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Trickster Elves, DMT & New World Order

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I am saddened in some off-personal way by this blatant recommendation of mind altering substances. With all due respect a person has grown their entire lives to accept a certain form of identity and consistency and reality in their lives, whether they have faced trials hard and metamorphosing moments, to suddenly recommend and thus introduce a drug to change their perception is just wrong morally. For when one imbibes anything, in any form, they are effectively changing themselves with the very choice to choose to go ahead and trip out on said psychedelic, think of the consequences... They are almost endless...I would encourage a little more kindness toward people before thwarting their current identity and outlook on life in a broad and acute sense of terms, even though a more expanded consciousness could in theory be derived from drug experiences, this idea of recommending substances would be astonishingly abrupt and too sudden for inexperienced misinformed people to go ahead and try, whom read a comment somewhere on a forum and naively go ahead and use DMT or whatever mind altering substance without knowing the risks and likewise perceptive changes in their actual being as a human. Ask yourself if you would want to suddenly know the truth about something ominous and unknown to most people on earth, but then as the road winds more difficult to follow in the path of revelation, in life, you come to know that this truth burdens horrors and waking nightmares of reality no one would have ever known about before imbibing, these people could be debilitated forever, irrevocably so, think twice, please, before expressing the urge to pass on some ideas...and likewise knowledge, beneficial or not, concepts too obtuse for petite undeveloped minds could inevitably hurt and traumatize and stunt said people forever...

Your "sadness" may suggest a lack of understanding of the subject you are approaching, or perhaps you are wrestling with your own fragility. Do us a favor, and respect our right to make a determination on the risks ourselves -this isn't morality kindergarten in here.
Errrr, I just need a pick me up in the morning and I enjoy my coffee with the sports blogs and politcal news and even the occassional netflix flick. :cool:
There is no determination of a risk without the weighed responses, holding back all paths of elimination, what it does, what it could do and what it has done to people, leads to ignorant rebuttal when faced with truth and ultimate negative choices from the go ahead, the use of any drug steps outside the boundaries of healthy constitution, to spread the idea in and of itself is akin to spreading a virus of infectious stupidity in the face of intellect and morality which only human beings use, animals are lower life forms which hold no regard for their environment and those around themselves,killing at will, and destroying that spark of community, they are wrapped up in their selves, forever inherently selfish and misunderstood to anyone around them, for once an animal always the primal disregard for respect and the social structures of higher understanding are effectively out of reach, there are differentiations between the species of human beings right now on earth, this comment is as blind as where it belongs, in the pitiful section on the tier of laughableness, irrevocably in the animal section, for its biasness and sideways approach to life as a whole, living in a cave doesn't mean one knows what's outside and throwing paint and calling it language on a rock wall impedes no one of intelligence whom walk by, looking in at the incoherently muttering animal inside. And besides, kindergarten is where everyone is like it or not, until one becomes a supreme super hero, which none of us have thus far, we all are children in the face of new information flowing into our sphere of appetite, to consume knowledge is paramount, and everyone is by far nowhere near geniuses in every field of study, I would make you a sandwich but I'm all out of common sense for the day.
I'm one of those radicals who believes whatever substance one puts into his or her body is one's own business. What he/she may do thereafter may, of course, become society's business as well. People without good sense will wind up in Darwin's dust bin regardless.

Alex Jones--Somewhere between the Alex Jones ozone layer and reality lies the truth. Don't know just where.
Terence McKenna says, Hi(gh)!:)

Terence McKenna advocated the exploration of altered states of mind via the ingestion of naturally occurring psychedelic substances. For example, and in particular, as facilitated by the ingestion of high doses of psychedelic mushrooms, and DMT, which he believed was the apotheosis of the psychedelic experience. He spoke of the "jeweled, self-dribbling basketballs" or "self-transforming machine elves" that one encounters in that state.

"Now the elves are here but they won't come unless I invoke them."

We can thank walt whitman for my writing style, as I personify his style of formless writing.

