Burnt State
Paranormal Adept
As someone said elsewhere on the forum, " I don't think it's possible to take a picture of a UFO."I've been involved with the subject of UFO's since 1979. It seems that all the UFO photo's fall into two categories; blured, fuzzy or out of focus lights/objects/shapes/blobs etc. or super, crystal clear photo's (which always turn out to be models/fake/CGI. This is most frustrating.
It's a bit of a problem, that in the history of UFO photography we seem to have an exceptional amount of unique hoaxes, with classic photos being deemed as hoax late in their career as significant ufo pix. There are still many enduring older photos that are conundrums, but it's true, the best are often hoaxed and then we have blobs of light, or inexplicable late night light patterns. You would think that things the human eye can see should be able to make impressions on emulsion or through pixels, but there is still nothing but debate. To be honest I thought this thread would produce many more interesting images. Maybe people are bored with UFO's?