I think the UFO field is a big mess said:The search for ufos, is (in a way), a search for ourselves. We LEARN about ourselves and our fellow man by looking deeply into these events. All things were not MEANT to be known. After 30 years of extensive reading, participating and inter-acting with the phenomena, all I can tell you that what it's done for me has made me more AWARE of the subtleness of the synchronicities in my life. I agree with Gene that the ufo "field' has become a land mine. But I urge you all to SEEK, because by continuing to read, continuing to study, you expand your OWN connection with the universe. Not only do you learn about phenomena and realize it is a time/space/electromagnetic accompaniement to our known dimensions, but it helps you to filter all those people/places and events that you encounter.
Although I am really no further along in my understanding of "ufos" after 30 years of research, I DO see a subtle thread underneath it all that is bringing out a great awareness within society. And I think that comes about by accepting an abnormal, constantly changing, unpredictable paradigm.