I have a hard time reading your "formless" posts. My suggestion is if you want people to really understand your view points, and your points are important just like everyone's, then use a little more form like paragraphs, etc. You do not want me to contact your grammar school teacher now do you?:redface:
I have a hard time reading your "formless" posts. My suggestion is if you want people to really understand your view points, and your points are important just like everyone's, then use a little more form like paragraphs, etc. You do not want me to contact your grammar school teacher now do you?:redface:

Just dont read what you cant understand.
But, if I speak and I say things that are perinieal and true to me and pehaps to you although who is to say what is true and we are all just passing into this particular space at this time judge it not for all is true and all truth is to be true and you are responsible for all truth but no not what the truth is and I who have seen the truth but no you know the truth though you would say you do not or you do understand but as you see if one can look and see but cannot understand then they have to certainly be enligthened by the many words that I can say in a row and I would say to you that if Darwin was going to write a song of creation would he indeed have thought with the brain of a primate or has the Buddha indeed been enlightened under the Banyon tree of salvation and we are as children in this cosmic play! :cool:
And what from the cosmos of thought are we to ever preserve but the Buddhas buddha and the truth of nothing, growing in the garden of that splendor, unmasked by the not so baron ideologies of thought and grammar, do we sit and stare on hands of lead, unperceived by stick or stone, the audience with which we jest and joke and make fools of? Lets say we entertain and fall back on our lust for life and refuge of simple tones and words, covered by the overgrowth of stagnating knowledge and past structure. Understand maybe, is truth ever the true truth, passing amongst the many dimensional spaces, where thought and mind and everything esoteric grasps hold of the fungus we are, encompassed by these endless waters of reality, of time, personified as not so much perinieal , but perennials, coming and going year by year, formless, and then structured and destroyed again by the revelation of constant change, rebirth from the soil of our gods, all imaginative, all created, just as Darwin must have thought, siting on that rock, overlooking his strange island, doth thy evolution squander in the spotlight of persecution, nay sayeth he, and his words became our words and our words will become generational, each child looking on our archaic grammar, laudable would we be to them.
There is no determination of a risk without the weighed responses, holding back all paths of elimination, what it does, what it could do and what it has done to people, leads to ignorant rebuttal when faced with truth and ultimate negative choices from the go ahead, the use of any drug steps outside the boundaries of healthy constitution, to spread the idea in and of itself is akin to spreading a virus of infectious stupidity in the face of intellect and morality which only human beings use, animals are lower life forms which hold no regard for their environment and those around themselves,killing at will, and destroying that spark of community, they are wrapped up in their selves, forever inherently selfish and misunderstood to anyone around them, for once an animal always the primal disregard for respect and the social structures of higher understanding are effectively out of reach, there are differentiations between the species of human beings right now on earth, this comment is as blind as where it belongs, in the pitiful section on the tier of laughableness, irrevocably in the animal section, for its biasness and sideways approach to life as a whole, living in a cave doesn't mean one knows what's outside and throwing paint and calling it language on a rock wall impedes no one of intelligence whom walk by, looking in at the incoherently muttering animal inside.
This single sentence has probably set the record for a run-on sentence posted on the Paracast forum! YIKES!

OK, I absolutely understand and appreciate your point of view on the subject. I respectfully disagree, with a caveat. Until you've been there and done that, how do you know? Obviously, you have never imbibed. That's OK--to each there own.

FWIW: As a teenager struggling with a troubled upbringing in a abusive adoptive family, I personally found the insight gained from the careful, proper use of psychedelics to be invaluable in my process of healing. I was able to discover who I am and how I got to where I found myself as a confused, angry teenager. The profound quality of insight into my own personal process through the use of psycho-active compounds was crucial for my process. Of course, I don't for a second suggest that will hold true for anyone else, but it worked for me, so I refuse to follow your uninitiated lead and throw the baby and the bathwater out with a run-on sniff and an indignant snort.
Or something like that...

