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Torchwood: Children of Earth

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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
This is a five-night mini series that premiered in the U.S. on BBC America this past week. It represents television at its best, and I highly recommend looking out for the repeats or the forthcoming DVD version. Performances, writing and production are uniformly excellent.
Abso-friggin'-lutely. BBC drama at it's finest. Funny, tragic, heart-wrenching and thought provoking. Definitely one of the very, VERY few things I've seen in recent memory that actually delivered on it's own hype.
Thanks for the heads up,Gene. I am recording it on my Tivo. Will watch when I get a chance.

Loved the Doctor Who series which helped spawn Torchwood. Well written, imaginative, occasionally moving, thoughful, and entertaining. As much you can expect from good sci-fi.
LOVED the few episodes of Torchwood I was watching on BBC there for a while..need to get back into it! And the new Dr. Who was kinda cool, too!:)
Absolutely love Torchwood. The guy who wrote it, Russell T. Davies, is from my home city. The BBC Wales drama unit has been producing some really excellent shows lately, especially Torchwood and Doctor Who. Makes me all patriotic and proud :D. Wales is finally getting known around the world for something other than rugby, coal mines and male voice choirs. Yay!
This is a five-night mini series that premiered in the U.S. on BBC America this past week.

I sure picked a bad week to stop smoking crack.
Also a bad week to tell Direct TV to perform a physically impossible task.

My coworkers and I were addicted to both seasons. We'd manage to locate them before they aired here. I have no earthly idea why they did what they did with the cast (crack?) but I certainly hope this makes up for it and the delay.

The writing on the first two seasons is incredible and seems to speak directly to me. My wife got hooked too. Her favorite moment is the guy with the fish head driving down the street and the old lady saying `Bloody Torchwood'.

I have a weakness for Gwen, even though I tend toward the endomorphs generally.

Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks for the heads up Gene. It will have to be good to take the trophy from 'The Wire' for best TV ever created though.

I look forward to checking it out.
It will have to be good to take the trophy from 'The Wire' for best TV ever created though.

I will second that statement. Loved that show. Unbelievable performances from entire cast. My favorite character got to be Omar, the gay freelance gangster.
I just obtained the 5 episodes and went through 4. Tremendous stuff. The writing has only gotten better. And Gwen has lost weight [swoon].

Can't wait to see Day 5 tomorrow night.
I just obtained the 5 episodes and went through 4. Tremendous stuff. The writing has only gotten better. And Gwen has lost weight [swoon].

Can't wait to see Day 5 tomorrow night.

I've not seen Children of Earth yet ... but ... I do know that you will need a big box of tissues for the 5th episode. So don't say I didn't warn you :D.

ps Dr Who fans ... how cool is Matt Smith??? :cool:
Gene - thanks for the heads up. I've been a Dr. Who fan for decades, but never crossed over to watch Torchwood. I'm between terms and have been looking for something to do, especially since we're getting rain from a tropical storm down here and don't want to get out of the house. I'll rent the series and give it a look over!
Gene - thanks for the heads up. I've been a Dr. Who fan for decades, but never crossed over to watch Torchwood. I'm between terms and have been looking for something to do, especially since we're getting rain from a tropical storm down here and don't want to get out of the house. I'll rent the series and give it a look over!

Torchwood comes to premium cable TV in the near future. It'll be more daring than Dr. Who as usual.