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I cant really explain it for sure i have never been to mars,Irishseekers, if you are right then, are you implying that the obvious erosion of the rock has been achieved with flowing water; that would be interesting. Also, the presence of a large amount of water could explain why the stone seems out of place (comparing it to the ground around it).
It has been suggested that it is a piece of ejecta from an impact crater but, if it is, it must be very unusual for a piece of exploded rubble to be that shape; I also find that very interesting.
Nasa probably already knew it was a rock .The conspiracy started with us not nasa if you no what i am getting at.What about the rover tracks that I mentioned above?
Very true in what your sayingOne thing cheeses me off about the NASA website; it is so vague. The descriptions that go with the photos are designed for small children. Why don't they provide more in depth explanation so that you could actually learn some of the science behind their reasoning?
And I suspect that the photos they choose to put on their site are not the most interesting ones; it's like a badly managed tabloid newspaper. Presumably, the mundane explanation is that they want as many of the public as possible to feel that the site is accessable however, this is a poor excuse to treat everyone like ignoramouses.:exclamation:
Are there still people who believe everything NASA says? Amazing.