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Tonights episode 11-4-07

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Good point about Roswell Woody. If the US shot it down then why did Mac Brazel stumble on the wreckage? Surly the US government would've known about a downed UFO and got to it before anyone else.
First of all, I admit I didn't finish listening to the interview. I only made it half way through, which is strange for me. The other posts here pretty well describe the impression Bushman gives. Couple that with the easy ride he seemed to be getting and I was left feeling like I was listening to C2C almost :eek:

well, not that bad obviously, but still!
Man, I've listened to this thing a couple of times now...and I don't think it was a bad interview AT ALL. I think it was a good interview. I mean, yeah, he rambles, he dominates, he obfuscates...in short, he talks like a scientist. He doesn't want to get pinned to conjecture. And yeah, he goes on about his achievements a bit more than I care about.

But the cool thing about him is that he's a major science player that's willing to look at these issues without preconception. Take the Lazar stuff, for example. I think he gave us a different perspective by putting the information in context (and as far as the dissappearing records go, maybe you guys should pitch that to Richard Dolan the next time he's on, he may have an interesting take on the subject). He's not saying it's true or false, but he looks at what he considers as evidence and gives a probabilistic conclusion. Then there's the antigravity stuff. He indicated that some of the principals are known and being actively worked with. And you can't just disregard that information when forming a hypothesis as to where the UFO's are coming from.

Just so we're all clear, I'm not necessarily refuting anything that's been stated before my post. I'm just saying that there IS good information here. Don't just write him off. Worth having him on again? Maybe, but I'd spell it out for him how it's going to go before the interview, maybe give him a list of the sort of questions, etc. Or maybe just email him the list of specific questions, let him reply and post it here. The guy's got answers, but he's a rambling old coot, and probably motives for being elusive. Expect him to be that way, but listen to what he says.
I think this was an interesting interview, and Bushman has a unique perspective. Everyone fancies himself as a person who would "follow the data, theory be damned", but few people walk the walk. Usually a person's preconceptions come out in their dialogue, and Bushman comes across as a person who actually follows this maxim in practice. The majority of the world is unknown (in my opinion), and one learns about an unknown by treating it as an unknown. It's refreshing to hear someone of his level of educational indocrination who has the flexibility of mind to stray away from the indocrination, which informs our culture's intelligensia of what is "known" and restricts what is allowed.

Then again, just because his point of view appealed to me doesn't mean that he necessarily helped us in solving any of the mysteries we're trying to tackle... which I'm guessing is one of the reasons for G&D's disappointment with the interview.

But to be fair, I did get the impression that (beyond finding out if Bushman had seen ufos or alien reproduction vehicles) G&D didn't have a definite direction in the interview, which sort of left a space for him to ramble within.
This was great. The great self-styled Paracast Interviewers who "ask the hard questions" and claim they have developed a reputation as 'tough interviewers' who intend to 'dig deep' had their butts handed to them like a well done turkey on a silver platter. This guy knows so much about so many topics that he is just irrepressible. I was doing a bunch of baking, kneading bread, making croutons, and stuff and I just couldn't stop laughing. Made the two hours which are otherwise kinda boring go very fast. After a few minutes it was very obvious he wasn't going to risk violating his security oath, but he gave so many hints on anti-gravity that there is no reason someone couldn't take that data and go duplicate the experiment. I also really liked his 'follow the data where it leads' attitude, though I think he didn't apply his own dictum to Lazar. I agree with the hosts 100% on that one. Gimme a Lazar break. What a scam! I also loved it when he said, "How 'bout you guys? How's the show going?" And you guys replied aghast in a splutter, barely able to form words. Now, you should both probably practice in the mirror: "I am the interviewer; he is the interviewee!" Say that 20 times before each show to get yourself into the mood.

It was a great show, lots of energy and lots of fun. Thanks very much.
Change the bumper to "You've entered the Ramble-cast: where you never know how long the guest will drone on inccessantly".

Seriously gentlemen, I wouldn't say this is the worst episode you've ever done since "worst" is too subjective but it's easily the most BORING episode you ever done. Speak up, dammit! I swear to god, he went over some of that shit two or three times and neither of you took the reigns! For shame.

As a guest I found him next-to-useless. Nothing new to offer, except an unwaverring confidence in his own work and his "guys". Egotism on parade.
CapnG said:
Change the bumper to "You've entered the Ramble-cast".

er "EERIE Radio" already have a Ramblecast hahaha. Think its into its second week now as part of their new schedule.

Hey, maybe they would like Boyd on there too :)
Frootloop said:
er "EERIE Radio" already have a Ramblecast hahaha. Think its into its second week now as part of their new schedule.

Hey, maybe they would like Boyd on there too :)

God damn... always a day late and a dollar short... damn you, zeitgheist!!
Initially the interview sounded weird. Not at all like a regular Paracast interview. Then I stopped it and started it again after being interrupted by my work (a kind of "Boydus Interruptus" if you like).

