Still dont see whats outrageous... that the B2 has lights on the bottom, or that it looks like a BT. neither seem outrageous to me...
Here's a photo of the ventral area of a B2:
Where are the lights on the bottom? They're not there. So saying that they are in the face of reality seems outrageous to me.
So, right or wrong, I see that as the truth and I cannot ignore it. Not the evidence of my own eyes.
I didnt mis-identify anything, i saw a B2 with lights underneath it, and thought it looked like a BT.
What I mean by mis-identify is that you saw a B2 with its landing gear extended and illuminated and you mistook those lights as surface lights. When I showed you a picture of a B2, you just assumed the lights were there but OFF. You misidentified the nature of the lights; you didn't realize you were not merely suggesting to Siani that she saw a B2. You were telling her she saw a B2 in an anomalous configuration (in normal flight with its gear extended). And I knew that was unwise, and could not ignore it. Now, granted, it might have been convenient to ignore it but...we each have to do what we think is right and hope it mixes up in the proper ratio.
And if I make a mistake, I say I'm sorry and I move on.
I don't know what the FT's are but I know that B2s and other known stealth aircraft are very problematic solutions. Even unknown terrestrial stealth aircraft are problematic solutions.
I was expecting some tirade of abuse following the post so i didnt explain in any more detail.
Tirade of abuse? I've criticized you for not doing the research before your original post, but characterizing that as abuse seems a little extreme.
It wasn't necessary for you to go into very much more detail. You could've just said (in your first post): "It's possible you saw a B2 with it's gear extended. The resulting light configuration resembles FT." That would have been a careful, thoughtful statement. And we would then have explored such a possibility.
We have to accept uncertainty in the paranormal field, thus we must avoid expressions of certainty.
But when it comes to the non-paranormal, we can go and look for ourselves. We don't have to accept anything that doesn't match what we can see with our own two eyes.
Well you keep showing up after every post and picking at them, mostly just misunderstanding the language i use.
Well, in my language, arguing with someone does not make you a stalker. And "...showing up after every post..." is what we do here. As a matter of fact, it's the only thing we do here.