with the rest of us. :D
It is a common experience., with a lot of history. The telling of which elicits speculation, support and ridicule. But no definitive answers. Welcome.
I share your feelings on experiences such as these. When I was a very young boy, our next door neighbors were an elderly couple. The woman was what I would call a gypsy and always had her rituals and odd beliefs. Her husband was a WW2 veteran and a beer drinking and smoking type. She claimed to be a Christian and I remember her talking about longing to go home to heaven and such. She was diagnosed with cancer and died pretty quickly.

The night she died, I was visited by her in a dream. I was playing outside in my dream as I did throughout the summer and she walks up to me and kisses me on the forehead. She tells me to be a good boy and to take care of my mother. As she walked off, she looked back and smiled. I remember waking up that morning learning from my parents that she had passed away.

I have also had flashes now and then of events happening. Once I had an image come to me of my father crashing into a deer that was crossing the road. I called him and felt that I needed to tell him to be careful. Not many seconds after telling him what I seen he had a deer rush out in front of his car. The damage was minor to the vehicle but it was weird that it happened.

The best example so far that I can think of to share is of a dream I had many years back when I was in high school. The dream was one of those where you feel like it is really happening. It was very short. It was the day before my wedding and a dark haired cutie with big brown eyes comes up and kisses me. She tells me that she is most excited and is on her way to get her hair done for the big day. When I woke up, I shrugged it off because I didn't recognize this girl and I wasn't even dating anyone at the time. Now here is the wierd part. When I met my current girlfriend, I was shocked because she is the person in my dream that I had forgotten about. I didn't tell her about it until recently. Now we are not married yet but are making plans. It will be interesting to find out if the exact events from my dream take place. I withheld some of the information from her to test the validity of it when or if it happens.

I posted a related topic last night. Please check it out and tell me what you think!

Genetic memory being accessed by dreams? - The Paracast Community Forums
This has happened to me as well. One night as I was sleeping I had this dream of a bunch of people stealing a car in my parents driveway. I woke up with such a strong feeling (which is usual) that this actually happened. Well I go to get breakfast and what do I find out? The car in our driveway has been stolen.

At first it blew me away and I couldn't understand how I could have such a strong feeling, and then it actually happened. Took me awhile to grasp it, and after thinking about it for awhile I think I know what happened.

At my parents house in the summer I would always sleep with my window open. What I think happened was the kids actually did steal the car at night, and I heard them doing it through my window. This probably made its way into whatever I was dreaming about at the time, and turned it into "kids stealing car". So when I woke up and had this sense that someone stole our car, it was because I actually pysically heard them do it. It makes it crazy because I heard them while dreaming, so you can't be too sure of whats going on at the time.

Does that make sense to anyone?
It makes perfect sense. I have had the same kind of thing happen to me many times. I think that it explains why some dreams seem so real at times because your ears are picking up something unconsciously while asleep, and your brain is trying to make sense of the input and interprets it into your dreams. I don't have this happen much anymore now that I have been living on my own for a few years, but when I was younger and living with five other people in the house making much noise, it happened more often.

The dream I explained above was different since it happened years ago in high school, and I recognized my current significant other from my dream just last year when we met. It has only been in the last couple of months that we have talked seriously about getting married. I will have to wait and see if the dream itself comes true. I wonder if dejavu has something to do with dreams like this. Maybe we have the chance to view our lives before we are born, and we recall events in dreams and spurts of dejavu? Anyone else have input on that idea?
I've always had the thought that deja vu was just a brain mishap. I think there's 2 ways you get info into your brain; from whats happening right now, and from recalling memories. I think dejavu is your brain mis-wiring signals coming from the now, and making them seem like they are coming from recalled memory. This is why it feels so much like we've already experienced something thats happening right at that moment. You're interpereting info from the now, as info from the past. Then your brain goes "Wait, what? Didn't we already do/see this?"

Thats just my theory anyways.
The entire fate/free will dilemma is something I do think about. I also think that Dejavu could be a form of remembering the future. Maybe certain key events like who you marry might be more set in stone than like when you drive to the grocery store.

I also think that if you didn't remember the dream so well and wonder about it, if and when this event took place, it would have a stronger dejavu feeling.
You focusing on the event could change the event. I think this topic is too complicated to put into a linear perpective.
My wallet has been missing for about 4 days. I've looked hard thru my messy cabin repeatedly.

THis morning, as I lay in my bed, I thought to myself: "Where is it?"

And, this thought pops in my head. In the corner of the couch, wrapped up in that old blue blanket.

I get up, and the first thing I do is shake out that blue blanket on the couch - and PLOP, out comes my wallet.
having had a strong deja vu event save my bacon once, I don't think it is a mistake of what we are experiencing now by a nano-second or so sooner.
We were on our way home to visit my folks, I had a distinct memory of being in the area we were driving through many years prior (and I was only 19 so how does that figure as 'many') so wasn't as worried as hubby when the gas gauge went down to empty. we were basically lost.