This time i listened to him and through the somewhat eccentric explanation style that he delivered i found him to be very interesting with a extremely different "take" on things! LOL :)

Thats the thing, you really had to listen to each and every word he said, carefully.
I could hear that it was hard for Gene and David to get the interview flowing along in any kind of order or sanity. Kudos to you both for allowing him to "ramble" as such. I don't think that any other interviewers would have been successful in reigning in the seemingly tireless Mr. Bushman. Especially ones like David Sereda who was behaving like an armless man with a hard on in "From Here to Barometer" .
Definately not the worst of interviews, probably one of the best. :)
Damn, that was boring. I just finished listening to it on Wednesday morning.

Usually I listen to the episodes on Monday morning, but I just could not get through this one.

I'm glad it's over.

Wow, this one was pretty bad. Definately the worst of the batch that I've heard at least.

I wasn't familiar with Bushman up until this episode, and now I find him completely uncredible.

He rambled, he obfuscated, he wouldn't allow the interviewers to ask questions, and he went on and on about this and that but never really said anything.

Disappointing to say the least, but I'm sure the next episode will help make up for it.

I wouldn't ever have this guy on again, and if by some stretch of the imagination you do, please ask him some TOUGH questions and make sure you get an answer.
Soulcore said:
Wow, this one was pretty bad. Definately the worst of the batch that I've heard at least.

I wasn't familiar with Bushman up until this episode, and now I find him completely uncredible.

He rambled, he obfuscated, he wouldn't allow the interviewers to ask questions, and he went on and on about this and that but never really said anything.

Disappointing to say the least, but I'm sure the next episode will help make up for it.

I wouldn't ever have this guy on again, and if by some stretch of the imagination you do, please ask him some TOUGH questions and make sure you get an answer.

One thing we noticed: Whatever you asked him, he would return to his canned patter. Interrupting the guy would probably not alter the programming.

I suppose that in itself says a lot -- or not! :D
Gene Steinberg said:
One thing we noticed: Whatever you asked him, he would return to his canned patter. Interrupting the guy would probably not alter the programming.

That's exactly what I meant. You guys would ask a question and he would give a couple of words to the answer, then pause and go into something completely unrelated.

I love the paracast, but this one was hard to get through.

I want a paracast focusing on chemtrails btw, my area of obsession ;)
Gene Steinberg said:
One thing we noticed: Whatever you asked him, he would return to his canned patter. Interrupting the guy would probably not alter the programming.

I suppose that in itself says a lot -- or not! :D

Are you sure you werent interviewing a recording? ;)
Cheezy, man.
Just another old weapons tech babbling about his 'involvement' with development work and looking for some answers by himself. Moving on....NEXT!!

You know the old saying.."It takes one to know one."

I'll give you guys a call when I build the antigravity demonstration. If Podkletnov doesn't beat me to it by accident (He went belly-up when his superconductors started producing pushing forces..huh...I wonder why his funding dried up and all of NASA's horses and all of NASA's men couldn't put one of his superconductors together again..).
Meanwhile, the chickens are hungry, the firewood needs stacking, and winter's on the way. In other words, I've got better things to do for now. My public duty gland was removed by a bully in high school, and I am therefore excused from saving universes.
What a difference between last week with Joe Citro and Bushman. Whenever I hear someone like Citro who does not claim to know anything about what is going on and all he claims to do is offer some ideas and then you have Bushman who sounds like a congenial old man but an old man full of bullshit. Well, I know who I would rather listen to.
Paranormal Packrat said:
I worry one day, someone will come forward with a lot of answers, and we will all, except the woowoos dismiss the person lol. Scary thought.

Yes, will we recognize the real answers when they're given? What a concept!
Gene Steinberg said:
Paranormal Packrat said:
I worry one day, someone will come forward with a lot of answers, and we will all, except the woowoos dismiss the person lol. Scary thought.

Yes, will we recognize the real answers when they're given? What a concept!

Damn, Gene. You need to get rid of the old man avatar, and get the superman one back. That was faster than a speeding bullet, your reply. Hopefully the "what a concept" wasn't sarcastic. I'll forgive you if it was though:)
Paranormal Packrat said:
Gene Steinberg said:
Paranormal Packrat said:
I worry one day, someone will come forward with a lot of answers, and we will all, except the woowoos dismiss the person lol. Scary thought.

Yes, will we recognize the real answers when they're given? What a concept!

Damn, Gene. You need to get rid of the old man avatar, and get the superman one back. That was faster than a speeding bullet, your reply. Hopefully the "what a concept" wasn't sarcastic. I'll forgive you if it was though:)

And more powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings with a single bound.

Look, up in the sky.

It's a bird, it's a plane.

It's a bird!
