Paranormal Adept
Those are powerful forces that serve to reinforce our utter helplessness regarding choice.
It's true that our species is also defined by biological and social traits, and the biology we tend to associate most with choice and free will resides in our brain. If we have any choice or free will ( in the generic sense ) it's only because we think we have choice, and although there are those who might dispute this fact, the vast majority of evidence suggests that there's not much thinking that can go on without a functioning brain. A couple of decades ago I came to the independent conclusion that based on logic and the biology of the brain, choice and free will ( in the generic sense ) must be illusory.
Since then I've seen a couple of articles that tend to scientifically confirm my own pondering, and there are even a few links to supporting scientific evidence strewn about the forum. But basically it boils down to the idea that conscious thought doesn't arise simultaneously ( everywhere in the brain in a single flash ), but begins in some region of the brain possibly even a single synapse among billions, and then spreads out to link up with other synapses until hundreds of millions of connections are established and a conscious thought based on those connections emerges. Although this happens fairly rapidly, it still doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of connections that are made take place before the thought is fully formed and we become aware of it.
The above being the case, if we are literally unaware of what our next thought will be, we cannot have possibly had any conscious choice in it's formation. It simply happens automatically and it works so well that we see the process as seamless and thus becomes the illusion of conscious choice. In reality, with respect to any given thought, our mind is already made up before we ever become aware of it. Between this fact and the fact that the vast majority of the universe leaves us no choice as to how it operates or our general place in it, and the points you made above, there's simply no question that we're little more than specks of dust on the cosmic wind whose existence is governed by forces of nature still beyond our understanding, let alone our control.
NOTE: On an unrelated point of interest. There's a tidbit in the "New Ted Roe Interview" thread nobody seems to have noticed yet. Skip the politics in the first paragraph ( your already familiar with that ), and check out the Extreme Ball Lightning comment. It's hard not to draw parallels between the two events mentioned, although they are separated by many years. New interview with Ted Roe. | The Paracast Community Forums
Nice post.. I think you nailed it down in the first paragraph there my friend and I also have come to much the same conclusion.
Not much more I could add to this myself.