I saw an army truck up ahead a quarter mile or so, and felt very confident we would be okay. I turned to hubby and told him to turn left and follow that army truck and about 5 minutes down that road will be a gas station.

When we got to my parents' house, I chatted away to my mom about how lucky it was that aunty so and so had driven that way when I was small...
my mom swore up and down I had never ever been in that province without her before I got married.

so, mis-remembering by a nano-second doesn't cut it when the object you remember from before is more than 5 minutes away.

I KNOW I have been around the block before. Either that, or I am chock-full of randomly appearing ESP... some of you out there may be so unkind as to say I am chock full of something, all right :D
It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that has these odd things happening to them. My wife informed me of a few other small ones that I have forgotten, but don't look at them as a big deal.

I just find it hard to tell some people, because they think I'm nuts. First thing that comes out of their mouths is, "Make sure you don't think about me at all."

It also seems to happen in spurts with me. I'll have a few things happen during one week. Then nothing at all for awhile. I've also had some strange things happen at my house when I was between 2-5. Maybe that's connected to all of this. But who knows, just another crazy mystery.
Fascinating! There are so many different kind of psychic or precognitive experience we can have. I've had a number of different experiences over the years. One was particularly disturbing from about six years ago:

My mother use to have a tight group of friends from work she would socialize with. A few years after she left the company she heard all the old gang were getting together for a Christmas party at one couple's home. My sister dropped her off and she asked me to pick her up later and come to the party for a while. I knew many of the gang, but only a few more than casually.

I arrived at the party and immediately took my place leaning against a wall on one side of the living room and began listening to war stories from their old job. There were about 6-10 people in the room at any one time, sitting and standing, and usually they'd take turns talking, so only one person had the floor at a time.

About 20-25 min. goes by, I have not moved from my wall spot, and they are just ending a long story about the manager named Bill. I knew Bill well as he was one of the nicest people in the group and was close to my mother. I was wondering what he would think of this story. Too bad he was not here.

All of a sudden from my side of the room I hear Bill's voice responding to the final joke! I looked over to my left and there he is; sitting in a chair in plain site not 15 feet from me. I was quietly freaking out because I'd gone around the room when I arrived and thought I'd said hello to everyone, but I'd never seen Bill or spoken to him. He then stood up to finish his part of the story and that's when I really got the shakes.

It was as if he was partly transparent to me, like someone had slid his Photoshop opacity control to about 75%. I could see straight through him. Then immediately two words popped into my head; "broken" and "death". This was so disturbing to me all I could do was stand there just looking at him as he slowly became fully solid. It kept racing through my mind; "how could I have missed seeing him for 20 minutes when he was only 15 feet away sitting in a chair?"

I said nothing about this to anyone. Hung out at the party for another hour or so and then left with my mom.

About one month later I get an email from my mother; Bill was badly crushed in an automobile accident and died later the next day from his injuries. SHOCK! I sat for maybe an hour without moving recalling what I had experienced the previous month. This was my very first precognitive experience.
WOW!, that's incredible ghostrocket!, very interesting though sad also.

It's testimonies like that, that always get me thinking about the psychics that act upon the signs such as you experienced, does their intervention always save that person about whom they recieved the message?, or does that little thing called fate still have its way?; if they are saved, is that why we get these signs from time to time?,and if so then does fate actually exist at all?:confused:
about fate; I came to think it does exist, and so does free will.

the two can exist together if we consider the following theory or hypothesis:

we all are meant to fulfill our fate, or destiny. we are born for that, and once our fate or destiny has been fulfilled, we move into free will territory if our fate was not to die to fulfill someone else's fate. bit confusing, but if your purpose in your death was to enable the fulfillment of someone else's fate or purpose in life, then of course, you don't move into free will.

but, if the part of your life that pertained to your or someone else's fate is now complete, then the remainder of your life is now ruled by free will.

That puts you into the part where you never know which segment of your life you are in, so you had better make good choices in your free will, but still allows for 'grand design' applications to the lives of all.

example: a person is born and their fate is to die in a certain manner in order to conclude a lesson they needed to either learn or be part of giving to someone. so, they don't get the free will part.

another is born and their birth was part of a life lesson for someone else's life, so they have free will their entire existence this time around.

a third person fulfills their destiny half-way through their life, so the remainder is free will.

so, in each scenario, you live until your destiny/fate is fulfilled, and depending on your fate, the rest is left up to chance.