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the impressive work of Terence McKenna. If you are not totally cut-off from the concept of the potential positive benefits of there use, I can recommend a number of his impressive talks and workshop recordings addressing the subject...
Wow Hotsoup. You sure do talk purty! :p

What's up Doc?...Bugs Bunny

Oh! Thats not my daughter....Farmer to the Traveling salesman

Is that your boomerang or are you just glad to see me?...Catwoman to Batman "Episode 666" Catwoman Does Gotham 1965 "Unreleased"

Ummmm, donuts! Is there anything they can't do?....Homer Simpson

Celebrate? Celebrate....Damn, I thought you said Celebate...The Pope to Saint Peter.

Tha, tha, tha. Thats all Folks!....Porky Pig!
And what from the cosmos of thought are we to ever preserve but the Buddhas buddha and the truth of nothing, growing in the garden of that splendor, unmasked by the not so baron ideologies of thought and grammar, do we sit and stare on hands of lead, unperceived by stick or stone, the audience with which we jest and joke and make fools of? Lets say we entertain and fall back on our lust for life and refuge of simple tones and words, covered by the overgrowth of stagnating knowledge and past structure. Understand maybe, is truth ever the true truth, passing amongst the many dimensional spaces, where thought and mind and everything esoteric grasps hold of the fungus we are, encompassed by these endless waters of reality, of time, personified as not so much perinieal , but perennials, coming and going year by year, formless, and then structured and destroyed again by the revelation of constant change, rebirth from the soil of our gods, all imaginative, all created, just as Darwin must have thought, siting on that rock, overlooking his strange island, doth thy evolution squander in the spotlight of persecution, nay sayeth he, and his words became our words and our words will become generational, each child looking on our archaic grammar, laudable would we be to them.
Uhh, dude... are you sure someone didn't dose you this morning? You have an interesting way with words. :)
Up until this point Chris I had thought you were a respectable human being who did not make assumptions about people, in this fact I would be wrong, obviously from your post you assume I have not experienced these things, since you do not know me or have not even bothered to inquire what experiences I have had, I still stand by my present, every option concept, for the best informed action, especially when associated with illegal drugs and psychedelics, but not limited to these forms of mind bending experiences alone. And to receive such criticism, however minute from a paranormal interested person, is perplexing to say the least, since every aspect of the paranormal steps outside normal bounds of commonality in society. Which is a main proponent for why paranormal investigators and fans are criticized in the first place, as does my writing style and personification of walt whitmans no boundaries grammar, it's not my fault that you have not remembered or recalled whitmans writings when you read, not sure if you have even read any of his works?

It's dangerous to place ourselves on a single track, allowing for no originality in people and what they say, it spreads the ignorance of acceptance. How to respond to those people is also paramount, because from the get go, we all could be respectable and appreciate the differences between one another. A run on sentence is only applicable when used in structured writing and context, its what most Americans are taught to use throughout their learning school periods in life. Famous writers have stepped outside these grammar hindrances and expanded on forms of writing like run on sentences, to be run on thoughts instead, words one speaks in their minds as a collection of concepts and imagination, like poetry, like whitman, shakespear, dr seus and even Henry David Thoreau, not to mention pablo neruda, all of these people step outside those traditional grammar bounds in an effort to connect with people on the same wave, if other people do not understand or cannot relate, then they have the option to methodically ask questions and try to relate to those people, instead of confronting them with blatant fascist scapegoating of one structured ideals, like grammar in and of itself, which is what fascism personifies, their way or the highway.

Well I don't use the highway, I walk on the grass, so think twice before committing to a train of thought when it is morally wrong from the beginning. So now lets bring up all of the crazy people that created cults around lsd and illegal drugs, committing mass suicides and what not, there has been one light shining on what is good about these things, when theres a whole other side to the story not quite being addressed. I wouldn't care either way, besides stating my opinion that people should be informed of both sides, but a few consider ignorance to be cool or something. So I give you (caveat) a warning, not form me but from yourself, be a little more sensitive and that sensitivity will be returned, isn't that something we learned in kindergarten? Thanks for the reference of Terence McKenna, from what ive read thus far he seems very original.

I was merely responding to tyders mocking run on sentence of my own 'run on sentence' with another, hehe.