That allows for those seemingly miraculous escapes from death we hear about, when somebody should have died, but didn't. Like the flight attendant who fell out of an airplane at 30 000 feet and lived. Whatever her destiny, she hadn't fulfilled it at the time of the explosion, or it was her fate to be the lone survivor against all odds.

never knowing if you have accomplished your destiny keeps us all guessing.

that is a rough idea of a theory that has been growing in the back of my mind for some years, apologies for the rough draft of it as my 'eureka' moment on it is some years back!
I totally forgot I posted about this. Nothing has calmed down 8 years later. I just forget to write everything down or keep tabs on it.

Latest incident was today:

I was listening to my Pandora Radio station today at work (Epic Rap Battles of History) and a Linkin Park song comes on. That was followed by a Jay-Z song. It was solo Jay-Z, but it was a song that he did with Linkin Park on their Collision Course album. Anyways, I got to thinking I should start making a Linkin Park station. Went to break shortly after and that is when I found out that Chester had passed away this morning.

Also today on the way home work, I stopped at Wendy's to get some dinner to go. Went through the drive-thru and had a strange feeling they forgot my straw. Got home, unpacked everything, and sure enough. No straw to be found. Not the biggest thing, but still....

Another one from the past:

One morning I woke up before high school. Without even thinking I started going through my morning routine, making lunch, feeding the cats. I just happened to look at the clock on the stove and saw it was 5:15, not 6:15. I was young and tired, so I went back to bed. Woke up shortly after, hearing someone pounding on our front door and police lights outside my house. I get up, again, and answer the door. It was my neighbor panicking about a house down the street on fire and we need to get out of ours because of the houses running on the same gas line.

Here it turns out, the fire started at the time that I woke up. Everyone made it out ok, but I wonder if I was up for a reason and screwed it up. I wouldn't have the seen the fire from my house at the time, but could I have helped someone. Maybe the sound of it somehow woke me up? Still bothers me today. A lot of this stuff bothers me actually.

Also wondering if the cats are involved.... (I have two now, as well.)
I totally forgot I posted about this. Nothing has calmed down 8 years later. I just forget to write everything down or keep tabs on it.

Latest incident was today:

I was listening to my Pandora Radio station today at work (Epic Rap Battles of History) and a Linkin Park song comes on. That was followed by a Jay-Z song. It was solo Jay-Z, but it was a song that he did with Linkin Park on their Collision Course album. Anyways, I got to thinking I should start making a Linkin Park station. Went to break shortly after and that is when I found out that Chester had passed away this morning.

Also today on the way home work, I stopped at Wendy's to get some dinner to go. Went through the drive-thru and had a strange feeling they forgot my straw. Got home, unpacked everything, and sure enough. No straw to be found. Not the biggest thing, but still....

Another one from the past:

One morning I woke up before high school. Without even thinking I started going through my morning routine, making lunch, feeding the cats. I just happened to look at the clock on the stove and saw it was 5:15, not 6:15. I was young and tired, so I went back to bed. Woke up shortly after, hearing someone pounding on our front door and police lights outside my house. I get up, again, and answer the door. It was my neighbor panicking about a house down the street on fire and we need to get out of ours because of the houses running on the same gas line.

Here it turns out, the fire started at the time that I woke up. Everyone made it out ok, but I wonder if I was up for a reason and screwed it up. I wouldn't have the seen the fire from my house at the time, but could I have helped someone. Maybe the sound of it somehow woke me up? Still bothers me today. A lot of this stuff bothers me actually.

Also wondering if the cats are involved.... (I have two now, as well.)

Life is full of these little curiosities. How do you think we might explain them?
I've had plenty. Though none were of major current events.

Only one event really sticks out:

I was in high school sitting in a creative writing class, which I now realize is incredibly ironic. It was pretty slow going near the end of class.

How I recognize these "events" happening is when the surrounding scene all of sudden presents itself in 'exceptional clarity.' (I don't know how else to describe it.)

A fellow student, who was seated two rows to my left and one row ahead, had his head down taking a micro-nap. Seeing this beforehand everything clicked. He was going to lift his head and do slow gaze around the room.

A few seconds later, he raises his head and does a slow gaze around the room. When he gets to me I raise my finger to my mouth giving the "Shhh, stay quiet" motion. His eyes go wide. I think he's seen this moment before as I have. He appears a little shaken up by it but nothing too noticeable.

The bell rings. We get out to the hall and I ask him if he saw that moment before it actually happened. He says yes and that it was really weird.

It was the only time I've ever had one my dejavu/precognition moments confirmed by someone else. Think what you want about this story. If you think it's complete B.S., I don't blame you, but, for me, it provides some element of truth to these dejavu/precognition 'dreams.'
A lot of these things are what Jung would call synchronicity. I had a couple of dreams of mundane things that have come true, but this was when I was much younger. These days it usually manifests with things. If I'm looking for something that I don't personally own, it usually comes to me, or I'm able to find it at a thrift store for cheap as opposed to buying it new somewhere. This has been the case with even rare items or items that would cost me lots of money if I had to buy them new.

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